Amanda halted. Taking her hand from Percival's sleeve, she faced him. There was nothing wrong with her apricot silk gown with its heart-shaped neckline and tiny sleeves. Percival had been dropping hints ever since he'd stumbled on her during the last Season that he considered they would make a good match. From his perspective, maybe; not from hers. "Mr. Lytton-Smythe, I fear I must comment on your presumption. There is no understanding between us, no connection whatsoever that would excuse your making such unflattering and inaccurate statements regarding my appearance." She looked down her nose at him, grabbed the opportunity he'd presented with both hands. "I am insulted, and would appreciate it if you refrained from approaching me in future."

With a glacial nod, she swept around-

He grabbed her hand. "No, no, my dear. Forgive my foolishness, cowhanded as I am. I seek nothing more than your approbation. Indeed-"

He went on and on until she feared she'd scream. She tried to tug her fingers free, but he wouldn't let go; there was nothing she could do but let him pour out his apologies. Grovel for her forgiveness.

Disgusted, she let him get on with it. Goodness only knew how she was going to disabuse his mind of the err

oneous assumption now clearly fixed in it. She'd tried to ignore him in the hope he'd realize but the sensitivity required to recognize a subtle dismissal was clearly beyond him.

Which left the unsubtle, but she hadn't reached that stage yet.

A violin screeched; Percival paused. She seized the moment. "Very well. You may stand up with me in the cotillion."

The smug smile that creased his face made her want to scream again-the fool thought her irritation had been feigned! Perilously close to real fury, she blocked off all thought of him and concentrated on her real objective. Reggie. He loved to dance; if he was here, he'd take to the floor.

She scanned the dancers as the sets formed. Two sets away, Luc led Emily, proud as punch and totally at ease, into formation. And in the set beyond that, Reggie was partnering a large young lady, one Muriel Brownley.

Amanda grinned. As the music commenced, she looked at Percival; his expression stated he thought she was grinning at him. Erasing all bar the most distant hauteur from her face and eyes, she gave her attention to the dance.

The instant the last chord sounded, she bobbed a quick curtsy. "I fear you must excuse me-there's someone I must catch."

She left Percival standing staring after her. If her mother had witnessed such unladylike behavior, she'd have been called to account; luckily, her mother, her aunt and Lady Osbaldestone were at the other end of the room.

She reached Reggie and his partner before they quit the floor. She exchanged the usual greetings, noting the possessive hold Miss Brownley kept on Reggie's sleeve, and the trapped-rabbit expression in his eyes.

Miss Brownley was a relative newcomer to the ton, no match for her. Amanda chatted brightly, engaging both Reggie and Miss Brownley in an animated discussion of upcoming events.

Miss Brownley didn't notice the time passing.

Not until the violins started up and she realized she couldn't dance the next dance with Reggie. Two dances in a row would cause comment. Having established herself as an old family friend, Amanda suggested Reggie partner her in the dance. Reluctantly, Miss Brownley agreed, and let him go.

"Thank heavens! Thought I was going to be stuck for the rest of the night. Latched on to me the instant I set foot in the ballroom. Mama waltzed off with her mother-and there I was. Snared!"

"Yes, well-" Her arm through Reggie's, Amanda hurried him down the line of dancers. "Let's make sure we fetch up by the door at the end." She bustled them into the position experience told her would achieve that aim.

Reggie stared at her. "Why?" The possibility he might have jumped from the frying pan into the fire was clearly rising in his mind.

"I want to visit Lady Hennessy's."


The dance commenced and they parted momentarily; when they came together, she hissed, "Given what I've just rescued you from, I would have thought you'd be grateful, and only too ready to play least-in-sight."

She let Reggie ponder that for two movements, then added, "She'll find you again if you don't."

Which was true. When they next met, Reggie nodded grimly. "You're right-Lady Hennessy's it is. Much safer, all things considered."

They slipped out immediately the dance ended without encountering Miss Brownley or any other likely to impede their escape. They did, however, encounter another escapee; while waiting in the hall for Amanda's cloak to be unearthed and a hackney to be summoned, they were joined by Luc

Ashford. Sauntering down the stairs, he nodded to Reggie; his gaze sharpened as he considered Amanda. "And where are you off to?"

Amanda smiled innocently, ruthlessly quashing a nearly overwhelming urge to tell him it was none of his business. This was Luc; any such response would have the worst possible effect-he'd become more intent, more determined to learn all. He was a rake with four sisters; she knew his type well. "We're off to the Farthingales'."

Reggie had, as usual, adopted his vaguest expression and left the answers to her; now he nodded. "Cavendish Square."

Luc looked at him. Just looked.