"You've stopped worrying that I'll bite."

She let mock haughtiness infuse her expression; the observation was accurate, but he didn't need to state it.

His moss-agatey eyes remained sober. "Why do you trust me?"

That was not a question she'd expected to be asked. She searched, but could find only one answer: "Because you're you."

His lips quirked, then he looked ahead, negotiating the turn.

Should she be more wary? The only message her senses sent her was one of unequivocal satisfaction; being in his arms felt right, totally safe. Difficult to feel nervous.

The music ended; they resumed their perambulation around the room, spending time with the many who had decided to cultivate the Earl of Dexter. If she'd thought him naive, she'd have worried, but the looks they exchanged left her in no doubt that he knew how to value such acquaintances.

However, quite aside from the shared glances, she was aware of his eyes returning again and again to her face; he was trying to read her thoughts.

Her court had dispersed-his never-failing presence at her side had made his intention clear. No other gentleman could match his attractions; the rest had given up vying for her hand. Unchallenged, he led her in to supper. Seating her at a table by the wall, he fetched two plates piled with delicacies.

They'd barely settled to their feast when another gentleman and lady approached. Amanda glanced up-and blinked.

"Mind if we join you?" Luc Ashford, as ever the epitome of a heartbreaking rake, raised a fashionably weary brow. Balancing two plates, he favored Amanda with an abbreviated bow.

Beside him, Amelia smiled her thanks as Martin rose and drew up a chair for her. "We spotted you from across the room. We've hardly had a chance to exchange two words."

Luc set down their plates, then drew up another chair,,placing it beside Amanda, diagonally opposite Martin. "I had thought the ton held no interest for you, coz."

"So had I." Martin's smile was easy, but his gaze had grown sharp. "There are some parts I could still do without, but"-he shrugged-"needs must."

Amelia laughed. "You've certainly caused a stir. Why-"

Letting her twin's light chatter flow past her, Amanda inwardly frowned. She knew Martin well, but she'd known Luc forever. If she thought of Martin as a lion, Luc had always been a black leopard, sleek and lethal.

Right now, Luc's hackles were up, but he was wary, not aggressive. Yet. Why, she couldn't fathom, but as she contributed her share to keep the conversation rolling, she grew increasingly certain the lion and the leopard were assessing each other, and communicating, too, on some male-cousin animalistic plane. Lady Osbaldestone's recollection that they knew each other well-had grown up together-was patently true. Martin showed no sign of feeling threatened, but he was watching Luc closely, trying to see past Luc's guard.

For his part, Luc was projecting… a warning. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why. Luc and she had never got on; he was one of the few males whose tongues she respected. He could use it like a saber, and frequently had-on her. While they appreciated each other's strengths, there was little love lost between them; she couldn't imagine why he would suddenly ride like a knight to her aid, against his own cousin. If that's what he was doing.

Opposite Luc, sprawled in his chair, Martin was wondering the same thing. He and Luc had been closer than brothers, once. Ten years of absolutely no contact had gouged a chasm between them, yet he could still read Luc well. Knew Luc could guess better than most what he was thinking, how he would react. They'd rubbed shoulders on only a few occasions since he'd returned to England, exchanged no more than a few stilted words. Yet…

Amelia paused to sip her champagne. Luc seized the moment; he looked at Martin. "Have you decided to open up Fulbridge House?"

Martin met Luc's dark eyes. "That depends." He let his,gaze flick to Amanda, noted the hardness that infused Luc's face, the face of a fallen angel.

There was challenge and warning in the look Luc sent him; Martin was sorely tempted to ask what the devil he meant. There was nothing between Luc and Amanda; he was perfectly sure of that. Yet his well-exercised instincts recognized Luc's motives; he wanted to protect-

Amelia smiled brightly. "Tell me, is it really true-"

Martin saw the light-caught the fractional softening in his cousin's eyes, so dark a blue they were almost black and therefore difficult to read-in the instant before he followed Luc's gaze-to Amelia's delicate face.

Luc was protecting not Amanda, but her twin. Knew anything that harmed Amanda would impinge on Amelia.

The discovery fascinated, but there was little he could do to ease his cousin's suspicions. Close to the Cynsters as the Ash-fords were, Luc would hear the latest soon enough, and realize that Amanda, and therefore, Amelia, were safe from him.

With supper disposed of, they rose as a group and strolled back to the ballroom. Amelia fell silent; Amanda glibly took up the conversational reins, questioning Luc about his sisters. He answered with increasing asperity; when the musicians started up, he turned to Amelia and requested the dance.

She gave him her hand; with nods, the four parted. As Amanda turned into his arms, Martin caught the last glimmer of her satisfied smirk.

"I was right." He steered her into the sea of swirling couples. "There's some understanding between Luc and your sister."

Amanda frowned, then admitted, "I don't actually know, but I think they would suit." She looked into his face. "What do you think? You know Luc well."