Turning away from her, he drew up the coverlet and snuggled down, frowning as he shifted his head. "You really need to get better pillows, dear."

Amanda stared. A softer, muffled snore emanated from under the humped covers. Another sound reached her; she turned to see Martin come up on one elbow. He raised a brow.

She gestured at the bed. "He's sleeping." Then it hit her; she smiled gloriously. "That means he'll be all right, doesn't it?"

"Yes, but it's barely dawn. Leave him to sleep." Martin slumped back down. "Come here." He beckoned sleepily.

After one last look at Reggie, she returned to their makeshift bed. Wriggling back under the covers, facing Reggie, she whispered, "I touched his face and he thought I was someone named Daisy. He said 'Later.'"

"I daresay."

After a moment, she asked, "Do you think he's still delirious?"

"It sounds like he's in his right mind, if a little weak."

She frowned, then Martin turned, and curved his body once more around hers. And she felt…

Her eyes widened.

"Now go back to sleep."

He sounded more disgruntled than Reggie. Amanda wondered… then smiled, closed her eyes and obeyed.

Chapter 19

They were still snuggled in the warmth of his mother's counterpane when Martin heard Colly's footsteps plodding up the stairs. He kept his eyes closed, for one last moment let his senses bask in the simple peace, the simple joy that held them. Cradled in his arms, Amanda was no more asleep than he, equally reluctant to move-her body remained quiescent in his arms, relaxed against his. Savoring what would very likely be their last instant of quiet togetherness for the day.

But the morning beckoned; there was much to do. He stirred, then rose. Helped Amanda to her feet. When Colly arrived at the door, he opened it. The old man had brought a small ewer and basin. Martin dallied long enough to suggest they leave Reggie sleeping until he awoke on his own, then follo

wed Colly back to the kitchen.

On the way, he took stock; when he reached the kitchen he was frowning. "We'll be staying for a few days at least. We need to open up some rooms-brush down the cobwebs, get rid of the dust-enough to be comfortable."

Colly looked at him in dismay. "The drawing room?"

The drawing room was monstrous. "No. The small parlor will do."

"I'll get onto it after breakfast…" Colly glanced at the stove. "I'm not much of one for cooking."

Martin sighed. "What have you got?"

His years of traveling had given him skills not generally taught an earl's son; when Amanda joined them, he was stirring a pot of porridge on the stove. "Colly unearthed some honey, which should make it more palatable."

Amanda looked. "Hmm."

But she ate it; Martin suspected she was as famished as he. At his insistence, Colly and Onslow ate with them. Onslow was quiet; Colly had already washed and redressed his wound. Martin used the time to get an idea of the state of the larder.

"We've tatters in the cellar, and some cabbage. There's a bit of game pie left over from last week." Colly thought, then grimaced. "Not much else."

The nearest market town was Buxton; Martin didn't want to waste the entire day it would take to go there and back. Let alone so widely advertise his return. The truth was, he hadn't meant to return; stirring his porridge, he wasn't sure he'd yet digested the fact he was here.

Focusing on the necessities, he nodded. "I'll take a gun out and see what I can find, then I'll saddle one of the horses and visit the bakery."

"Aye." Colly rose and gathered their empty plates. "The game's been running wild hereabouts, and the bakery always has pasties and pies."

Amanda stood. "I'll dust and air rooms and make up some beds. I'll need to watch Reggie."

Martin glanced at her. "Colly will show you where everything is."