She shook her head. "The livery stables first, then Mr. Crabbs, then the Customs House, then lunch at the Mermaid." She slanted Lucifer another glance-this time he caught it. She searched his eyes, then smiled and looked ahead. "Jonas tells me they have the best ale in Exeter. We can leave directly from there along the coast road."

Lucifer grinned. "Agreed." He slowed the blacks as the first houses appeared. "Now, my dear, which way?"

Phyllida directed him with an airy enthusiasm which warmed him as much as the sun. They called at the livery stables and received the same answer-no gentleman had hired a horse that Sunday. Continuing on to Mr. Crabbs, Lucifer went with that venerable gentleman into the solicitor's private sanctum, leaving Phyllida to dally in the outer office, where Robert Collins worked at his desk. Fifteen minutes later, Lucifer emerged to find Phyllida smiling serenely and Robert looking less tense than before.

Exchanging bows with Crabbs, who punctiliously took his leave of Phyllida, they strolled out to the pavement, where an urchin held the blacks. Lucifer tossed the boy a coin, then handed Phyllida up. "What did you say to Robert? Does he know I know about the letters?"

"Not precisely." Phyllida gathered her skirts so he could sit beside her. "I told him you were letting me search for the writing desk. He's been terribly worried over the whole business."

"So I noticed." Lucifer wondered about the letters, but let the matter slide. "Where's the Customs House?"

It stood on the quay, a few minutes down a sloping cobbled road from the High Street. Lucifer eased the blacks down the steep slope. The quay lined the River Exe; boats were tied to it, bobbing on the tide. Lucifer drew up before the handsome, two-storied brick building Phyllida pointed out. A cabin boy was slouching nearby. His eyes lit at the sight of the blacks; Lucifer waved him over.

There was an inn farther along the quay, tucked into the hill behind it. The sign of a mermaid swung outside. Lucifer instructed the boy to walk the horses to the inn and hand them to the ostler.

"This won't take long," Phyllida said as he helped her down to the cobbles.

She led the way into the building and walked directly to the counter along one wall. "I'd like to speak with Lieutenant Niles, please. If you would tell him Miss Tallent is here?"

The man behind the counter eyed her as she stripped off her gloves. "The Lieutenant's busy. He only handles business matters here."

Phyllida lifted her head and fixed the man with a direct glance. "This is business."

Strolling up in her wake, Lucifer came to stand directly behind her. He looked at the clerk.

The clerk met his eyes, then swallowed and glanced at Phyllida. "I'll tell him. Miss Tallent, you said?"

"Indeed." Phyllida waited until the clerk had disappeared through a door before looking over her shoulder at Lucifer. "What did you do to him?"

Lucifer opened his eyes wide. "Nothing." He smiled. "Just me being me."

Phyllida searched his face, then humphed. She turned back to the counter as the door beside it opened. A gentleman in the uniform of the Revenue Service came striding out, smiling, his hands outstretched.

"Miss Tallent." He grasped her hand, then looked past her to Lucifer.

"Good morning, Lieutenant Niles." Phyllida gestured at Lucifer. "Allow me to present Mr. Cynster. He's come to live in Colyton."

"Oh?" All innocent inquiry, Niles shook Lucifer's hand.

"Does that mean you'll be taking an interest in the Colyton Import Company?"

"A benign interest," Lucifer returned. "Purely in an advisory capacity."

He knew when Phyllida let out the breath she'd held. Niles turned back to her and she reclaimed his attention. "I just wanted to check the overall totals with you, and

whether we need to change any of our payments."

"Indeed, indeed." Niles waved them to the door. "If you'll just come this way?"

He bowed them into his office, then he and Phyllida settled to a brisk discussion of the various goods the Company had brought in and expected to bring in in the near future, and the levels of the duties payable on the differing cargoes. Lucifer sat back and listened, intrigued by how, once she'd been given the opportunity-given the right to lead-Phyllida managed the interview, and Niles, so well. She was a businesswoman to her toes.

He was inwardly smiling by the time she'd finished with the Lieutenant. Tucking a list of the latest tariffs into her reticule, she stood, turned, and caught his eye. She waited until they'd taken their leave of Niles and were out on the quay before asking, "Now, what so amuses you in that?"

"Nothing at all. I'm appreciative, not amused. It just occurred to me that, in the same way I could be of assistance to you with the Company, you, too, could to great effect assist me with my business." Taking her arm, he turned her toward the Mermaid.

"Business?" She looked up at him. "What sort of business do you engage in?"

It took all of lunchtime and more to tell her. By the time he'd finished and they were in the curricle heading east along the road that would eventually take them home along the coast, she was intrigued.