
"Yesterday, Archie Douglas just happened to bump into him."


The repeated word held a note of impatience; Gabriel kept his lips straight. "Archie chatted about the Central East Africa Gold Company. When Gerrard showed the right sort of interest, a meeting with the company's representatives was mooted."


"Archie had to confirm the details with his friends, but Gerrard, as per instructions, suggested tomorrow evening at the Burlington Hotel."

"Do you think the company representatives, by which I assume you mean Crowley, will agree?"

"I'm quite sure they'll agree. Archie wouldn't have approached Gerrard if Crowley hadn't already singled out his mark."

"But…" Anxiety colored the word. "I believe Gerrard Debbington is a connection of yours. Of the Cynsters. Is that wise?"

Gabriel inwardly frowned. Who was she? "He is, but the connection isn't obvious, at least not in this sense. Archie Douglas is not highly regarded by the ton's hostesses; he won't know of the connection. Crowley's scrutiny will focus on Gerrard's background, which shows he's a wealthy young gentleman from the shires. If the company was in the habit of more prudently checking their marks, they wouldn't have bothered with your late husband."


His fair companion sounded less than convinced. "Put it this way, if Crowley had any inkling that Gerrard Debbington was in any way associated with me, Gerrard would never have been approached."

Her head lifted. She gave one of her distinctive nods. "Yes, that's true. So… you think Gerrard Debbington can effectively pass himself off as a gullible investor?"

"I'm sure of it. I'll drill him in what we need to know, and give him pointers-a primer, if you will-so he'll know the most useful questions to ask, all couched in language appropriate for a young gentleman fancying himself the next Golden Ball."

"Yes, but do you think he'll be able to carry off the" she waved-"characterization, as it were? If he's only eighteen…"

"He does a very good job of appearing less intelligent than he is. He simply stares vaguely-vacuously-at whoever's talking. He has an innocent-looking face with large eyes and one of those charmingly youthful smiles. He appears as open as a book at all times-that doesn't necessarily mean he is." Gabriel glanced at the countess. "I don't know if you're aware, but he's a budding painter, so even in the most social of settings he's usually considering the line of people's faces, their clothing, coloring, and so on, even while he's supposedly engaged in conversation."

The countess looked him in the eye. "I see."

So she did play chess, but he was a master. "So Gerrard will meet with the company's representatives tomorrow evening. I've chosen the Burlington as it's the sort of place at which someone like Gerrard's supposed self would stay. He'll have a suite, and while he speaks with whoever arrives to make the presentation in the sitting room, I'll be listening from the adjoining bedchamber."

"Do you expect Crowley to appear?"

"Impossible to be sure. There's no reason he needs to show himself but, based on how he's behaved in the past, I suspect he'll be there. He seems to take delight in personally gloating over those he swindles."

"I want to attend-to listen in on this meeting."

Gabriel frowned. "There's no need for you to be there."

"Nevertheless. I'd like to hear for myself what the Company offers and, ultimately, it means we'll have an extra witness to the presentation if need arises."

Gabriel frowned harder. "What about Gerrard? If you want to preserve your anonymity, surely you won't want him to know of your existence. While I might respect your request not to discover your identity, Gerrard is, after all, only eighteen and possesses an artist's eye."

She stopped. "He doesn't know that you're investigating the company at my behest?"

"As I've investigated other companies purely through my own inclination, there was no need to advance any reason for my interest in the Central East Africa Gold Company. Particularly not with Crowley at its helm."

She fell silent

; he could almost hear her mind working. Then she looked up. "Will Mr. Debbington actually be staying at the Burlington?"

"No. He'll arrive about half an hour before the meeting's due to start."

"Very well-I'll arrive before him. I assume you'll be there?"