"Yes." He went back for another taste of her, so sweetly intoxicating she was making him drunk. She gave her mouth freely, sliding her tongue around his, then drawing back.

"She said by driving me in the park you made a declaration." She whispered the words against his lips, then kissed him.

This time, it was he who gave, then drew back, rakish senses alert to some subtle shift in the scene. He blinked down at her. Inwardly swearing, he fought to realign his spinning wits. She was, as usual, setting the pace. And he was left scrambling in her wake.

Reaching up, she drew his lips down to hers for another slow, intimate kiss that left them both simmering.

"Did you intend the drive in the park as a declaration?"


His lips were back on hers. She pulled away. "Why?"

"Because I wanted you." Relentless, he drew her back.

For long moments, silence reigned; locked together, they heated, then burned. When next they broke for breath they were panting. Hearts racing, eyes dark and wild under heavy lids, they paused, lips not quite touching.

"Lady Osbaldestone said you would have wanted to pressure me-why didn't you?"

He shuddered; the supple strength of her, so much less than his, struck through to his bones and left him weak. Aching to have her. "God knows."

He went to kiss her, but she stopped him-by running one hand down one locked bicep, then up, across his shoulder and his chest. Stopping with her palm over his heart, she splayed her fingers and tried to press them in-they made no impression on the already tensed muscle.

"She said you were frustrated." She looked up into his eyes. "Is she right?"

He sucked in a breath and tensed

even more. "Yes!"

"Is that why you won't let me close-near-even when we're together?"

He hesitated, looking deep into her eyes. "Put that down to the violence of my feelings. I was afraid they'd show." He was never, ever, going to tell her she glowed.

As if in vindication, she did. He swooped and took her mouth-she surrendered it eagerly, sinking deeper against him, openly, joyously, feeding his need. Her lips were soft under his, her tongue ready to tangle; he took what she freely gave and returned it full-fold.

"I couldn't bear to see you surrounded by those puppies-and the others were even worse."

"You should have rescued me-carried me off. I didn't want them."

"I didn't know-you hadn't said."

Where the words were coming from, he didn't know, but they were suddenly flowing. "I hate seeing you waltz with other men."

"I won't-not ever again."

"Good." After another searching kiss, he added, "Just because I'm not forever by your side doesn't mean that's not precisely where I want to be."

Her "Mmm" sounded deeply content. She softened in his arms; his breath hitched, his wits reeled-even in her breeches, her body flowed with the promise of warm silk over his erection. He gritted his teeth and heard himself admit, "I nearly went mad thinking you would fall in love with one of them-prefer one of them-over me."

She drew back. In the moonlight he saw surprise and shock in her face, then her expression softened; slowly, she smiled at him-glowed at him. "That won't ever happen."

He looked into her eyes, and thanked God, fate-whoever had arranged it. She loved him-and she knew it. Perhaps he could leave it at that, now he'd admitted so much, and soothed her silly fears that his caution had been disinterest, that his towering restraint had been coolness. He studied her eyes, basked in her glow. Perhaps he could leave things to ease by themselves…

A second later, his chest swelled; he bent his head and kissed her-deeply, demandingly, until he knew her head was spinning, her wits in disarray. Then he drew back and whispered against her lips, "I wanted to ask…"

Drawing back a fraction further, he drank in the sight of her angelic face-the finely drawn features, smooth ivory skin, swollen, rosy lips, large eyes lustrous under heavy lids, her bright curls gleaming gold even in the moonlight. Her cap had disappeared, as had her muffler. As had his wits. "I hadn't meant it to be like this. You had engagements all day today-I was going to call on you tomorrow to speak to you formally."

Her lips curved; her arms tightened about his neck. "I prefer this." Arching lightly, she pressed against him; he caught his breath. "What were you going to ask?"