Minnie stared at him, then swiped at his leg with one hand. "To find out what comes next, of course!" She glared at him. "Don't try your high-handed Cynster ways with me."

Vane's brows rose higher. "I wouldn't dream of it. But there's no need for any panic. Whitticombe and Alice have gone-I'll follow, and see what they get up to. Simple."

"I'm coming, too," Minnie declared. "If Humphrey's nephew's a bad egg, I owe it to Humphrey to see the proof with my own eyes. After all, it's me who'll have to decide what to do."

"Of course, I'll go with Minnie," Timms added.

Patience caught Vane's eye. "If you think I'm staying behind, think again… Gerrard's my brother-if Whitticombe's the one who knocked him on the head…" She didn't finish her sentence-her expression said it all.

Vane sighed. "There's really no need-"

"Cynster! Have to show you-"

With a clatter of boots, the General, followed by Edgar, burst into the room. Seeing Minnie, the General flushed, and ducked his head. "Apologies, Minnie, and all that, but thought you'd all be interested. Best see this."

Crossing the room, he bent and awkwardly slid a small object from his large palm onto Minnie's lap.

"Great heavens!" Minnie picked the object up, and held it to the light. "Agatha's earring." She looked at the General. "The other one?"

"Must be," Edgar put in. He glanced at Vane. "We found it in the elephant sitting in the front hall."

"The elephant!" Vane looked from Edgar to the General.

"Indian contraption. Recognized it instantly. Seen ones like it in India, don't y'know." The General nodded. "Couldn't resist opening it-showed it to Edgar here. One of the tusks is the catch. Twist it, and the beast's back opens up. Indian wallahs used the things to store treasure."

"It's full of sand," Edgar said. "Fine, white stuff."

"Used for weight," the General explained. "The sand stabilizes the beast, then the treasure's settled in the sand. I grabbed up a handful to show Edgar-sharp eyes, he has-spotted the gleam of that trinket in the pile."

"I'm afraid we made rather a mess unearthing it." Edgar looked at the earring in Minnie's fingers. "But it is Agatha's, isn't it?"

"Isn't what?"

They all looked up; Mrs. Chadwick entered, followed by Angela, with Edith Swithins trailing vaguely behind. Agatha Chadwick grimaced apologetically at Minnie. "We heard the commotion…"

"Just as well." Minnie held up the earring. "This is yours, I believe."

Agatha took it. The smile that broke across her face was all the answer anyone needed. "Where was it?" She looked at Minnie-who looked up at Vane.

Who shook his head in amazement. "In Alice Colby's room, in the elephant she kept by her hearth." He glanced at Patience-

"There's sand all over the front hall!" Mrs. Henderson swept in, a galleon in full sail; Henry, supported by Edmond and Masters, hobbled in in her wake. Mrs. Henderson gestured at him. "Mister Chadwick slipped and nearly broke his head." She looked at Vane. "It's from inside that evil elephant!"

"I say." Edmond had focused on the earring in Agatha Chadwick's hand. "What's going on?"

The question drew a spate of garbled answers. Recognizing opportunity, Vane edged to the door.

"Stop right there!" Minnie's order brought an abrupt end to the cacophony. She waved her cane at Vane. "Don't you dare try to leave us behind."

Patience swung about-and glared daggers at Vane.

"What's afoot?" Edmond demanded.

Minnie folded her arms and snorted, then glared at Vane. Everyone turned and looked at Vane.

He sighed. "It's like this." His explanation-that whoever attempted to return to the Hall without the rest of the household was odds on to be the Spectre, and said Spectre was almost certainly the villain who'd coshed Gerrard in the ruins-even stripped to the bare bones, still raised everyone's hackles.

"Colby! Well!" Henry straightened, and eased his full weight onto his wrenched ankle. "First, he coshes young Gerrard, then he makes out Gerrard's the thief, and then he gloats so… so… superiorly." He tugged his coat straight. "You may count me in-I certainly want to see Whitticombe get his just desserts."