"Three hundred!"

"That's just the close ones."

It didn't take Patience long to shake her head. "I really don't think a big wedding is called for. It sounds like it'll take forever to organize."

"Very likely."

"So-what's the alternative?"

"There are a few," Vane admitted. "But the fastest method would be to marry by special license. That can be done at virtually anytime, and would take next to no time to organize."

"Beyond obtaining the license."

"Hmm." Vane looked ahead. "So, the question is, when would you like to marry?"

Patience considered. She looked at Vane, at his profile, puzzled when he kept his eyes forward and refused to meet her gaze. "I don't know," she said. "You pick a date."

He looked at her then. "You're sure? You won't mind what I decide?"

Patience shrugged. "Why should I? The sooner the better, if we're to go on as we are."

Vane let out a breath, and whipped up his horses. "This afternoon."

"This after…" Patience swiveled on the seat to stare at him. Then she snapped her mouth shut. "You've already got a license."

"In my pocket." Vane grinned-wolfishly. "That was where I was yesterday, while Sligo was hunting high and low."

Patience slumped back against the seat. Then their pace, Gerrard's wide grin, and the distance they'd already traveled, registered. "Where are we going?"

"To get married. In Somersham." Vane smiled. "There's a church in the village by the ducal estate, which you could say I've a connection with. Of all the churches in this l

and, I'd like to be married there. And the vicar, Mr. Postlethwaite, will fall over himself to do the honors."

Feeling slightly dizzy, Patience drew in a deep breath-then let it out. "Well, then-let's be married in Somersham village."

Vane glanced her way. "You're sure?"

Meeting his eyes, reading the uncertainty, the question, in the grey, Patience smiled, and slid closer. "I'm overwhelmed." She let her smile deepen, let her joy show. "But I'm sure."

Tucking one hand in Vane's arm, she gestured grandly. "Drive on!"

Vane grinned, and complied. Patience clung close, and listened to the wheels' steady clatter. Their journey together had already begun. Their dream was waiting-just beyond the next bend.


Their wedding was small, select, intensely personal; their wedding breakfast, held one month after the initiating event, was enormous.

Honoria and the other Cynster ladies organized it. It was held at Somersham Place.

"You took your time!" Lady Osbaldestone poked Vane with a skeletal finger, then wagged the same finger at Patience. "Make sure you keep him in line-there've been too many Cynsters loose for too long."

She stumped off to speak to Minnie. Vane breathed again-Patience caught his eye. "She's a terror," he said defensively. "Ask anyone."

Patience laughed. Gowned in silk the color of old gold, she tightened her hold on Vane's arm. "Come do the pretty."

Vane smiled, and let her lead him into the throng, to chat with the guests gathered to wish them well. She was all he could ask for, all he needed. And she was his.

He was perfectly willing to listen to congratulations on that fact until the sky fell.