"That can't be his real name."

"His real name's Spencer," Amanda whispered. "But don't ever call him that."

"The one behind Devil is Richard-he's called Scandal. He's Devil's brother."

"And the one behind Vane is his younger brother, Harry. They call him Demon."

"Demon Harry?"

"That's right." Amanda nodded. "The one next to Vane is Gabriel."

"His real name's Rupert-he's Uncle Martin's eldest son."

"And I suppose the one behind Gabriel is Lucifer?" Honoria asked. "His brother?"

"That's right-he's really Alasdair."

Straightening, Honoria spent one minute wondering how they'd come by their pseudonyms-one question she was not about to ask the twins. She looked across the grave at those six male faces, and saw them clearly. No force on earth would stop them bringing Tolly's murderer to justice.

Being Cynsters, they could be counted on to avenge Tolly's death. Also being Cynsters, they would ensure their womenfolk, their elders and juniors-all those they considered in their care-were not disturbed or touched by such violence. Death and vengeance was their province, the home fires for the rest.

Which was all very well, but…

The last prayer was said; earth struck the coffin. Tolly's mother sagged in her sisters-in-law's arms; her husband hurried to her side. Amelia and Amanda tugged at Honoria's hands. Reluctantly, she turned from the grave-from the tableau on its opposite side.

Charles and the older Cynsters had left, but Simon, Devil, and the five others remained, their gazes still locked on the coffin. Just before she turned, Honoria saw Simon look up, into Devil's face, a question in his wide eyes. She saw Devil's response, the tightening of his hand on Simon's shoulder, the quiet promise he bent his head to give.

She had no doubt of the substance of that promise.

In company with the twins, Honoria crossed the lawns, musing on her situation. She would send for her brother Michael tomorrow, but he would take some days to reach her. Those days could be useful.

She needed to see justice done; she had a duty to avenge innocence-that was doubtless why Tolly's face haunted her. Impossible to send adult Cynster males to avenge innocence; their vengeance would be fueled by their warriors' reasons-the defending of their family, their clan. She would be the defender of innocence-she had a role to play, too.

She'd been looking for excitement, for adventure and intrigue-fate had landed her here. Far be it from her to argue.

The wake was a crush. Many of the bucks and bloods who had come up from London stayed for the final scene. In half an hour, Honoria had been introduced to more dangerous blades than she'd thought to meet in a lifetime. Luckily, her inclusion within the family group had sent a clear message; she was not troubled by any of the visitors.

The twins again took to their instruments; the crowd filled the music room and the drawing room and overflowed onto the terrace.

While chatting with Cynster relatives and tonnish family acquaintances, Honoria kept a careful eye on Devil and his five accomplices. A pattern was soon apparent. Devil stood in the drawing room, his back to the open terrace doors; the others roamed the crowd, every now and then either stopping by Devil's side quietly to impart some information or catching his eye.

She could do nothing to intercept that silent communication; as for the other, however… Honoria focused on Lady Sheffield, her present interrogator.

"Of course," her ladyship intoned, "this distressing business will delay matters somewhat."

Deliberately vague, Honoria raised her brows. "Indeed?"

Lady Sheffield eyed her consideringly. "Three months of mourning-that makes it December."

"Winter," Honoria helpfully observed. She smiled at Lady Sheffield, and gave her something for her pains. "Pray excuse me, ma'am-I must speak with Webster."

With a smile, she glided to the door, quite certain how her words would be interpreted. In the hall, she wove through the knots of guests. Plates piled with tiny sandwiches sat waiting on a sideboard; picking one up, she proceeded through the music room and onto the terr


Reaching the spot immediately behind Devil's back, she took up her position, her back to the drawing room. The sandwiches on her plate instantly attracted suitable cover.

"Lady Harrington," an older lady introduced herself. "Know your grandfather well, miss. Haven't seen him for a while. Daresay he's keeping well?"