Kit’s chin rose along with her blush. “What did you want to see me about?”

Jack blinked. What the hell did she imagine he wanted to see her about? “I wanted to make sure that, having now seen how the other half comports itself, you’ll realize the wisdom of making yourself scarce, before someone stumbles on your identity.”

Behind her mask, Kit’s frown was black. The man was insufferable. Who did he think he was, to hand her thinly veiled orders? “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you.”

Her clipped tone convinced Jack she was not about to take his suggestion to heart. With an exasperated sigh, he got to his feet. “What sort of chaos do you think you’d cause if that wig slipped loose during one of the dances?” Jack took a step toward her but stopped when she backed away. A quick glance along the terrace revealed a single couple, physically entwined, at the opposite end.

Kit considered insisting Jack sit down again but doubted he’d oblige. He was very good at giving orders and highly resistant to taking any. And in the moonlight on the terrace, his height and bulk were intimidating. Particularly when she didn’t want to do what he clearly wanted her to do. She took another step back.

“The ball’s over for you, Kit. Time to go home.”

Kit took a third step back, then judged the distance between them sufficient to allow her to say: “I’ve no intention of leaving yet. The person—”

Her words were cut off when Jack’s hand clamped over her mouth. In the same instant, his other arm wrapped about her waist and lifted her from her feet. She hadn’t even seen him move yet he was now behind her, carrying her to the balustrade. Kit struggled frantically to no effect.

Jack sat on the balustrade, Kit held on his lap, then rolled over the edge. He landed upright in the flower bed six feet below the terrace, Kit safe before him.

Seething with fury, Kit waited for him to release her. When he did, she spun on him. “You misbegotten oaf! How dare you—”

To her surprise, a large hand helped her spin until she was facing away from him again. Her words were cut off again, this time by her own mask, untied, folded then retied over her mouth. Kit’s scream of rage was muffled by the black felt. She turned about again, her hands automatically reaching for the mask to drag it away, but Jack moved with her, remaining behind her. He caught her hands in his, his long fingers closing viselike about her wrists, pulling them down and behind her. In stunned disbelief, Kit felt material, Jack’s neckerchief most probably, tighten about her wrists, securing them behind her back. Her temper exploded in a series of protests, none of which made it past the gag.

Jack appeared before her. Through the slits in his mask, his eyes gleamed. “You should be on your most ladylike behavior at a ball, you know.”

Another volley of muffled protests greeted the sally. With a chuckle, Jack stooped; suddenly, Kit found herself looking down on Lady Marchmont’s ruined petunias from a height of four feet. With Kit hoisted over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, her legs secured under one muscular arm, Jack headed away from the house. Kit’s muffled grumbles ceased abruptly when he ran his free hand over the ripe curves of her bottom, nicely positioned for his attentions. A fraught silence ensued. Giving the firm mounds a fond pat, Jack grinned and strode on.

He headed into the shrubbery at the end of the lawn. Taking a path enclosed by high hedges, he cast about for a niche to stow his booty. The walk ended in a fan-shaped bay just beyond the intersection with two other paths.

A stone bench with a carved back stood in the bay. Behind it, between the curved hedge and the bench back, Jack found the perfect place to leave his unwilling companion.

Before he lowered Kit, he undid his belt, wrapped it about her knees, and cinched it tight. Then he shrugged her off his shoulder and into his arms.

Kit glared up into his face, silently fuming, her brain seething with the epithets she wished she could hurl at him.

Jack grinned and sat her on the bench. He pulled off his mask and tucked it into his pocket. “I’ll have to leave you while I arrange our transportation. How did you get here? You may as well tell me—I’ll find out soon enough.”

Kit stared back at him.

Jack guessed. “Delia?”

Reluctantly, Kit nodded. A look in the stable would tell him as much.


Jack picked her up, and Kit realized just where he was going to leave her. She struggled and shook her head violently, but Jack took no notice. Then she was laid out, full-length on her side, in the shadowy recess behind the bench.

Jack leaned over her. “If you keep quiet, no one will disturb you.”

What about spiders? was Kit’s agonized thought. She put every ounce of pleading she possessed into her eyes, but Jack didn’t notice.

Unperturbed, he added: “I’ll be back soon.” Then he disappeared from sight.

Kit lay still and pondered her state. Disbelief was her predominant emotion. She was being kidnapped! Kidnapped from the Lord Lieutenant’s ball by a man she wasn’t at all sure she could trust. He thought she’d muff her lines and bring disaster on her head and, in typically high-handed fashion, had decided to remove her for her own good. There was no doubt in her mind that was how Jack saw it; his actions didn’t really surprise her. What did worry her, what was looming as a potential source of panic in her brain, was what he intended doing with her.

Where was he taking her? And what would he do when they got there?

Such questions were not conducive to lying calmly in the dark while being kidnapped. That knowing hand on her bottom had sent a most peculiar thrill all the way to her toes.

In an effort to quell her rising hysteria, Kit forced herself to consider why Jack had been present at the ball. He’d said for the same reason as she. Presumably he’d meant he was here for a lark, just to see how the nobs lived. She could imagine he might do that, just for a laugh—the smugglers’ leader at the Lord Lieutenant’s ball.