I had a great job, that I had managed to become extremely successful at, and an amazing house. My boyfriend wasn’t always such a dick, and I knew that this was probably the best that it was ever going to get for me. I was never looking for a fairy tale, but I was looking forward to the day when Grant finally proposed and I could start building a family. This house would be a lot nicer with the sound of little feet slapping the wooden floors.

When I was done cleaning up, I sighed and walked into the living room where I flipped off the lights, turned on the gas fireplace, and snuggled up on the couch with a warm fleece and some old black and white movies. This was the part of the day I really enjoyed, whether Grant was there or not. I could finally relax.

Chapter 3


It was Saturday, easily the busiest day of the week for instruction. Glen and I had a couple of classes the day before, but nothing too strenuous, and I spent my night sipping brandy like an old rich man by the fireplace in my room. I thought about picking up another girl at the lounge, but figured I should pace myself instead. This morning was extra cold on the mountain, but I loved it, every single bit of it. Glen and I were setting up for our first class of the day, getting the seats ready in the small building at the top of the hill where we taught basic safety and technique before trying it out with our students in the white stuff outside. We still had a couple of weeks before the Christmas crowd got here, but the classes were already booked solid. Knowing Glen and I would create happy guests, the hotel manager had requested that the front desk clerks recommend our classes first.

“So,” Glen said, putting down the folders on the desks. “How did things go with that redhead the other night?”

“Oh, you know. I wooed her with my charm.” I laughed. “She was really hot, though, with her big fake tits, freshly purchased snow gear, showing me that she wasn’t a professional skier by any means, and a body that was perfect. No doubt she was someone’s arm candy back at home, but that is none of my business. I simply did what I could to show her a

good time and give her a pleasant memory to take home. I’m a hero, really.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yep,” I said, writing our names on the chalk board. “These women are missing something in their lives, and I offer them a bit of the unexpected. I bet you, they all go home feeling refreshed and a hell of a lot more confident. If any of them do have boyfriends off the slope, they should probably thank me for sending their women back more vibrant than ever.”

“Oh, I see. So, you save relationships now. Well, the girl the other night looked like the kind of girl that you would quickly get over after screwing.” He chuckled.

“That’s why I got a blow job, took her number, which I promptly disposed of when I was out of sight, and dipped out,” I said. “Sure, she will think of me for a couple of days, maybe even hope that I’ll call, but in the end, she’ll realize it was for the best.”

“I think you’re giving these women a bit too much credit for thinking of sex from the male perspective,” he said. “We’re pigs. Most women are not. Mind you, I’m saying most. I’ve met a few over the years who are more distant than we are, which is both frightening and refreshing at the same time.”

“You can’t be too careful with these girls on vacation. They’re looking for a good time, but they teeter on the edge of wanting more. I’m always courteous and gentlemanly, but I’m not here to find a wife, unlike some partners that I have.” I darted my eyes over to Glen. “Besides, they’re looking for something that I’m more than happy to give to them. Just another reason why you can call me a hero.”

“But what if you catch feelings?”

“I won’t,” I said pointedly. “But if I did, I’m under the comforting protection of having a career where I honestly will never have to see this woman, or any of the women, ever again. It’s not likely in the sea of people in this town, or this country for that matter, that fate would align it so that we all ended up in the same place, at the same exact time, ever again. And if we did, my feelings would obviously have dissipated again, being worn down by time and the comforting bosom of the ladies at the next resort on our list. Seriously, you put way too much thought into all of this. Can’t a guy just get his dick wet, and go on with his life?”

“Sure, sure.” Glen laughed. “Go to town. Just don’t get frostbite.”

“Thanks for the advice,” I scoffed, standing up and putting on a professional face as the door to the building opened and the first of my students began to enter.

Most of the beginner ski instruction went to early twenty-something girls from places like New York City and Southern California. They were there on their mommy and daddy’s dime, taking a fun-filled Aspen vacation because that was where all the rich people flocked when it became winter time, and they wanted the appeal of the mountains, but the luxuries of home. They were always giggly, flirty, and barely any of them actually ended up skiing more than once while they were on vacation. However, from the number of pictures that they took and posted on their Instagram pages, it would seem that they spent the whole weekend swerving down the slopes. I didn’t care either way. I was there for the money, not to find the next Bernard Russi, ready to train for the Olympics.

When everyone had been seated, I noticed four chairs at the back that were empty, but paid for. I wanted to wait longer, but with the number of classes they had stacked on our shoulders for the day, I didn’t have that luxury. Glen took the lead, introducing us and diving right into an overview on safety. I sat in the background, perched slightly on the edge of a desk, following along with the syllabus that the resort had requested that we use. Of course, safety was paramount to the hotel while we were there teaching, especially with the kind of money floating around the place.

Just as Glen was walking toward the chalkboard, the door flew open, and the four missing students came galivanting in the place, quietly giggling and apologizing for being late. They took a seat in the last four chairs, and I smiled uncomfortably, realizing it was Myra and three of her friends. She smiled at me, and I cleared my throat, glancing over at Glen to see a small smirk on his face.

“So, you see class,” he said. “If you want to stay warm, make sure to keep your hands and other parts dry. We wouldn’t want any cases of frostbite.”

He laughed jokingly, looking over at me and then walking up to the chalkboard. He was such an ass, but I knew there was no way I could get out of the taunting that was sure to ensue by Myra showing up at the class. I wasn’t sure how I could have missed that on the roster, but at the same time, until that moment, I had a hard time even remembering what her name was. In reality, what I remembered was her big, plump, crimson lips wrapped around my cock. To me, there was really no reason to dwell on the other details.

The entire rest of the class couldn’t have been more awkward if I was standing naked in front of the class. Myra and the girls were giggling and obviously talking about me, and I had to present information to them that was actually important if they wanted to try to keep their skis under their bodies. On top of all that, Glen kept teasing me with sly whispers about being a hero and rescuing sad rich girls in sexual distress. I couldn’t wait until the class was over and I could get out of that situation. I knew, though, there was a very good chance that I wasn’t going to get to leave without having to talk to Myra at some point. This was supposed to be an excellent way to start my vacation, not a bowl full of drama.

We finished up the class inside of the building and headed outside into the snow to work on minor techniques for the upcoming ski down the bunny slope. We showed everyone how to plant their feet, how to bend and move without lifting their legs, which was common since our natural reaction was to try to walk, and then had them perform the movements as we helped them get them right. I stood there staring around, trying to figure out where to start, wanting desperately to stay away from the gaggle of Myra and her girls.

“Hey,” I said, grabbing Glen and whispering. “I’ll cover the bar tab next time we go if you will help the redhead and her friends.”

“What’s wrong? Did your super powers wear off?”

“Come on man, please,” I whispered.

“Next two times at the bar,” he said, negotiating.

“Fine, whatever, just do it.” I sighed.