Brennon guided Katy toward the trail, which based on what they could see led down a slight slope then into the woods between the parking lot and the river. Brennon glanced over at Katy every-so-many seconds and smiled. Something about being with Katy made him feel young again – rejuvenated. She was literally everything he wanted in a woman. And he could see how much she was changing since they started seeing one another, as well as how he had changed. There was no better feeling to him than to have Katy’s arm locked around his and to be guiding her through a mall, in an art gallery, or down a sidewalk downtown.

The trail winded down a slight slope. Soon enough, when Brennon looked back toward the parking lot, it was out of sight. He smiled, glancing over at Katy who he could feel was still a bit uneasy. Rather, she was confused as to why they were going on a walk in the snowy park, down a trail, so late at night.

“You cold yet?” Brennon asked.

Katy paused for a moment and thought about the answer. “No, not really. It’s really not too cold. Plus, I’m wearing by heavier coat today. As long as the wind doesn’t start blowing. You know how that goes… It’s not that cold until the wind starts blowing.”

Brennon chuckled. “Yeah, I know what you mean. So, I wanted to ask you something, Katy. If you don’t mind, that is.”

“Of course, Brennon,” Katy said as they pleasantly strolled. The trail lights being illuminated certainly helped. The clouds that had been hovering over the city for much of the evening moved on. Through the park’s trees’ bare branches, a full moon glowed almost like a personal spotlight on Brennon and Katy. Katy smiled, looking up at Brennon. “Why would I mind? What is it you want to ask me?”

Brennon playfully squinted at Katy then continued. “Well, so I was wondering something. What are we?”

“What are we?” Katy asked. “What do you mean what are we?”

“Yeah, what are we?” Brennon asked. “How do you see our relationship?”

Katy stared off for a moment, trying to process it all. “Um, well, I don’t know. I guess I’ve never really thought about it.”

“Okay, let me reword it,” Brennon said. “How do you feel about me?”

“Brennon, seriously?” Katy said. “You know I love you...really. I’ve told you that, so why do you have to ask?”

Brennon chuckled. “Yeah, but that’s not what I asked you, Katy. I asked how do you feel about me? What kind of guy do I seem like to you?”

Katy giggled. “Okay, I’ll play your game.” She took a deep breath. “You’re charming and handsome and sophisticated… Well, sometimes.”

Brennon choked on his own laughter, turning to Katy. “Sometimes? Well, dang. What am I the other times? A brute?”

Katy laughed. “Oh, calm down, Brennon.” She playfully slapped his shoulder. “You know I was just playing with you. Seriously, you are my first love to be honest.”

“Your first love?” Brennon asked. “Seriously?”

Katy glanced up at Brennon with a face that let him know she found it odd that he would question such a thing. “Yes, really. Why did you ask me like you didn’t believe it?”

“Well,” Brennon began, choosing his words carefully, “I’m not saying I didn’t believe it, but I guess we’ve never really talked about it… We’ve never really talked too much about our past relationships beyond general details.”

“Yeah, I guess you are right.” Katy noticed the river coming into view. “I know you said you haven’t been married yet. I mean, after all, if you had gotten married, the family would’ve known about it.”

“But you really think of me as your first love?” Brennon asked. He looked off at the glowing skyline setting on the other side of the river. Brennon never thought of himself as being a sentimental guy, but something about Katy saying that he was her first love really got to him. “Really? Are you serious or are you just telling me that? You know how you women are… Always telling a man what he wants to hear just to get what you want.”

“Ha!” Katy said then burst into laughter. “Is that what happens, huh. No, seriously, yes. I do consider you my first love. I’ve never really had a serious long-term relationship before you and I got involved with one another.” She chuckled, thinking about Eve. “I don’t know if I ever told you this, either, but I was a virgin when we met.”

Brennon’s eyebrows raised with surprise. He wanted to say something about the last part, but figured it might come across strange if he did. Instead, he pulled his arm from Katy’s embrace and stopped. He then held both of Katy’s hands as he looked into her eyes. Flurries fell, but nothing heavy. The trail at this point had been dusted in a light dusting of snow. Directly

behind Katy was a bench setting at the side of the trail; a lamp was diagonally behind her. With where she stood, she looked so angelic – her light brown hair glowed in the light.

“Katy, I want to say something,” Brennon said, knowing that he was still going to hold off on his ultimate goal – the true reason he brought Katy to this park at this time of night. He looked into Katy’s eyes then briefly touched her chin. “I love you and you know that.”

Katy nodded with an expected demeanor. “I love you too, Brennon.”

“And I want you to know that I really don’t care what your family thinks of our relationship,” Brennon said. “I wanted to tell you as well that you’re really my first love.”

Katy looked at Brennon with contempt, as if she didn’t fully believe what she was hearing. “Brennon, you don’t have to tell me that just because I said the same thing to you. It’s no secret there’s a considerable age difference between the two of us. Even though I don’t always feel like it, there is. You were in love before me. Now that I think about it, you did mention what’s-her-name from when you were in your twenties.”

Brennon waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah, but she wasn’t really love. Honestly, Katy, I want you to listen to me. I didn’t know what love was until I met you. That woman… I thought I loved her, but now I realize that really wasn’t love. That was infatuation.” He gripped her hands tighter. “This is love, Katy. This right here. What you and I have. This is love. I’m actually kind of glad you fell out with your parents when they found out you were seeing me.”

Katy’s forehead wrinkled then she giggled. “Why?”