That night, Katy lay in Brennon’s bed – in his arms. Light from the streetlight seeped into the bedroom, streaking rays of light across the bed as well as the hardwood floors. Snow showers moved over the area, falling heavily and blanking the city with another layer of snow. Katy smiled, closing her eyes for a couple of seconds straight here and there as she dozed. Brennon snored in her ear, deep in sleep with his arms around her waist. She smiled and relished in the feeling of love – a feeling she had somewhat put on the back burner for so long. A chuckle then slipped out of her mouth when she thought about Eve’s consistent attempts to push her off on practically any guy. When it’s meant to be, it’ll happen, Katy thought, remembering her wise grandmother’s advice about life. Katy then drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 14

“Okay, that turned out better than I thought it would,” Brennon admitted as he playfully bumped into Katy. They were leaving a movie after a mini date night. He had gone to Katy’s family on their annual day-after-Christmas gathering then taken Katy to the movies, letting her decide what movie. To no surprise, Katy picked a chick flick then had to practically drag Brennon into the theater by his wrist.

Katy laughed, shaking her head before chucking some popcorn into her mouth. “See… I told you that you just need to trust me when it comes to picking movies. I always pick the best movies.”

“Ha!” Brennon said, with extra oomph. “Well, I wouldn’t say that.”

Brennon looked over at Katy, admiring her beauty. They headed out into the mall then toward the parking garage. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him to surprise his random chuckle. Brennon knew that Katy was probably chomping at the bit to get the details of his day. Today had been the day Brennon went to breakfast with Katy’s father Richard for a “little talk.” He knew it would only be a matter of time before Katy demanded to know what happened on this breakfast meeting.

Brennon helped Katy into the car then they pulled out of the garage and headed back toward downtown. Once they got onto a parkway that winded alongside the river, several minutes of silence came to an end when Katy slammed her palms against her thighs. “Okay, come on, Brennon. Let’s stop this.”

Brennon burst into laughter. “I knew it! I knew it!” He then carried on laughing, even turning and laughing harder at Katy’s confused face.

“You knew what?” Katy asked, trying to figure out what was so damn funny. “Seriously, Brennon. You knew what? What are you thinking that you knew?”

Brennon finally contained himself, wiping his watering eyes. “I knew it. I knew that you were just waiting on the right moment to bring it up.” He grinned, smiling and glancing over at Katy. “You just won’t let it be, will you. Why do you want to know?”

“What do you mean why would I want to know?” Katy asked. “You said you were going to breakfast with my dad.” She smiled, blushing. “So, what did you two talk about? Who suggested you guys go to breakfast together? Was it you or my dad?”

“Oh, now now,” Brennon said, shaking his head. “Why does that matter?”

“It does,” Katy said firmly. “So, spill… Who suggested this sudden breakfast?”

“Hmm,” Brennon said, putting his index finger on his chin as if he were solving a difficult puzzle. “You know...Now that I think about it… I really can’t remember how that came up.” He glanced over at Katy and grinned, raising his eyebrows.

“Okay, okay, very funny, Brennon,” Katy said. “But, seriously, did my dad call you about this breakfast? If he did, I swear he didn’t say anything to me about it or I would’ve warned you, I promise.”

Brennon laughed. “Warned me. Sometimes you make it sound like he’s in the mafia or something.”

“Well,” Katy said, rolling her eyes. “You never know. My father could be the one and nobody ever know it.”

“Now, now Katy,” Brennon said, trying to suppress his laugh. “Why does it matter? We just had a quick catch up breakfast.”

“So, what did you talk about?” Katy asked. “If it wasn’t that big of a deal, why can’t you tell me what you talked about?”

“Okay, dang, Katy,” Brennon said. “We talked about the weather and some politics.”

“Weather and politics at ten o’clock in the morning on the day after Christmas?” Katy asked then rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. I don’t believe that for one second, Brennon. Fess up. Something is going on. You need to tell me.”

Brennon chuckled. “Wow, you’re already talking that way. How funny.”

Katy squinted at Brennon then turned back to the street ahead, storefront buildings now hugging either side.

Brennon glanced over at Katy then looked out at the snowy city. “I got an idea, actually.”

Brennon turned at the next stop light, pretending as if this change in plans was spontaneous. It wasn’t, but he knew he could be a good actor. He remembered supposedly being in love when he was in his twenties, but his feelings for Katy were something much stronger. She was everything he wanted in a woman – a woman he thought he would never find.

“Where are we going?” Katy asked once the car turned onto an older street that headed directly into downtown. “We’re not going home?”

Brennon shook his head. “Naw, not just yet. Why? You don’t have anywhere to be tomorrow.”

Katy playfully slapped Brennon’s shoulder. “You don’t know that, Brennon. I could have a booked day tomorrow.”

Brennon looked over at Katy with eyes that said yeah, I don’t believe that for one minute.

“Oh, calm down, Katy,” Brennon said, calmly as he then turned onto a different street that led into the core of downtown. “You’ll like it. Do you trust me, Jasmine? Do you?”