“Oh, Katy!” Brennon said. He then grinded his teeth. “Katy, I’m about to cum! You’re going to make me cum like this!”

A giggle slipped from Katy’s lips then she planted her hands firmly into Brennon’s chest and smiled. She then started riding him so hard that even Brennon couldn’t keep up with his own thrusts. Katy watched the way his eyes rolled back in his head. Then, his body tensed up, but she did not slow down the least bit. Less than two minutes later, Brennon held Katy by the hips and used every bit of his strength to bounce her up and down on his body until he erupted. He put his hand around the back of her neck and gently pulled her down to kiss him. They told one another they loved each other once again then lay down on the bed, Katy’s head on Brennon’s chest. They stared blankly at the bedroom window, both in post-ecstasy thought.

Brennon looked over at Katy and chuckled. Katy then looked at him with questioning eyes. “What?”

“Nothing,” Brennon said. “Just thinking about something.”

“About what?” Katy asked.

“You’ve never really been the adventurous type, have you Katy?” Brennon asked.

“Um, well.” Katy thought for a moment. “Depends, I guess. Why?”

Brennon smiled, looking into Katy’s eyes then turned back toward the window. A humorous chuckled slipped out of his mouth. “Oh, no reason.”

Feeling the need to escape their daily lives was overcoming Brennon.

Chapter 12

“So, these are the Great Smokey Mountains, huh?”

Katy peered out the window like a child anxious to finally get to the destination. Brennon had just driven around the outskirts of Knoxville and was now on the major thoroughfare leading up into the smokey mountains. After going through a very rainy stretch of the interstate after Lexington, Kentucky, the swelling gray clouds had moved on. In their path, they left a majestic haze that hovered over the Smokey Mountains with streaks of bold sunlight reaching through and down onto the timber coating the mountainsides.

“Yeah,” Brennon said. “We came up here once, to Gatlinburg, when I was a kid. I wonder how it’s changed.”

Katy looked over at Brennon then placed her hand on his forearm. She smiled; her heart warmed then she turned back to the view. She couldn’t help but to admire the beauty of the mountains and how they reached into the background, almost seemingly endless. The blue hues in the distance – the “smokey” part of things – was almost too majestic to believe.

“Well, I will admit this is a nice surprise,” Katy said. “I certainly wasn’t expecting this.”

“And you’re sure the school doesn’t have a problem with you suddenly taking a few days off?” Brennon asked.

Katy shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t taken off much at all this year, so they’ll be

okay. I’ll take pictures to take back to the kids. I’m sure they’ll love this. Just think, a few more weeks, maybe, these might be covered in snow.” She closed her eyes in thought. “Just imagine how that must look.”

Brennon looked over at Katy then back at the road, chuckling. “Well, wait until you see Gatlinburg. I remember that night we went and got that dress downtown. I probably won’t be able to keep track of you when we get down into town.” He laughed and shook his head. “Better yet… Might just have to come back and find you, probably running around like a kid hyped up on candy.”

Katy turned to Brennon. “There’s really that much shopping?”

Brennon turned to Katy, looked dead into her eyes, then back toward the road ahead. He rested assured that his silence would be enough to hold Katy over until the road dipped between the sides of two mountains then into the beautiful, storybook-like Gatlinburg.

Katy and Brennon talked on and on as the traffic tensed up leading down into Gatlinburg. It cut through a massive strip of shopping, at which Katy looked out the window like a starving dog with its tongue out. Brennon laughed, often making jokes about her. Katy pulled up the cabin on her phone, anxious to walk through the doors. She had never stayed in a cabin, so this was certainly going to be something new for her.

This entire trip seemed very unreal to Katy. She and Brennon had been lying in the bed, naked after lust-filled, passionate sex just a few days ago. She would’ve never guessed that Brennon was secretly planning to whisk her away to the Smokey Mountains. In fact, he hadn’t even revealed his plans. He simply called Katy while she was at work the next day and asked that she take a few days off work. Naturally, she insisted on knowing what he was planning, but Brennon refused to tell her. Rather, she was met with the words “just trust me.” And now she was so glad she did. The following morning, Brennon pulled up in a silver rental car, picked Katy up, then headed for the interstate. When Katy started demanding to know where they were going, Brennon simply pulled up the luxury cabin he rented in the mountains and handed his phone to Katy. Since then, Katy had been so excited she couldn’t keep from talking the entire trip.

Just as Brennon predicted, Katy was floored by the amount of shopping in Gatlinburg. She often compared the town itself – its overall appearance and layout – to a storybook kind of town. “It’s like something out of Beauty & the Beast.”

Brennon laughed then crawled through the bumper-to-bumper traffic until they came to the other side of the tiny, wedged-in-the-mountains town. There were moments Brennon thought Katy was going to jump out of the car and go running and he would have to jump out and catch her. Being facetious, he would lock the doors at purposely quiet moments. Katy would look over at him with flared nostrils, squinting. “I get what you’re saying,” she said. “Are you going to put the child lock on too?”

Brennon steered the car up the side of mountain. Certain moments were certainly scary; Katy had never driven up a road so steep. Sometime she would have to lean over so she could keep from looking over the side of a mountain – a side of the mountain where with one wrong move, they could wind up in what looked like a never-ending wooded ditch.

When Brennon turned down a side road, Katy realized they were almost there. Minutes later, they came up a community of cabins with the office across the road. Brennon pulled into the parking lot, they went inside to get the keys and sign by the X, then they headed to the cabin. Katy smiled, peering out the window when Brennon pulled into the driveway.

“Oh, wow, Brennon,” Katy said. “This is beautiful.” She stepped out of the car. The way the mountains climbed up toward a hazy sky in the background was to die for. There was a good amount of space between their cabin and their neighbors. As they headed up onto the porch, Katy got a glimpse of the hot tube around on the other side of the wrap-around porch.

Brennon chuckled. “Calm down, calm down.”

“I am calm,” Katy said.