“What do you mean what is going on?” Brennon asked. “I thought we could just go for a ride.”

“A ride?” Katy asked, looking at the snowy road ahead of them. “A ride in the snow? Really?””

“Yes, really,” Brennon said, smiling and nodding. “I love the snow. I’ve been waiting on this.”

“You love the snow?” Katy asked. “Funny you never mentioned that.”

“Oh, I’m sure I did,” Brennon said. “You probably just weren’t listening. You know how you women are. Only want to hear what you want to hear.”

Katy glanced over at Brennon with sharp eyes then smiled. “Hmm, hmm. So, what got into you? You just wanted to come all the way out here and pick me up so we could drive around in all this snow?”

Brennon nodded. “Yes, why is that so hard to believe? People go for rides in the summer, so why can’t you go in the winter? Car still runs.” He chuckled. “I love the snow.” He came up to a stoplight and rubbed his hands together with excitement. “I especially like how pretty the city looks. Do you have school tomorrow? I would think they would cancel class of tomorrow.”

Katy sighed. “Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking too. I was waiting for the machine, you know, to call and say that, but still hasn’t yet.”

“Oh, I see,” Brennon said.

Brennon and Katy both talked about their days as Brennon made his way to the interstate. They headed toward the city. Katy had just finished telling him about a few of her problem students.

“So, enough about those kids,” Katy said. She glanced out at the white blanketed woods hugging either side of the interstate. “So, you still haven’t really said where we’re going.”

“Oh,” Brennon said, almost as if he hadn’t even thought about it. “I don’t know either. I didn’t really think about all that to be honest. I was just happy to be spending this snowy evening with you.”

Katy smiled and blushed while looking over at Brennon. “Hmm, hmm. You know how you men are. Say anything to a girl to make her feel something.”

Brennon chuckled under his breath, but decided against saying anything. “So, I have an idea. There is this neighborhood I look to drive around, on the other side of downtown from where we were that one night.” He chuckled. “And this park has a beautiful view of downtown. I want to see what it looks like in this kind of winter storm.”

“Okay, I guess,” Katy said. “Whatever you said. If we get stuck somewhere, what’s the plan?”

“Stuck somewhere?” Brennon asked, laughing. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to live in the car until we’re not stuck anymore.”

Katy looked over at Brennon with sharp eyes yet again. “Oh, is that the plan? What will we do about food?”

Again, Brennon playfully acted as if he hadn’t even thought about that. “You know… all that doesn’t really matter to me as long as I’m with you, Katy.” He smiled. “You know?”

“Hmm, hmm,” Katy said. “You sure are one with words. What happened to you writing that book?”

The secret lovers laughed at their back and forth sarcasm then talked on and on about anything as Brennon drove into the city. Once they got downtown, he got off of the interstate and zigzagged through downtown until crossing the Second Street Bridge and entering Indiana.

“The city is beautiful when it’s covered in a fresh layer of snow,” Katy admitted. Because of how the street curved after they crossed the bridge, Katy could look back at downtown and the river banks leading up to a cluster of office towers. “Truly, it is beautiful.”

Brennon talked about his love for snow and how important it was as a child to him to have a white Christmas – snowball fights with his friends; failed attempts at building igloos; his parents making him go out and shovel the walkway. The latter gave him a chance to play around with his friends if his mom and dad weren’t paying attention too closely.

Before they knew it, Brennon turned down a side street and carefully rolled down the next couple of blocks, fearing a car on a cross street might not be able to stop in time for whatever reason. Next thing Katy knew, he was pulling the car into a park with curvy, tree-lined lanes. She’d never been here before, but the name did sound somewhat familiar. It was very clear this park must’ve been stellar during the summer; however, winter’s touch – heavy, white snow blowing up across the road and over picnic tables – sure did add a sparkle to it.

Brennon mumbled about trying to find the same place where he had parked one of the other times he’d been to this park. Just as the road curved to the other side of the park and the wooded area between the park and the river banks opened up, Katy’s eyes bulged. The view of downtown from this park was indeed stunning. Brennon looked over at her, chuckling, as he pulled into a parking spot. He undid his seat belt after putting the car in PARK. “I thought you hated the winter. Hmm, hmm.”

“Oh, stop it,” Katy said, playfully tapping Brennon’s shoulder. “I love the view though.” Because of the parks slopes, the car sat up at a perfect position to see out over the tops of some of the trees.

“Yeah, I’m glad I found it,” Brennon said. “I came here sometime last year. Was riding around and looking at possible houses to buy and saw some good ones up this way, so I saw this and always remembered it.”

Katy looked out at downtown. The evening sky was quickly darkening. The snow showers were off and on, but Katy didn’t mine. While she and Brennon talked, he adjusted the heat according to how toasty it had gotten in the car. They talked on and on, neither of them wanting to stop to let the other talk at times. When the conversation came to a long pause, Katy felt Brennon’s eyes burning a hole in the side of her face. Before she could say anything, Brennon leaned in, with a smile on his face, and started kissing Katy passionately. When their lips parted, Katy looked into Brennon’s eyes. “Oh wow. What was that about?”

Brennon chuckled. “So, what are you trying to say?” he asked. “That I can’t kiss you?”

Katy chuckled. “No, I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” She pressed her lips back into Brennon’s lips and kissed him once again. “See.”

Brennon chuckled. He then looked around the snowy parking lot, at the trees lining the lane leading back to the neighborhood street. “So, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”