Katy graciously accepted her glass. Never in her life had she been so excited. “Okay. But to what?”

Brennon paused. “To...to...to one of the nicest nights I’ve had in a long time.”

Katy smiled, looking into Brennon’s eyes as she held her glass up in the air. She agreed then they clanked the rims together and started sipping. “You know, Brennon,” Katy said, “I have to admit being here is strange.”

Brennon finished taking his sip then set his wine glass down on the coffee table. “Oh, yeah? Why do you say that?”

“Because, Brennon,” Katy said, sighing and rolling her eyes because she wondered how what she was about to say would come across to him, “I’ve never been to where you lived all those years. You always came to our house.”

Brennon chuckled. “Okay, I can see why you say that, Katy. Well, I hope you like it here. I gotta say it feels weird too. I almost feel like Melanie should be getting out of the car or something and coming in here.” He chuckled. “As crazy as that sounds.”

Katy sipped her wine for a moment. “You know, I thought you were handsome guy back then.”

“Oh, you did?” Brennon asked. She can’t be serious, he thought. Back then I didn’t really dress all that nice… Couldn’t really afford to. Car wasn’t that nice, just everything. “Well, thank you, I guess.” He looked at Katy in an admiring way, taking note of how her legs stretched away from the couch. “You really did turn out to be a beautiful woman.”

Katy felt as if she couldn’t pull her eyes away from Brennon’s even if she wanted to. “And you’re sure you’re single?”


on pretended to be insulted. “Am I sure I’m not single? Why would you ask that? If I were single, you wouldn't be here right now and we wouldn’t have gone on a date.”

“It’s just interesting that you’re single and you seem like such a great guy,” Katy said.

Brennon chuckled. In recent years, he had become all too aware of the stigma of the unmarried straight man approaching forty years-old. “Well, I was in a relationship for a few years that ended a couple of years ago. You remember me telling you about that at your parents’ house, right?”

“Yeah, I remember,” Katy said. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I was just saying.”

Brennon lifted his glass to his lips. His eyes had dropped down from Katy’s eyes to her chest. A timid surge of guilt raced through his veins, for his temptation had gotten the best of him. Only a few seconds passed before he found himself looking at how the dress hugged Katy’s long legs. In so many ways, having Melanie’s cousin’s daughter Katy sitting on his couch, right by his side in such an elegant dress seemed too hard to believe. “And yourself?” he asked Katy.

“And myself what?” Katy asked, lowering her glass to her lap.

“You’re sure you’re single,” Brennon asked.

Katy scoffed and smiled. “Well, of course. That’s obvious. Why in the world would you ask that? I’ve never even been in a serious relationship, really.”

Brennon chuckled, set his glass down on the coffee table, then looked at Katy with sleepy eyes. He felt bold – even courageous. A little voice in his head pushed him to do something he never thought he would do. “So, would there be a problem if I were to lean in and kiss you?”

Katy giggled. “Depends how you ask,” she said, looking away for a moment. “I wouldn’t see a problem with it.”

Brennon chuckled under his breath as he leaned in. Before either of them knew it, there lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. Brennon enjoyed Katy’s scent – the softness of her touch. Without even realizing it, Brennon reached up and ran his fingers through Katy’s thick brown hair. They locked eyes when their lips parted. They kissed again, this time with more intensity than the last.

“Interesting,” Brennon said as he pulled back from Katy.

Katy’s facial expression changed to that of confusion. “Interesting? What do you mean by that?”

Brennon’s felt his heart was on fire in a way it hadn’t been in a long time. “Oh, nothing,” he said, slyly. He took another sip from his wine glass then leaned in for another kiss. He could feel Katy’s heart coming out of her chest and bonding with his. Almost as if fate had lined the stars up just for the two of them that night, Brennon and Katy locked in their embrace.

When Brennon finally backed his face away from Katy’s he lifted his arm up and placed his hand on her head. Again, he stroked her hair with his fingers as the two smiled. There was a certain surreal feeling to what was happening, but neither of them wanted it to end. Rather, they continued kissing until the throws of passion overcame them. Brennon leaned behind Katy’s head and started kissing on her neck. Whatever guilt, nervousness, or reservations he had about Katy being Richard’s daughter had faded so far into the abysses of his mind it was almost as if he’d totally forgotten. Katy was no longer the little cousin his sister Melanie had riding around in his car. Rather, she had blossomed into a beautiful woman with whom he had lots in common and had a bond that as indescribable.

Katy’s moaning from his kisses fueled Brennon even more. He undid his own button-up shirt then pulled it off, tossing it to the side. A chuckle slipped out of his lips when Katy reached up and ran her fingers along his toned chest.

She clearly liked it, which pleased him. He kissed her again then proceeded to continue blessing the sides of her neck with tender kisses. The way she ran her fingers through his hair drove him wild. There came a point where Katy wrapped her legs frantically around his mid-body, pulling him closer to her and locking himself in in a way he had never anticipated. Katy clearly had let go of whatever reservations she had about starting anything romantic with Brennon. And he could tell by the way she quickly reached down and started undoing his belt then pants.

Brennon leaned up, allowing Katy to finish undoing his pants until they were loose enough to hang off of his body. He pulled them down his legs, leaving them bunched up around his ankles and resting on top of his shoes. “I gotta get this dress off of you, Katy,” Brennon whispered. “May I?”

Katy smiled then gently nudged Brennon. “Okay, I got an idea.”

Brennon liked when a woman took control sometimes. Following her pushing, Brennon wound up laying back on the couch with his pants down around his ankle. His legs were spread apart as his hard manhood reached up passed his belly button. After giving it a very sensual squeeze, Katy stepped away from the couch and commenced to taking off her dress. Brennon lent a helping hand by reaching up and unzipping the back zipper. Before he knew it, Katy stood before him in nothing but a matching set of white bra and panties. Brennon licked his lips and gestured for Katy to come closer.