Katy expanded her response to Brennon’s question and Brennon listened. He then talked about how he envied Katy because she had a real family, which is something he didn’t feel he had. “So many of my relatives live all over the country that we don’t really know one another all that well. We see each other at funerals, basically… And even then, it depends on whose funeral.” He chuckled then continued on.

Within twenty minutes or so, Brennon and Katy came to the end of the promenade. It let out at the south end of a large park that ran along the river, filling the space between the river’s banks and the parkway that winded with its turns. They stopped at large limestone boulders and looked out at downtown – the city where they’d both grown up, but really didn’t know much outside of television. When they had taken in enough of the scenic view, they headed back down the trail then back into the streets of downtown until they came to Katy’s car.

After saying a somewhat stiff goodbye, Katy turned around when Brennon said her name. “Katy, may I ask if you’re seeing anyone?”

Katy’s heart almost stopped; breathing became a bit difficult. She was so taken aback, but couldn’t pull her lips out of their smile. Having just opened her car door and about to hop inside, she paused. Traffic rushed by behind her; streetlights buzzed. She smiled. “Yes, I am.” She giggled nervously. “I am single.”

Brennon chuckled. “Well, I’d like to take you to dinner if you’d be interested.”

Katy blushed. She had yet to ever have a moment as strange as this one...but it was a moment she was glad happened. She let out a deep breath, realized she was twenty-seven years old and maybe could loosen up a little bit, and figured why the hell not. “Sure...that sounds nice.”

Katy and Brennon finished up their goodbyes then Katy climbed into her car. She looked in her mirrors as Brennon walked off, disappearing in the sidewalk of people before turning a corner. Katy looked at her own reflection in her mirror before pulling out of the parking spot and heading up the street toward the interstate.

As to be expected, thoughts consumed her. Excitement blended with guilt to make an interesting sentiment… And she wouldn’t know how it turned out until the end. Just as she’d gotten onto the interstate, her phone rang. Thinking it might be Brennon, she quickly reached over and dug through her purse, so much so that she accidentally swerved into the next lane. “Dammit,” she said, upon seeing it was Eve calling. “It’s you.”

“Well, hello to you, too,” Eve said. “You sound like I’m interrupting something. Are you laying in bed having just gone through the throws of passions nex

t to some guy you met?”

“Eve!” Katy said as she rolled her eyes then laughed out loud. “I swear, maybe you should quit marketing and go be a romance author. You seem to come up with some good fiction.”

“You think so?” Eve said.

Katy rolled her eyes. “Anyway, you must have a camera following me.”

“If I did, I wouldn’t tell you,” Eve said. “I can’t have you knowing I secretly watch you.”

“Yeah, well, you’ll love to hear about this,” Katy said. “Guess who just asked me out after we had a little early dinner then went on a walk?”

Chapter 5

In some ways, Katy grew to regret telling Eve about Brennon asking her out. For the next few days, Eve sent her pictures of possible outfit choices for the date, which hadn’t even been scheduled yet. Katy would often shoot back that Eve’s possible options looked rather desperate, ironically. Eve laughed it off, saying that it’s best to wear what fits you and your state of mind on the date. “You need to lure this guy in enough so you can actually hold on to this one.”

Katy had to remind herself of her childhood friendship with Eve at times to keep from hanging up the phone from her insults. Now, another Friday had rolled around. When Katy had gotten home, she was surprised again to see a car in the driveway that wasn’t usually there: Eve’s Honda Accord. Katy covered her face as if she were playing peek-a-boo and rushed toward the house. Before she knew it, Eve was yelling her name.

“Katy! Katy! I know you see me.”

Katy dashed into the house, but couldn’t close the door in time to keep Eve out. The tall, thin-figured woman slid inside quickly then laughed as Katy leaned over with disappointment.

“Eve, not today,” Katy said, putting her bag down and closing the door. “It’s been a long week for me. I don’t want to go over any more of your skankish outfits.”

“Katy, seriously?” Melanie said. “They're not skankish. It’s time for you to wear something a little more revealing. I know Brennon is this and that, but still, doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to see a little something. Are some of those outfits against your religion or something?”

“Eve,” Katy snapped. “Seriously, I’m not religious. I don’t know where you’re getting that from. I swear, I don’t. I have skirts.”

“Yeah, but they probably don’t come above your knees and show some leg,” Eve said. “It’s going to be okay, Katy. I can tell you’re worried, but you have to learn how to stop stressing. I’ll help you get it together, but that’s actually not why I’m here. I was out in the area and thought I would surprise you. Would you be open to going out to get a drink this evening? And don’t worry, Miss Goody Goody, we’ll be done before the bars start to get crowded and stuff.”

“Eve! I go to bars...that’s not new for me.” Katy rubbed her forehead.

“Yeah, yeah,” Eve said. “If you say so. Okay, I’m going to help you figure out what to wear.”

A bit frustrated, Katy shrugged her shoulders. She figured there was probably next to nothing she could do to get Eve to lay up on her “helping” hand. She suppressed her groans as she did her afternoon routine of coming home. “Okay, Eve, well I’ll go. Just let me get in from work like I normally do and relax.”

“Okay, okay,” Eve said.

Katy headed up the stairs, turning around and surprised to see Eve following her up the staircase as well. When Eve got back to Katy’s room, she looked around. “Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been up here. Everything really does look the same.”

Katy looked around. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I’m starting to think about moving out.”