“Why not?” Eve said. She purposely cleared her throat. “You yourself mentioned that you two aren’t really related. I don’t see what the problem is.”

“Eve, no,” Katy said. “That’s my cousin Melanie’s brother. I know I talked to you before about how close Melanie and me were growing up. There’s no way I could get involved with him romantically.” She made sure to keep her voice low. Big, old houses like theirs were known for carrying conversations around effortlessly. “Do you know how much older than me he is?”

“Well, no, I don’t,” Eve said. “And he doesn’t look that old. How old?”

“Probably like thirty-eight or thirty-nine...something like that,” Katy said with a matter-of-fact tone. “Yeah, he’s that old.”

“Now, now, Katy,” Eve said. “There’s nothing wrong with dating an older man. You know,” he laughed with a sinister tone, “I’ve had my few experiences, let’s call them, with older guys. You know, Katy. You are pretty and bright and cheerful and all that. Maybe that’s what you weren’t meant for.”

Katy’s nostrils flared and she shook her head. “You know what, Eve? You sure give a lot of dating advice for someone who hasn’t even had a long term boyfriend in like a million years.”

“Exactly, Katy,” Eve said. “You know why? Because I’m out here dating. Anyway, don’t try to change the subject. I know you’re interested in that Brennon guy. It was written all over your face.”

“Huh?” Katy asked. “Eve, what are you talking about? I was just talking with him. He used to be a school teacher, so we talk about that kind of thing. That’s all, Eve.”

“Yeah, well, that might be all you talk about, Katy,” Eve said, “but I could tell by how you were looking at that guy. He’s interesting, I will say that. Handsome. Educated. Talks like he’s had some experiences and whatnot. I don’t know, Katy. Guy seems like he might be a good match for you. He is a young forty, I will say that.”

“Yeah, he is,” Katy said. “But still, Eve. Do I find him attractive? Yeah, I do. Conversation with him is nice and we have a lot in common. But, I don’t know what you mean by how I was looking at him.” She listened while Even explained the look in her eyes when Brennon came out on the patio. “Yeah, well, I don’t remember it like that. It’s Brennon, Eve… Brennon. Melanie’s older brother. When she and I were kids, he would drop her off and pick her up. Hell, there were even a couple of times he took me and her to the skating ring and even the fair.”

“Okay, so what are you saying, Katy?” Eve asked. “You act like the guy was prowling on you when you were a teenage girl. It doesn’t sound like he was.”

“Well, no,” Katy said. “I don’t get that feeling. But you know what the family might think about something like that, Eve. Come on, get real. Yes, he’s an attractive man and all that, but fourteen year’s difference? And he’s related...in a way, in a way. I can only imagine how my dad would react. My mother would probably take off her glasses. And you know what that means.”

Eve laughed. “Oh, Katy. You should be a little more optimistic, I think. Seriously. What do you have to lose? And you said it yourself that one he’s not related, and two that you haven’t seen him in so long. You’re an adult now and so is he. If you two wanna date or something, then there’s no reason you can’t.”

“Wait a minute, Eve,” Katy said. “Who even said we wanted to date? You’re talking as if he asked me out or something. Seriously, Eve.”

“Seriously, Katy,” Eve said, mockingly. “You need to be open to love when it comes along. I plan on being married by thirty… And you are missing out on good chances to have a good guy. And you’re still a virgin… So, the longer you wait, the crazier you’re going to get. I can already see it in you.”

Katy groaned. “Why did I even answer the phone?”

Katy continued talking to Eve, telling her that trying to see Brennon on that level would just be inappropriate for the family. Eve continued pushing, arguing that Brennon really did seem like a good match for Katy.

Just as Eve had been naming off ten reasons Katy should be open to dating Brennon, her father called out her name from the bottom of the steps. “Let me call you back, Eve,” Katy said, deciding to use this as her out from Eve’s absurd conversation.

“Yeah, Dad?” Katy asked from the top of the staircase. She looked out over the banister as her father Richard walked out into the foyer.

“Yeah, Katy, I was worried you weren’t still here,” Richard said. “I just got a call about our rental property down in Henry County and have to leave right now.” He waited while his daughter made her way down the steps before he continued on with explaining. “Brennon says that he has somewhere to be out this way at a time that, well, would’ve been when we finished up with our talk. I told him he should just wait around here until he needs to leave, but wanted to make sure it was okay with you. Were you going anywhere?”

Katy looked away for a moment. “No, not that I know of. And yeah, that’s fine. Just let me get something from upstairs then I can sit down here with him for a little while.”

Richard thanked her daughter then zipped around to the kitchen to dig for the keys to his property. Katy turned the corner at the top of the steps then stopped. She had forgotten why she needed to come back up to her room. As she climbed the steps, she thought about Brennon, who she assumed to still be sitting in their posh living room. Her heart fluttered; she became a bit nervous. She reflected back to what she’d been thinking about which Eve said as she climbed the sloping road that led back to their house. She never would’ve thought Brennon would be at the house having a meeting with her father. And she certainly didn’t think she would wind up having to entertain him for a little while.

Wow, this is crazy, Katy thought. She then rolled her eyes. She could only imagine what Eve would say when she found out.

Katy did a quick scan of her room to make sure there wasn’t anything she wanted to carry downstairs with her. She then headed downstairs, hesitating at the top of the staircase. The idea of Brennon being interested in her just seemed so strange. However, whether or not she wanted to admit such, it wasn’t a scary proposition. She came to the bottom of the steps, said goodbye to her father, then stepped into the living room. Brennon looked up and smiled just as Richard had been pulling the front door closed.

“Look, I understand if you have something else to do this evening,” Brennon said, standing up. “I was trying to tell your dad that I could easily find a way to kill time, but,” he paused, “he insisted on getting you.”

Katy smiled before she responded. Brennon’s consideration was certainly nice; his genuine personality was so refreshing in a world where people were out for themselves. She crossed the room and plopped down into a chair, insisting that it was truly okay. Brennon thanked her then sat back down.

“So, how did your day go up at the school?”

Katy paused in disbelief. For the last year or so, the only person to really ask her a

bout her day at work was Eve. However, Brennon asking was certainly different. He seemed truly intrigued, and probably could help her reflect on whatever issues she had going.

Katy spilled about her day – held no details back. She talked about her interesting students, and the little boy whose mother brings lunch up to him every day. The crazy grandmother who wanted to volunteer on every school field trip called about an upcoming trip. The lady practically talked Katy’s ear off.