I’m not sure why, but this intrigues me so I turn to face the bar maid head on. “She has?”

I’m never usually interested in people, not like this. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I have my own stuff to worry about. I might have had a lot of success handed to me on a plate because of my father, but I’m still only twenty four years old. I have to work hard to prove myself on a daily basis to be taken seriously. I do all of that to end up not in the middle of these shitty jobs… yet here I am anyway. Doing the worst job ever.

“Yes, she has. She’s suffered death, stress, and responsibilities that no one her age should have to.” She looks up at Lola with nothing but respect in her eyes. “She’s strong. She’s also suffered heart break in the middle of all of that, and she stands strong.”

A moment ago, I was only thinking about this girl in a highly sexual way. I don’t have time for anything serious, I never have done, but I certainly enjoy my time with women. I make sure they know it’s only for a one time thing, or maybe a fling if they’re lucky, but that’s all it is. I don’t find out anything about them other than their name because what else do I need? But now, I know things about Lola and I’m actually intrigued by her.

“Wow, that’s tough.” I shift on my seat and turn my eyes to look at her again. “She doesn’t look like she’s been through all of that.”

“So what about you…” the bar maid says expectantly. It takes me a moment, but I suddenly realize that she’s prompting me and that she wants to know more.

“Oh, Brandon. Brandon Heath-Smith.” In the city, in my circles, that name is big news but this small town obviously means no one knows who I am. “I’m a property developer.”

“Oh.” Realization crosses her face. “Are you here about the land at the edge of the woodlands bit? The new starter homes, isn’t it?”

“That’s it.” I puff my chest out proudly. I love talking about what I do, even the bits I don’t love. “And a shopping mall too. The hope is to turn this town into more of a destination place. Bring in more people to keep the businesses running better.”

“Well, I think we’re all doing just fine.” She shrugs at me with a blank expression on her face. “But I suppose you probably know better, right?”

I don’t know if that’s a question that wants an answer or not. Developing property often comes with people disagreeing with the plans set up for them, but in my experience, they soon come around once they see what’s happened at the end. They don’t like the idea of change, but they love it when it’s done.

Instead, I turn away from her and I focus on the red head instead. She isn’t like the girls from the city at all. She’s got long legs under those incredible denim hot pants, and kick ass cowboy boots that bring out all sorts of fantasies in my mind. I would love to see her wearing nothing but those boots. Maybe some sexy lingerie as well, but definitely the boots. That would drive me insane. Especially with that hair of her spilling down her back.

She has a checked shirt which is tied into a knot just above her belly button. It cups some round breasts that actually look real, which is something I’m not used to. To be fair, my ‘dates’ are usually models or socialites who have had a lot of work done. I can’t actually remember the last time I touched a real boob and the idea causes a stirring in my pants. Then I move up to her heart shaped face which contains the bluest eyes that I’ve ever seen. They’re so stunning, I could actually fall for her… if I was that sort of man.

“So, Lola Boots.” I can’t resist, I turn back to the bar maid because I need her advice. I can’t go into this blind. “What’s her current situation? Is she single?”

The bar maid runs her eyes up and down me and as she meets my eyes again I can tell she isn’t impressed with what she sees. “I meant what I said,” she tells me firmly. “She’s a good girl and we all love her. She doesn’t need some slick city boy breezing into town and breaking her heart.” She slams her hands down on the bar and leans in closer to me so I’ll hear every single word. “Unless you’re going to marry Lola, I suggest you stay away.”

Oh God, she has no idea what she’s just done to me. She’s made Lola even more attractive because now she’s something taboo, something I need to stay away from. And to be honest as I look at her I don’t think she wants to be married herself. She looks like she’s been lonely for a while now and she wants someone to just make her feel incredible. She needs someone to corrupt her, and I’m the one who can do that.

I lean back on the bar and fuck her with my eyes. The bar maid can say what she wants, I don’t give a shit, I want this woman and I’m going to have her. At least for tonight. The words falling out of her mouth as she sings are innocent enough, but there’s something about the way that she’s singing them that’s dirty as all hell. I think I might be about to lose my mind. It’s taking all my self control not to grab her right now and to throw her over my shoulder and stalk out of here with her. Like a desperate cave man.

Oh God, I could take her back to that grubby ass motel room and make it even filthi

er with her in it. I could take complete control of her body and make her completely submit to me. She looks like she would as well. But then, if I really think about it, I think there might be a bit of a fire in her where she might take control of me. I don’t usually let that happen, but with her I just might. I imagine it might be a whole lot of fun.

She isn’t someone I want to hurt, I don’t think I’ll just fuck her and leave her, but I could have some fun with her during my time here. It might be something that we both need, a distraction from this shitty town. What’s the point of being here and not enjoying it? I’m stuck, so I might as well make the most out of it. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.

“Thank you, everyone,” she finally says into the microphone once the singing is done. “As always I appreciate your time and support.”

Everyone cheers and claps around her, so I join in out of respect. To be fair she deserves the cheers, she’s an amazing singer, it’s just a shame that she’s stuck in such a dead end place. As she walks down off the stage she catches my eye and smiles. A blush fills her cheeks too which only confirms what I already suspect. She wants me, I can see it written all over her face. I know that look well and I like it from her.

“Remember what I said,” the bar maid warns from behind me, coldly. “Unless you’re going to marry her, keep the hell away.”

I nod as if I’m listening but her words are barely registering anymore. All I can think about is getting my hands on the beautiful Lola Boots and doing all sorts of crazy things to her.

“Can I have another drink please?” I ask, forgetting my vow to only have the one. I have more pressing things to worry about now. “Another whiskey.”

Maybe I do need to be level headed tomorrow to oversee the development of the project, but I don’t care. I’m sure it’s running fine anyway, I doubt I even need to be here. I’ll probably spend most of my time bored… or in the arms of a certain red head.

“It’s Doreen, by the way,” the bar maid tells me as she slides the drink across to me, almost knocking it over as it crashes into my hand. “I presume since you’re clearly ignoring my words that you’ll be sticking around. So you might as well know my name.”

“Thank you, Doreen.” I give her a playful smirk. “That’s good to know.”

Then it’s time for the waiting game. I get the sense that Lola is hanging around back stage because she’s nervous, maybe because she knows that I’m waiting for her. She knows as well as I do that we had a connection then as she was up on stage. I’m sure she felt me eye fucking her and if she’s had such a sheltered life from love, mostly experiencing heart break, then maybe she’s scared to delve right in. But she will, I’m sure of it. It’s just a shame that I’m not very good at being patient.

I feel her coming before I see her. There’s a prickle on the back of my neck, a set of goose bumps spreading up and down my arm, the sensation that something exciting is about to happen. I pause while I count to three inside my mind, waiting for the exact right moment to see her again to start making my move.