I couldn’t get him out of my head.

Now, I’m all grown up, he’s single, and we’re both willing.



I watched her blonde hair swaying above me as she moved easily, smiling easily. It was late and dark in my room, but the moon was shining through the open window that overlooked the Chesapeake Bay just outside of the window. The breeze was cool as Nora moved and slipped me deeper inside of her.

Nothing felt like Nora. No woman ever felt like Nora and I remembered when we met at a dance club when we were both in our twenties. I’d dated before then and so had she, but we connected immediately. Her pale blonde hair and dark green eyes struck me immediately, and we spent the entire night together as well as the following six months before I proposed to her.

I played back the past as I gripped her hips and rose to thrust into her slowly, memorizing the feeling of her body wrapped tightly around me. I’d never stop loving this woman, and I closed my eyes as she moaned my name and scraped her nails down my bare chest. Nora came first, and I followed, filling her with my seed as we both moaned. I rose up, burying my cock inside of her as she draped her body over me, her full breasts pressing against my damp skin as I stroked her back.

“I love you,” I told her as she sighed happily and rolled beside me, keeping an arm securely around me.

“I love you.” Her voice was soft and sweet, and she pressed her lips to my shoulder.

I drifted back to sleep, holding her close and letting the sound of the wind and water lull me back to sleep.

I woke up alone, reaching for Nora as I looked around. She was gone and the reality that she had been for four years now hit me like a train. I sighed and closed my eyes as I listened to the sounds of giggling girls downstairs in the kitchen, talking to my chef, Anne.

Bella was my ten-year-old daughter with Nora and Viv was her best friend. They were the same age, but Vivian lost her parents in a tragic car accident six months ago and had no remaining family to take her in. I knew how Bella would have felt leaving her home after her mom died at six, so I stepped in with a team of lawyers and ultimately adopted Vivian within a few months of the accident. It was easy when you were the CEO of one of the most successful businesses in Maryland and you had a staff to take care of every need the kids had. We lived on the bay in the same house that I bought with Nora after we were married for a few years and my business was taking off.

The house was a sprawling five-bedroom ranch style home with a large living room, a screened in porch and a lot of grass outside to run around on. It was a perfect place to grow up in and the girls seemed happy most of the time. Vivian had her days where she missed her family, but Bella was great with her and they kept each other going.

I rose and went into the master bathroom, brightly lit from all the windows, and rubbed my eyes. I looked tired. I’d felt tired since losing Nora to breast cancer, realizing that I was a single father from now on. Thank God for the staff that I had to help me out as I kept my business going. I brushed my teeth and pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt to go downstairs, feeling years older than my thirty-seven years.

I walked down the side stairs and smelled bacon and coffee, inhaling deeply. Anne made a great breakfast and it was the weekend, so I was going to enjoy it. I walked into the large kitchen to see the woman standing at the breakfast nook where the girls were eating, laughing with them.

“Good morning,” I greeted the three of them as Anne turned to smile at me, her face wrinkled with the warmth of it.

“Good morning, Boyce. Would you like some coffee?” She was already walking towards the pot and I nodded as she poured a c

up and slid it across the marble counter to me. I loved the coffee that she bought at the little shop in town and sipped it gratefully as I glanced at Bella and Viv. My daughter was blonde like her mother though she had my light green eyes and beautiful just like Nora. Viv was a redhead with mischievous blue eyes and a bright smile when she wasn’t feeling sad. They were talking closely as they ate the bacon and eggs that Anne cooked, making me realize just how close they were. Bella met Viv in Kindergarten and they had been inseparable ever since then.

I fixed a small plate of food and took it to the small table that overlooked my yard, taking in the bright sun and cool breeze outside. Bella came over to give me a long hug and I kissed her hair as I asked her how she was doing today. Bella told me that she was great, and I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk after I was finished eating.

Bella clapped and told me yes as she ran over to tell Viv, and they brought their plates to the sink to rinse them off before running upstairs to the large room that they shared. I put two full-size bed in there for them as well as everything they needed for storage and they also had a play room with a television and about a million activities to do.

“They’re going to love that. It’s beautiful out today,” Anne remarked as I nodded and took another sip of my coffee. We talked about the house and just the day-to-day stuff going on, since I had a nanny that handled the girls most of the week. I was a very active part of my business and spent a lot of time there, partly because I liked the distraction but also because I liked to see what was going on there. I was always a hard worker and Nora was the one that stayed home and handled everything. I made sure that we had our time together alone as well as time as a family even with all my hours at work.

It didn’t feel like enough once she was gone.

I slipped my feet into heavy sandals and walked out onto the back porch that wasn’t screened, looking around as the wind blew Fall closer towards us. I was looking forward to it though I was a little nervous about the holidays. It would be Vivian’s first Thanksgiving and Christmas alone and I wanted to make it perfect for both her and Bella. Anne was helping me plan but I couldn’t help but worry for the little girl. Our first Christmas without Nora was damn near impossible.

I heard the French doors open and glanced over to see the girls running over, dressed in leggings and sweatshirts. It was a bit cool outside and I always reminded them it was better to have a sweater than not to once we were too far from the house. We headed off the porch and walked across the grass towards the water as I breathed in the cool air. It was gorgeous out here and the reason we built our home at the end of the stretch of land, one of the first homes ever built. I looked around, content with the fact that the houses were close enough if we needed help but also far enough to offer a little privacy. I just missed Nora so much and I looked ahead to the girls, telling myself to focus on them. Life happens for a reason and perhaps this was it.

They both giggled and took off running towards the water as I told them to be careful. The outdoor element of the house seemed to help all of us though the harder times and I appreciated it. I watched as they played on the small strip of beach, sitting down at the edge of the grass as laughter and the sound of seagulls filled the air.



I appreciated Bella and her father Boyce for taking me in. Losing my parents was one of the hardest things that I’d ever had to go through and it was good to know that I’d be staying with people that were the second-best thing to my own family.

I knew that my parents left behind enough for me financially since we discussed that. Boyce had everything handled, but he was also rich, and I knew that he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. I was like his own daughter with all the time I spent with Bella and living with her sometimes felt like an extended sleepover.

We tackled the first holidays with the help of their chef Anne. She planned on cookie making afternoons on the weekends and along with Boyce, took us to the pumpkin patch and every Fall festival that he could fit in. I spent my first Thanksgiving alone with their family, missing my parents so much that I only made it halfway through dinner before excusing myself to my room.