This was more than we could have ever expected and we enjoyed the girls throughout the night. We took turns with them as well as watching them together. Veronica was into both sexes and lapped away at her friend hungrily while one of us fucked her from behind. Tracy was also quick to please when Veronica sat on her face, licking her hungrily until the blonde was losing it, all the while coming around one of our cocks.

After a couple of hours, we were all spent and Brandon and I made a quiet exit to let them rest. “Did we really just fuck another employee?” He asked as I nodded, as we waited for a cab. Veronica swore that she would never say a word about who we were. She also mentioned that it might not be the only time, since she knew a lot of people.

We went inside at around three, heading right to our rooms. We were exhausted with the night we’d enjoyed and just had lunch plans with Mom the following afternoon. Oddly enough, both Tracy and Veronica were dining together at the same place. We nodded in their direction as we led Mom across the room to a table and she followed our gazes as we got settled. “Who are they?” She asked as Brandon looked at me.

“They work for us.” I said as she gave me a suspicious look. “Mom, we know better than to get involved with anyone in the office. Dad taught us well while we were growing up.”

She smiled wistfully at me. “It never stopped you from the ladies but I suppose I understand. We were all young once.” She sipped her water and looked at me again, with more of a serious expression this time. “I am told that you’re doing well there, at the office.”

“We keep up on the numbers. It’s going very well,” Brandon replied as he looked up from the menu. “We catered lunch for the staff yesterday to thank them for all of the help. It ended u

p going into the night, which was why we were late getting in.” I was the one that woke him up, much later than planned and I knew that we almost missed this.

“I am just glad it’s not too much for you boys. It was his dream for the company to stay in the family, never realizing that it would be this soon. We thought that you’d be older. I appreciate all of your hard work.” She smiled at us and I saw the pain flash through her expression for a moment. “I should tell you that more than I do.”

“We know it, Mom. You don’t have to remind us,” I told her, reaching across the table for her hand. “It wasn’t what anyone planned, but we’re going to make it work.”

We enjoyed a nice lunch together, noticing Tracy and Veronica leave together shortly before we did. Veronica gave us a wink before she walked through the door but we played it down as we ordered dessert and coffee.

We stayed home the rest of the day, watching a game together before Ashley begged to rent a new movie. We made some popcorn and watched it late into the night, laughing at her for picking such a rom com. They went to bed right after and I caught up on some scores while Brandon chatted with someone on his phone.

We slept in late the next day, working out in the afternoon and taking Mom and Ashley out to dinner. We seemed to eat in a lot during the week and thought that they might enjoy it, choosing their favorite bistro in Manhattan. It was fun, and though we were all missing Dad, we seemed to slowly be getting through it.

At work on Monday, Veronica came into the office and closed the door. “Tracy was dying to know who it was that night. She begged me to tell her, but I swore secrecy. She even mentioned you two since I worked for you, but I laughed that idea off.” She sat down in the soft pink dress and sipped the coffee that she picked up on the way to work. “Did you boys have fun?”

“Absolutely. Do you have any other friends?” Brandon asked boldly as I glanced at him.

“Jesus, Bran.” I shook my head. I knew that this was right up his alley and her eyes gleamed wickedly.

“You like a little group action?” She teased as I felt my cock come to life in my pants. We both did.

“Who doesn’t? We just need to watch it, Brandon. We need to stay under the radar, especially with Veronica,” I spoke and they looked at me.

“You must be the responsible twin,” she smiled at me as she leaned back, playing with the loose braid over her shoulder. Veronica was teasing me as I shrugged and looked back at her. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

We assigned her some stuff at her desk to make it look like we were separate and Brandon glanced at me once she closed the door.



“You were as into that night as the rest of us. Why are you acting like a damn monk now?” I asked as Brent pulled up some emails.

“I don’t want anyone knowing about Veronica, much less Friday night,” he told me with a sharp glance. “Tracy can never know that it was us.”

“I get that. I completely agree with that.” I threw up my hands. “I was giving her a hard time since she has a good sense of humor.”

“Just be careful, Bran. We need to keep this professional. It’s getting close to being careless,” Brent told me as I sighed. “With Cici, she didn’t want to be caught. I think that that one wouldn’t mind.”

“Do you think that she’d try to fuck with us?” I leaned forward as he gave me a worried look. “What do you know about her?”

“She caused some trouble in college. Nothing criminal, but she liked drama. I think that she still might, and Veronica is just twenty-three. We need to be smart about this, especially since she is sleeping around the office.” Dad would have never tolerated that and I was reminded of that by the way that my brother looked at me. He looked so much like Dad, which meant that I did as well. Brent just had his look down so well that it freaked me out sometimes.

I laughed when I came back from lunch and heard noises from the bathroom. Brent had been seduced, and I smiled at the sounds of Veronica’s contained moans as I took a seat at the desk. I met up with a friend at her apartment, getting mine there today after the serious talk this morning.

There was laughter and Veronica slipped out of the door first, fixing her dress. “Did you two kiss and make up?” I asked as she stared at me.

“He needs to stop being so serious,” she replied as my brother came out, buttoning his slacks.