After she had some time to recover, I slipped a condom on and dropped her on her back on the couch. Her nipples were red from teeth and I pushed her legs up, resting her feet on my shoulders before I slipped inside of her. Cecile rocked against me as I took her repeatedly, moving faster as Brent watched us from the window, where he stood with his pants on and his eyes dark with hunger.



I was fresh from fucking Cecile when Brandon moved her to her back, plunging inside of her. He’d already come in her mouth just after she and I had come seconds apart. I watched her body rock with him, hungry for sex. She was the perfect woman for us and I ran a hand through my hair as I watched them fucking. I knew that we’d both had her individually at this point, a fact that didn’t matter as I watched them right now. She loved this. Cecile had signed onto this and was taking our cocks like a pro.

I couldn’t thank my brother enough for this idea. I watched as she trembled beneath him before stumbling into the bathroom to clean up, staring at my bloodshot eyes in the mirror for a long moment. It was still mid-morning and we had plenty of time left to get some real work done. It worked out that all three of us enjoyed working some nights and we took the time to be alone in the building once a week or so.

Mom bought it, knowing how much Dad worked. What he did here at night was a far cry from what Brandon and I were doing, but she didn’t have to know that. We seemed to want to fuck Cecile more than working anyway, and it just got hotter. Once we were both with her, it came naturally to all of us and she happily took one of us in her mouth while the other one filled her pussy each and every time.

When she told me to fuck her in the ass one night, I felt myself thicken as I looked at my brother. He tossed me some lube as he and Cecile moved together on the couch, buried deep inside of her pussy as I stroked my cock with the lube. I slipped her cheeks apart, teasing her with my finger as I had before and hearing her groan as the tip slipped inside of her.

Cecile was perfect.

I eased her tight entrance open and prepped her before I slipped my cock inside of her. Brandon and I both paused, pinning her between us for a moment to let her adjust. I slipped my free hand around to cup her breast, stroking her nipple as she let out a soft groan. I heard her begin to beg in a wavering voice as Brandon moved first and then me, taking her with a rhythm that made my cock so hard as she enveloped both of us with her body.

It was perfect as we moved in sync, filling her as she rocked with us. I knew that none of us would last long, pinching her tight nipple as she whimpered and arched her back as much as she could against me. Within a few more thrusts, I was filling her ass as she jerked and clutched Brandon’s chest. I knew that she was coming as well and he was the last one as he stilled before thrusting inside of her roughly once or twice more.

We both pulled put slowly, as I fell back against the couch and she dropped over his body. I took several deep breaths as I closed my eyes, thankful for the empty office. We tried to reserve the more hardcore sex for those times but sometimes it was too easy to give in to her hot little body.

I could tell that the office was buzzing every time that one of us walked through the halls. I hoped that they hadn’t put the pieces together but Cecile spent a lot of time in the office and we had reputations. There was still chatter in the papers about our womanizing, but it seemed to lessen now that we had such a sweet deal at work. There was still the occasional weekend at the bar and the easy women but we spent a lot of time at home with the family as well. Mom was bouncing back slowly, spending time with friends and even planning an Alaskan cruise with them. It was during Ashley’s break and she asked if our sister wanted to join her.

They both packed for their early September trip. Ashley went to a private school and her time off varied from the public schools in the area. It didn’t hurt that she was a gifted student and could make up the week that she was taking on her own accord without any issues.

We took them to the airport, kissing them goodbye on that Saturday morning before we walked back to the car. We planned on picking Cecile up and heading over to the house in The Hamptons for a night and part of tomorrow. It was a bold move going out with her in public but well worth the risk as she walked out of the building with some luggage and sunglasses over her beautiful eyes. Cecile slipped into the back seat with the tinted windows and shook her hair out as she leaned forward for a kiss from each of us. I grinned and pulled out into traffic to head to the gorgeous mansion, looking forward to the time away from the city. We knew people there but the weekend was going to be a quiet one and we’d stay inside, going out to get food and keeping everything low key.

Cecile gasped as we pulled into the four-car garage, leaning forward as she touched Brandon’s arm. “This is beautiful.”

The spacious brick home was one of the most beautiful homes on this stretch of beach, and it was at the end. We had a lot of privacy here. I got out, followed by the other two and we managed to get the luggage into one of the large bedrooms before we gave her a tour. The house had ten bedrooms and five bathrooms, even though we only planned to use one of each this weekend. The kitchen was ready for cooking and stocked by staff every time we were coming down.

Dad had a grill in the back by the pool as well as anything we could need in the chef’s kitchen, so there was no reason to leave the house at all. I understood that being seen with Cecile could be risky, once it was leaked that she was our assistant. Brandon had caught wind of some of the speculation around the building, causing us to tone it down for some while we were working.

Here, we didn’t have to do that. Cecile dropped her dress right in front of us to slip on a tiny green bikini as I watched her intently. That ass called to me now and she tossed us a look over her shoulder before telling us to get ready for the pool.

Brandon chuckled as he dressed in his board shorts first before heading outside. The backyard was private enough, but he checked around before Cecile came out in large sunglasses. Brandon got started on some drinks in the blender as she slipped into the water, and I watched her nipples react to the cool water. I twitched and stepped into the pool myself, swimming over to her as she sat on the wide step and smiled at me. “What are you doing?” She teased me as I nudged the top aside to take a nipple into my mouth. I slipped a hand between her legs, stroking the material of the suit before slipping my fingers underneath.

The water was cool but she was slick with need as I pumped two fingers inside of her. Cecile dropped her head back as Brandon brought us each a drink, taking in the action with an amused expression. “You couldn’t wait, could you?” He made a reprimanding noise as Cecile groaned and looked into his face. He sat beside her, his legs in the water as he played with her free nipple leisurely for a moment. Cecile was ready to blow and he leaned down to kiss her as she started to jerk against my hand as I thumbed her needy clit. She groaned against his tongue as her release rocked through her body and over my hand for a fleeting second before it disappeared into the water of the pool. Brandon continued to kiss her slowly as she recovered, offering her a drink as she pulled away.

We all swam around for a bit to cool off after the drive before resting on chaise lounges that were scattered along the edge. Cecile chose something in the shade to protect her pale skin while we took the full brunt of the sun. I missed Dad and the family as I let the peace take me over, but I needed this. I hoped that Mom and Ash were doing the same on their trip.

After a couple of hours of dozing, Brandon stretched as Cecile watched him closely. “I am going to see about making something to eat.” His voice was husky and I watched as they shared a glance before he strolled into the living room before smiling at me.

“Do you like it here?” I asked her as she nodded lazily.

“I can see you boys growing up here, playing on the beach,” she mused as I laughed.

“Every fucking second was spent out there. Mom always brought a nanny along just to get anything done.” I smiled sadly at the memory and sipped the melting Pina colada. “We’ll go later on, after we eat. It’s a very private stretch of the beach and especially pretty at night, with the stars in the sky.”

“Great idea,” she agreed with a soft laugh. “The sun is not your friend when you have this skin.”

Brandon returned with something on a plate, lighting the charcoal before he placed the meat over the flame. He started the other grill and cooked what was I assumed his marinated veggies along with some Jerk chicken, judging from the scent of the food that was in the air. Cecile seemed to doze for a while as he was cooking, curled up in her oversized chair as I smiled at her.

We ate at the smaller bistro table, sipping more drinks as she moaned over the food. There was something about eating in this setting with the ocean waves just feet away as the salty wind blew over our skin. After the meal, we snacked on fresh frui

t before Cecile insisted on cleaning up.

When the place was clean and the sun was going down, we made our way to the sand as I took in the ocean. Cecile walked barefoot over to the water, bathed in the orange flow of the setting sun as I stared at her. Brandon walked to the edge of the water and they joined hands as their lips curled into smiles. I couldn’t help but snap a picture with my phone, knowing that it was vague with the bright sunset, though still gorgeous.