“Okay,” she said against my lips before kissing me again.

“Yeah?” I asked playfully as she nodded. “Want to stay here or move?”

“Here. This is a great place and Ellie would kill us if we moved this baby away from her.” Ellie adored Elena, and she was already acting as the honorary grandparent, or would that be great-grandparent at her age? I didn’t care. I liked seeing them get along.

“Deal, baby. I love you.” I smiled as she moved closer to tilt her head to deepen our kiss. Sex was getting crazy at this stage of the game, but I loved feeling her body in my arms; being inside of her as she cried out my name and gave herself to me so easily.

Epilogue One


Once we agreed to live together officially, things happened fast. Liam got my stuff into the condo in the next couple of days. Ginger played up that she was upset even though I knew she was happy for me, and for Liam. She made it clear from the beginning that Ali was going to be at her place a lot, giving us the alone time that we needed. She also got along with her new boyfriend Ray a lot, since he was a high school teacher and just easy to be around. I suspected that he’d be moving in soon anyway since Ginger loved her place for the moment and had worked hard in the pink room for her niece. We loved spending time with both so living in separate places wouldn’t do a thing to our friendship. We were always at one place or the other, having dinner or just hanging out.

I made the condo my own since I was in the nesting phase, decorating it with pictures and things from my apartment. It was always warmer than most bachelor’s homes in my opinion anyway, and I wasn’t out to change anything; just make it ours. Liam tried to tell me to take it easy, but I was too full of nervous energy to stay still for too long. Between being anxious about labor and worried about how good of a mom I was going to be once that part was over, my mind was racing all the time.

He’d massage my feet on the couch as he told me how amazing I was going to be. He told me that I was a kind and loving person and that our daughter couldn’t learn from anyone better than me. He acknowledged that Alanna’s crazy aunts would shake her world up a bit with laughter in his voice, but was quick to assure me that I would be her everything when it was all said and done. We both would.

I loved sleeping beside him every night. I felt safe and loved there in his arms, even if my body was too big for his hands to touch now. We worked on the nursery, painting it a pale shade of the most delicate pink, hanging beautiful cream lace curtains over the windows. The crib was a soft white and placed along the wall across from the window, along with a matching changing table. Everyone in our life was so generous, and it felt like Alanna had a room in everyone’s house.

The closet was full of clothes that I’d washed and hung up or put away in the tall cream dresser in the corner of the room. I had blankets folded neatly and ready to go as well and Liam took a tour every day when he got home to see what I’d done. The closer it got to my due date, the more excited that I became. The last trimester of pregnancy was uncomfortable, and I was ready to feel like me again, even if that involved the constant care of a newborn.

I packed the hospital bag just over a week before the due date and sat it in the dining room as I paced. Marie, Ginger and even Ellie checked up on me constantly, and I was never alone, but when I was my thoughts raced. It seemed like everything happened so fast and while I knew it did, I was madly in love with Liam. I knew that we didn’t start off right, but there was something between us that couldn’t be ignored. I tried to do the right thing and end it with him, but I knew that I couldn’t stay away from him forever, no matter how stubborn I was.

I worried at first that he would be punished, but nobody could prove that we were together when I was in the class. I left quickly after the accident and wasn’t even a student there any longer. The baby was a topic of discussion amongst everyone that saw us, but I couldn’t care anymore. It was Liam and I that would be loving her, raising her, and showing her what love was, not the rest of the world. I didn’t share the story of the baby with anyone other than those that were close to us, the ones that wouldn’t judge me. It was ours, not theirs.

I was sleeping when a cramp woke me one night, my eyes opening immediately. There had been a few Braxton Hicks along the way, and I took slow breaths as I tried to figure these out. I counted, and another one hit strong as I winced. I stood to use the bathroom, something that was a constant these days, and made it to the toilet just as I felt liquid gush down my legs.” I can’t even make it to the damn toilet,” I murmured, holding my belly as I turned to sit down.

I felt myself continue to gush liquid and realized that I was beyond having to use the restroom. “Oh, my God. Liam!!” He was just a few feet away in the bedroom,

and I looked down as reality hit me.

“Baby? Where are you?” He called out as I started to cry. “Are you okay?” Liam stepped into the bathroom and stared at me, running a hand through his messy hair.

“It’s time, Liam. She’s coming.” I could tell that there was a pattern with the contractions now and his mouth opened and closed for a moment.

“Fuck. What do you need?” He asked as he counted something on his fingers.

“My yoga pants on the dresser?” I’d been sleeping in a large t-shirt lately, and he nodded and turned to get them. By the time he got back with the pants and a shirt to change into, I was making less of a mess, and I stood to change as he supported me. Liam gave me a huge smile as I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail, kissing me soundly. “We’re going to meet our daughter.”

“We are. But let’s get to the hospital to do that. Deal?” I nodded and slipped my feet into flip flops before we made our way to the front door. Liam grabbed the bag and led me outside before locking the door. I slid into the passenger side of the Jeep and breathed deeply as pain washed over me, looking at Liam as he got in and started the car.

“Are you sure that you want us?” I teased him as he threw back his head and laughed. There had been a proposal on the small deck when we were watching the stars one night, and I had a beautiful diamond ring on my finger now, even though Liam admitted to buying it a few months back. It was a beautiful band of diamonds with a center stone in the shape of a small heart, and I loved it.

“I can’t wait to see her in your arms, Elena. I can’t wait to see her.” He pulled out of the lot and made the short drive to the hospital as I breathed in and out. I was scared, calm and excited as I reached out to touch Liam, clinging tightly to him. I couldn’t believe that I let him go to begin with.

Epilogue Two


I watched as the light turned red, easing down on the brake before looking over at Elena. She looked sleepy, and her smile was bright as she breathed in and out. Her hand was clutching my arm, and I reached over to squeeze her thigh as our eyes locked. “Ready for this, Mama?”

“Absolutely.” She’d sent a text to Marie and Ginger, who were both waiting as anxiously as we were and leaned back as she winced. “Lord, this hurts. I know I said I want to do it naturally, but I might give in to the temptation of an epidural. I can’t imagine how this must feel closer to delivery.” I saw the light turn green and hit the gas pedal as she held tighter to my arm.

“You do anything that you need to do,” I assured her as I saw the hospital a few blocks ahead. I never wanted her to go through pain voluntarily, to begin with, and I would never understand women that did that. The idea of seeing her screaming in pain made my stomach knot up, and I made it through another green light as I nibbled my lip. I was feeling so many things right now that it was hard to sort through the different emotions. I let out a sigh when I pulled into the lot and parked as close as I could before helping her into the hospital. A lot of people looked up, and once they saw her stomach, a nurse came forward with a wheelchair and the roller coaster ride had begun.

Elena was only dilated to two, so they set us up in a private room. It seemed like someone was checking on this or that every five minutes and I stared at Elena as they got an IV going and told her to rest up before the baby’s entrance into the world. I dropped into the seat beside her, kissing her hand as she looked over at me. “I love you so much.”

“I love you,” she replied as she frowned. “Whoever would have guessed that we’d end up here?” I saw a look in her eyes that took me back to the time when she wasn’t sure if I would be happy or not.