“She makes great food. I am glad that…you two met and are friends,” Liam told me as I risked a look into his emotional face.

“Me, too. I like her a lot and not making it to lunch that day makes me sad sometimes.?

? He looked so handsome, and I remembered times between us in a fleeting moment before coming back to reality. This was about the baby, not me. “She wants to be a part of my life.”

“She’s not the only one,” Liam said as I swallowed the bite of chili and held my breath. “I have missed you so damn much. Not seeing your face in the classroom was so hard, especially not knowing how you were. Ginger told me stuff here and there, but I wanted to see you. I wanted to touch you.” His voice broke, and I held back another sob as I pushed the plate away. “I missed you, Elena.”

“I missed you, too.” I heard the honesty in his words and they filled me with something warm that terrified me. I couldn’t expect us to get back together for the sake of the baby, but the hope filled me, settling between my thighs as need pulsed through me. I hated it and longed to touch him at the same time.

“Are you with the blonde?” I asked as a sound came from his throat.

“No. She was just that night.” That stung and I reached for my lemonade, taking a long swallow. “I felt rejected that night, Elena. I felt like you didn’t care about me and she did.” I shivered as he slipped a hand over my lower back. “I wanted to go with you that night.”

“I wasn’t ready for that. I was just getting out of the house for the first time and seeing you almost made me want to go home again and hide. It hurt so much to see you laughing, living, and leaving with that girl.” I shook my head. “I was just the lonely, scared pregnant girl.”

“If you told me sooner, I would have been there for all of it,” Liam told me painfully as I nodded.

“I know. There were many nights that I wish you had been,” I agreed as we fell into silence again.

“Tell me about her. Tell me about you.”

Marie drifted back into the kitchen at some point as I told him everything, placing plates of cake down in front of us as before joining us again. I was halfway through telling Liam about the pregnancy and the quirks that came along with it. He laughed a few times, and others looked so bitter about missing things that it made my stomach go into knots.

Liam asked why I left the studio and I told him about Ginger’s offer. He was relieved, and I sensed how much he hated my old apartment the day that we spoke there. It was the day that I lied to him about my feelings to protect both of us. He asked if I had a new car, making me blush. “No, not yet. I drive Ginger’s when I can, but I haven’t looked too hard for something new. I suppose I should now that the baby will be here in a matter of months.”

“I can help you,” Liam offered as I smiled.

“I have been saving a ton of money living with Ginger and writing a lot. I got some money from the accident put away as well so I can do it, Liam. I am not here asking for help or money, just your presence in her life.” I smiled at him, seeing in his eyes that he would do anything for us.

“Anything you need, you tell me. I have plenty of money to help you, and I’d like you in a safe vehicle. The accident scared the fuck out of me and the idea that you were carrying our baby that night is…awful.”

“I know. I started crying immediately when they told me we were both fine.” I told him as I sipped more lemonade. It was sour compared to the sweet strawberry cake, but I welcomed it. “I was thinking of a smaller SUV with room in the back seat for her and room to take things around. I’ve heard that babies come with a lot of stuff.”

The sun was setting, and we were still talking together over tea and coffee. I couldn’t ignore the attraction that remained between us, but I didn’t want to focus on that. I was happy that he was willing to be with me on this journey.

Liam pulled his phone from his pocket and glanced at it as we both stood to leave. He read the screen and put it away as he walked with me to the door. We hugged Marie, and Liam walked me to Ginger’s car, parked beside his older Jeep. Liam looked at the house and then into my face as he stepped closer to me. “I have a relationship to end, but I was wondering if you could give us another chance. Nothing is holding us back and everything pulling us together.”

“A relationship?” I asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.



“I have been seeing a woman for a few months,” I admitted as she looked down sadly. “I didn’t think we’d ever talk again, Elena. I kept telling myself to move forward, but she’s never meant to me what you did."

“Do you want to be with her?” Elena asked me as I reached out and cupped her face. I stared into her face as best I could in the light from the high lamp and licked my lips.

“Not more than you, Elena. She’s never felt like you did but she is a kind person, and I thought that she deserved a bit of a chance. Now that I know this and I’ve seen you, I want you back more than anything.” I wanted to kiss her, but I knew that I needed to wait until it was over with Nora. I wasn’t that man now and even sleeping with other women while Elena and I were apart made me feel guilty. I couldn’t kiss her and feel good about myself. “I am going to break things off with her immediately.”

“Are you sure?” She asked as I laughed softly. I could feel the heat between us drawing me to her and nodded.

“Positive. I am going to go do that, and I’ll call you later. Is your number the same?” Elena nodded as I stepped back to try and snap out of the fog that I was in. I needed to focus on the moment, and I looked at her for a moment. “Text me when you get home. I’ll call you later.” There was a part of me that was worried that I wouldn’t hear from her tonight, just like before.

“I will,” Elena promised me as she turned to head towards the car. Pregnancy suited her, and I watched her for a moment before getting into the jeep. I wondered if I should tell Nora that it was over in person or on the phone, turning down her road as the question answered itself. She deserved the best even if it was going to hurt her.

I parked in the lot and jogged to her door, my heart racing in my chest. I knew that tonight was going to be different starting from the text in the morning and now everything was coming together. I took a moment to catch my breath before I knocked on it, hearing her call out across the living room. “How is she? You were gone a while.” Nora told me as she opened her door with a wide, worried smile. I looked her over for a moment, not ignorant to the short, clingy dress that she wore and what it suggested.

“Yeah, it did. We were talking for a while.” I walked inside, brushing past her as my body screamed that this felt wrong. I went and sat down in the chair by myself, watching her frown as she sat on the couch across from me. “I had a lot to get out over there.” I didn’t plan to tell her about Elena and talking to her, or about the baby. I just needed to end this right now.