“I wanted to see you. I thought about you at the bar,” He told me, revealing that he did miss me in his own way.

“Did you have fun?” I asked as I looked over at him.

"Yep. I don’t see the guys enough anymore,” he told me as he stopped at a light. “How were the guys at the party?”

“Immature. Cocky as hell. They thought they were God’s gift!” I told him as he shook his head. “Now that I’ve been with you, it really stood out. I think I’m spoiled.”

“I wasn’t much different than they were at that age. It’s not a great memory.” I looked at him as he smiled ruefully. “I hate the idea of anyone treating you that way.”

“I know to be careful. I always have,” I assured Liam as he took the last road to his condo. We went inside, and he hung his jacket by the door before turning towards me.

“Come here,” he told me gruffly, and my feet moved without thought. I reached out to pull his face down to mine, kissing him with all that I had. I missed him tonight, so much so that I mentioned it to Ginger. I was dying keeping it secret, and it felt right to tell someone that I could trust how happy I was. It was Ginger that suggested I text him for a ride home since she could see how much I wanted to see him. She also wanted to meet him, immediately worried about the situation. She whispered that she liked him before going to her room, giving me her blessing.

Our lips met clumsily as we each told the other that we missed each other tonight. We said that we were thinking of them and wanting them. We stumbled into the bedroom where Liam had me on my back, legs pulled to his shoulders as he fucked me. God, it felt good, and I raised my hips for him to go deeper. Liam gripped me as he took me, leaving bruises on my pale skin that would surely stand out tomorrow.

I didn’t care. I wanted this man now and forever. Th

ere would be a time when it wasn’t forbidden and looked down upon. I knew that was further away than I’d like to think but it was somewhere in the future. It was within reach.

He collapsed beside me on the bed as I reached for the cold water. I drank greedily before handing it to him to drink.

“Marie wants you to come to dinner tomorrow,” his suggestion caught me off guard. I knew that it was a few weeks ago that I met her, but I didn’t think she’d extend the Sunday dinner invitation so soon. “Just the three of us. It’s a private house.”

“I…wow. Okay.” He reached for my hand and squeezed as I smiled. Part of me was looking forward to getting to know her better though another part was so scared. I didn’t want to step too far into the future in case it came crashing down around me, with more memories and people to miss. “I think Ginger wants to get to know you better as well.”

He laughed in the dim light, and I pushed the feeling of my nervous stomach away. “This is getting interesting.” I smiled as I silently agreed and took in the moment. I snuggled close to him, not wanting to leave tonight like I’d been doing. I wanted to wake up with him. “Soon, baby.” I jerked against him in surprise as he kissed my hair. “I know what you’re thinking. I feel it as well, but we just have a bit more time left before it can happen for us.”

Just a few more weeks until we could examine this relationship, but it felt like years. “I want to stay here with you.”

“We need a house in the middle of nowhere where we can’t be seen. We could do everything we do here indoors and out, take walks together like I want to do. I just want to hold your hand in public, but I have to wait right along with you.” He said regretfully as he turned his face to kiss me. We made love again, and then I prepared to leave as he stared at me with something strong in his eyes.

He sent me Marie’s address on the way home, telling me to meet him there at three tomorrow. We were going to go in separate cars as we’d be doing everything for a while but I held onto the thought that I was going to meet his sister. That was such a big step. I made my way through the quiet streets with the radio playing softly, thinking about Liam. He was so gorgeous and perfect, and I wanted him in my life forever right now.

I knew that was silly since it might not pan out at all. We’d only been together a few weeks, and it was insane with the way we had to handle it. I was sure that he’d find someone easier but for now, I wanted to meet his sister, and I wanted him to meet Ginger.

I wanted to ace his class almost to spite him and prove that I wanted Liam for him, not for what people would think I was using him for. I knew that when this was all said and done, that is what the rumors would be about. I’d have to stay strong and get past them, but sleeping with Liam at night and waking up with him in the morning would be so worth all of that.

I was a couple of blocks from my house when I glanced up to see that my light had just turned green. Almost there. I pressed on the gas to go when my head was thrown to the left, my car spinning as I tried to hold onto the steering wheel. I screamed Liam’s name as my life flashed before my eyes, hearing the sickening crunch of metal before it was quiet.

I heard people, but they were far off in the distance. “I love you, Liam,” I whispered before everything went black



I watched the end of a hockey game as I waited for Elena to text me that she was home. I didn’t want her to leave tonight and regret formed in my stomach that we couldn’t be a real couple right yet.

That made me wonder if we ever could be without the stigma of how we met in the first place. Would people look at Elena as though she was some whore that slept with her teacher?

I glanced at the TV to see that a half hour had passed by and frowned. It never took her this long late at night, and I reached for my phone beside me to send her a text. I waited a couple of minutes and dread filled me as my phone sat silently in my hand. Where the fuck is she?

I called, and the phone went to voice mail immediately. Something was wrong. I ran a hand through my hair and wondered momentarily if Elena was done with me. Maybe our talk had brought her down, and she didn’t want to do this anymore. I called her again, panic filling me as it did the same thing and went to voice mail.

I stood and slid my phone into my pocket, grabbing my keys as I looked around the room. I was going to see if she broke down since I knew her address well enough to map it out. I was just wearing some old jeans and a worn shirt, so I grabbed a sweatshirt and headed out to my car, the knot in my stomach growing and tightening.

The streets were fairly empty as I drove, following the robotic voice guiding me as I looked all around. I saw a few cop cars on one corner, but nothing else and I finally pulled up to her address.

Her car was not there. I looked around the questionable area to see if she might have parked somewhere further away, a thought that I hated. There was a bar a couple of short blocks away as well as a liquor store and a corner store. I noticed the other apartments and knew that I wanted her out of this place.