“Perfect timing, as always,” I said.

He leaned down and kissed my lips before pulling his body away from mine and out of the bed. He stood stretching, his cock still hard and sticking straight out in front of him. I smiled as I reached up and switched off the alarm, grabbing the pair of shorts from the floor that he’d let me wear and pulling a sweatshirt over my head. I had to go home to change my clothes, but he was going with me, so I waited while he hurriedly got dressed. He was so handsome in his suits, but I’d take him naked any day. That was probably one of the reasons why I was pregnant. I smiled to myself as I thought about the change in our life, and how Jason was now a permanent part of me.

When he was ready to go, we went down to the street and jumped into one of the company cars. I shivered considerably, having left the house in a pair of shorts. There was frost over everything, and it was getting very close to winter. We pulled up in front of my house, and I got dressed while Jason made us a couple cups of coffee for the road. I pulled out something comfortable to wear, not feeling like fighting the tightness of most of my business attire. When I was done pulling my hair back and brushing my teeth he handed me a mug of coffee and kissed my lips as we made our way back out to the car. This time, I remembered my coat and felt a lot more awake with the coffee already coursing through my veins.

We made it to the office in record time, and I leaned into Jason as we moved up the elevator to our floor. My cheeks blushed slightly as several workers got off the elevator on the seventh floor and as soon as the doors shut, Jason and I both burst into laughter. We were still laughing when the elevator doors opened, and I didn’t even notice the stares and whispers until I was almost all the way down the hall and to my office. I had never even stopped to think about the fact that our relationship was going to seem weird to anyone who didn’t know us or our situation. However, working in a professional environment, I didn’t think I was going to have to deal with the kind of childish behavior that the other employees were exhibiting. At first, it made me angry, so angry in fact, I thought about going out there and defending myself. But, after taking a deep breath and laughing at a picture Jason sent me through text, I decided the best course of action would be to ignore them. Well, at least as long as I possibly could. My coming baby bump wasn’t going to make that situation any easier at all.

Chapter 25


Waking up was not nearly as exciting as the day before when my alarm clock had been replaced by Tiffany’s luscious lips around my cock. What a way to start a day, and in fact, I even considered having her stay the night so I could wake up again to some blazingly hot sex. I was currently sitting in a marketing meeting thinking about my most-likely pregnant girlfriend’s wet pussy, something I knew my father would frown on if he could read my mind. Anybody in my position would feel the same way with an amazing woman like Tiffany. Not only was she now my girlfriend, and future mother of my child, she was going out of her way to make our love life as spicy as it possibly could be. I didn’t know much about pregnancy, but she had clearly become more hands on in recent days, something I was not going to complain about, not even for a second. I could barely keep my hands off her as it was, but now, she was going to make it way more difficult for me.

When the meeting ended, I stood up, stretching my arms over my head. My father looked over at me and raised an eyebrow, obviously noticing my severe disconnection from the things going on around me. I smiled wide at him and flipped my binder shut, knowing that if he were in a similar position, he would be just as distracted from work. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, trying to hide a smile as he collected his things and walked out of the meeting room. I grabbed my mug and discovered I was out of coffee, which was no big deal since the office kept a pot constantly brewing. I picked up my pen and notebook and headed out of the office toward the break room. I smiled at my father’s secretary as she walked past me, carrying my father’s usual coffee with light cream and no sugar. He used to load it up with sugar, but my mother put a stop to that really fast, calling Shirley and letting her know how he needed to have his coffee made each morning.

After Shirley passed by, I walked into the breakroom and smiled, seeing Tiffany standing at the back corner talking on the phone. She was wearing flowing black dress pants with a black and white polka dotted silk button-up

shirt tucked into the high waist. Her black pointy-toed heels poked out from beneath the hem of the pants, and her hair was pulled back into a curly ponytail. She was still wearing her reading glasses and looked kind of like one of those secretaries in cliché porn movies. I didn’t know who she was talking to, but she seemed like she was whispering. I walked over, trying not to intrude and poured my coffee, fixing it with cream and sugar before turning back around and waiting for her to finish her call. She looked over at me and smiled as she listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. I smiled back and leaned up against the counter, fixing my tie so it wouldn’t land in my coffee mug like it had done so many times before. Maybe all those tie clips I had gotten for Christmas weren’t useless after all.

Tiffany finally pulled the phone from her ear and hung it up, slowly looking up at me with flushed cheeks. She walked forward, looking around to make sure no one else was in the room. I already knew she was going to give me news from her doctor, and I could feel the nerves in my stomach doing flip flops.

“What is it?” I smiled and reached my hand out for hers. She walked in close and looked down at her phone.

“Well, I’m definitely pregnant,” she said happily. “And they said the time of conception was about three weeks and a day ago.”

“Wow,” I said thinking back. “Wait. Holy Shit. That was like our first time.”

“Yeah,” she giggled.

“Well, if that’s not fate, then I don’t know what is,” I said, absolutely floored. “Congratulations, momma.”

“Congratulations, daddy,” she said happily. “We really know how to throw a party.”

I couldn’t believe it, not only had it been confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, we had managed to knock it out of the park before we even knew we loved each other. Talk about a twist of fate walking into a hot and sexy lovemaking session. Most other men might be upset, but I was extremely excited and almost felt like I had hit the jackpot. I set my coffee mug on the counter and reached forward, grabbing Tiffany around the waist and pulling her in close. She smiled as her lips moved to mine, kissing me gently before pulling up and kissing my forehead, too. Her touch was gentle and sweet, and it made me love her even more than I already did. Her belly was pressed against mine, and I couldn’t help but think about the baby growing inside. I glanced up as Jordan walked into the break room, stopping for a moment to roll his eyes and shake his head at our public display of affection.

“Talk about weird fucking timing,” he mumbled. “Get a room, preferably in another city.”

I looked up at Tiffany and smiled, ignoring his ignorant ass statements. I was not going to let him take this moment from us. He had ruined so many things for Tiffany, and I could tell by her face that she was not going to let his petty words ruin this one, too. I kissed her nose and took in a deep breath, letting the news wash over me.

“Would you come to dinner with me on Sunday at my parent’s house?”

“Of course,” she said, smiling wide.

She backed up and stuck her phone in her pocket, her face beaming with excitement. I wanted to talk about everything, be super excited with her, but we weren’t ready to tell anyone yet. It had to stay a secret, and I wanted to make sure there was nothing stressful about any part of it for her. I knew with the PCOS, pregnancy could be tricky, and I wanted her to get through everything with as little stress as possible. She was carrying my child now, and I was feeling ten times more protective than I had been at the beginning. Part of me wished I could stick her in a bubble and keep her safe until the baby arrived. She shivered, goose bumps rolling up her arms, and I reached forward, rubbing my hands down her arms and warming her up. She looked like she was on another planet, but instead of worry like the other night, she looked completely infatuated by the whole realization that she and I were going to have a baby.

“So, since your coming to dinner on Sunday,” Jordan said, walking over to us. “Just want you to know Rosalie won’t be there for you to bond with. We broke up. Things were just getting too serious too fast, and I needed to stretch out and weigh my options. It would be dumb of me to end my marriage and shack up with the first broad I found. Besides, she was weirded out, kind of like everyone else, with this whole my-brother-dating-my-ex-wife thing.”

“Mmhm,” Tiffany said, not hearing anything Jordan had to say.

“Sorry to hear that, man,” I replied, refusing to acknowledge his weak attempt to sound like he was playing the field. In all reality, the poor girl probably knew exactly what was up, how much of a D-bag Jordan could be, and ran for the hills, just like Tiffany should have done. But then again, if she had never married my brother, it was unlikely I would have ever gotten to know her the way that I did, and we wouldn’t be standing here daydreaming about the child we were about to welcome into the world.

“What is up with you two?” Jordan wrinkled his nose and stared at our blank expressions.

Neither one of us answered, still standing there staring off into space. It seriously felt like I was part of another world there for a second. It wasn’t that I didn’t hear my brother talking. It was that he wasn’t important enough to interrupt the amazing thoughts I had going on in my head. The baby, Tiffany, and dinner at my parents had filled every crevasse of my mind. My brother’s voice ended up just being background noise for me. It was the kind of noise you know is there, but you train your body to ignore so it doesn’t drive you absolutely mad. My brother had a way of doing that. To be fair, the fire alarm could have gone off, a space ship could have crash-landed on the roof, and I could have been surrounded by little green men and still wouldn’t have paid any attention to what was going on. It was like we were both stuck in a trance, not giving two shits about coming out of it. All I wanted to do at that point was run away, so I didn’t have to hide anything in our lives anymore.

“Hey, earth to asshole,” my brother said, tapping on my head. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah,” I said, pulling myself from my happy place and taking in a deep breath. “I heard you.”