I pulled myself to my elbows and then to a sitting position, running my hands over her back and pulling her up against my chest. My hand ran up through her tits and I lightly grasped her neck, feeling her head lean back ward and her hips begin to grind. She whimpered as my right arm moved over her thighs and my fingers began to dance over her clit. I held her still, feeling her wiggling as I rubbed her pussy, my cock stuck deep down inside of her. She reached around my hand and massaged my balls as I pushed down on her clit and moved my fingers in a circle. My hips thrust forward slightly, and I could feel my wet shaft moving just slightly inside of her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, her hand sliding from my nuts to my hand. Together we massaged her nub, my fingers slipping inside of her just above my cock. Her hips moved forward and back again, amplifying the feeling of my cock sliding in and out just enough to send heat to my belly.

“Fuck,” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Fuck, don’t stop.”

I choked down the urge to push her flat on her belly and slam into her hard and, instead, continued to fuck her with my hands. She sat up and leaned forward a bit, pushing her ass further into me, but I didn’t let her get away. Instead, I leaned forward, my hand still on her pussy, and held her there while I pushed her closer to another orgasm. She screamed my name as she clawed at the bed in front of her, her body twisting and turning, trying to feel my long shaft sliding in and out. Just as her screams reached a fevered pitch, I pulled my legs back and slammed her down against the bed, picking her up at the waist and slamming my cock inside of her. She reached her hand underneath and continued rubbing her clit.

“Yes,” she screamed. “Harder.”

I spread her ass and slapped her cheek before grabbing her hips and thrusting fast and hard inside of her. She moaned loudly to the rhythm of our skin slapping together, the sound filling my ears and pushing my orgasm to the brink. She began to meet my thrusts, pushing her body back as I pushed forward, creating a deeper and stronger force. She scratched at the bed in front of her, trying to grab hold. I growled loudly, plunging over the cliff of ecstasy. I slammed into her deep and hard and pulled her close, watching her hand rubbing her wetness faster and faster. I closed my eyes as she erupted and allowed the orgasm to take over. My cock pulsated and pushed as her pussy vibrated against my shaft, our juices swirling around inside of her. She screamed out as I groaned loudly, thrusting short bursts until, finally, my body began to relax.

I rolled over on the bed and looked over at her as she laid down on her stomach, breathing hard and smiling. She leaned over and kissed me sweetly, pulling the pillow under her head and watching as I recovered from my orgasm. My heart began to slow and my breathing returned to normal as I turned onto my side and ran my fingers up Tiffany’s back. She smiled at me, her eyes looking sleepy.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” she whispered.

“Are you really over Jordan?”

“Yes,” she said, her eyes opening wide. “The only reason I took that jab at him tonight, besides it being hilarious, was to let him know that I had moved on. I wanted it to be very clear I had someone else in my life. It was closure for me and, hopefully, for him as well. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he is wandering around like a lost dog with a crazy gutter rat trailing behind. He needs to get himself together.”

“Very true,” I replied, feeling so much better after her response. “I’m glad you let him know you're taken. Now, when do I meet the lucky guy?” I laughed and poked her nose with my finger.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said with a smile. “Maybe in the morning. He’ll probably come looking for me.”

“I should be ready,” I said with a serious face before tickling her sides.

I reached down and pulled the blanket up over the top of us, snuggling in next to Tiffany. She kicked her shoes off the edge of the bed and rested her face on my neck. It felt so perfect having her right there with me. Knowing she was mine and I was hers was incredibly liberating, and now all we had left to do was wait for the right time to tell the rest of the world.

Chapter 18


The bed was the most comfortable thing I had slept on in weeks. The soft Egyptian cotton sheets wrapped around my naked body and the warmth of the down comfortable were so inviting, I couldn’t even start to think about moving from my position. The daylight seeped in through the blinds, but I didn’t move a muscle, thinking about the night before and everything that was ahead of me. Waking up was so hard to do when you were exactly where you wanted to be. Though, with my eyes now open, I realized Jason was no longer asleep in the bed next to me. I groaned, reaching my arm out and stretching my body, not concerned at all at where he was. I knew he was close. I could hear his footsteps outside of the room. As he approached, I rolled over and looked at the doorway, smiling as he walked inside carrying a tray. I pushed

myself up onto the bed as he set the tray down on the fluffy surface and leaned in to kiss my lips. I had thought I heard someone at the guest door. It must have been room service.

I scooted myself up in the bed, the sheet wrapped around me, and looked down at the large tray. There were two plates on the tray, one for me and one for Jason, but they were both empty. I looked at Jason with confusion and he smiled, walking back out of the room and wheeling in a large tray with all kinds of food on it. There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, syrup, butter, and pretty much everything else you would ever want for breakfast. I laughed as he stood with a towel draped over his arm, ready to serve me breakfast in bed. I was so glad Mr. Banks had given everyone the day off since he knew between the hangovers and the fact that it was Friday, no one was going to get anything productive done. Jason piled food high on both plates and handed me mine, setting a hot cup of coffee on the night stand. He walked around the bed and plopped down next to me, smiling as he shoved a pile of eggs in his mouth. He looked like a child that had found the secret stash of candy.

We sat quietly scarfing down our breakfast. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until the smell of bacon hit my nose. I was absolutely starving, which made sense, since I’d been too nervous the day before to eat anything. When our plates were cleared, Jason took mine and stacked it with the rest of the dishes back on the tray, wheeling it out into the living room so it was out of the way. I stretched and looked around the room, not wanting to put my dress back on, but I hadn’t thought ahead to bring a change of clothes.

“I thought you might want some fresh clothes,” Jason said, as if he were reading my mind. “So, I took the liberty of having some sent from the shop across the street.”

I smiled and hopped out of the bed, still wrapped in the sheet, and took the fresh change of clothes from him. I reached up on my tip toes and kissed his cheek before turning and taking off the garter and stockings I had fallen asleep in. I put on the white satin panties and bra and pulled on the jeans and sweater. I looked adorable as I stood in front of the mirror pulling my hair back in a ponytail. On the dresser was a new pair of Chuck Taylors, and I smiled remembering how much I loved wearing them in college.

“The first time we all went out to the bar, you were wearing something similar.” Jason sat on the bed behind me, watching me do my hair. “I thought it was the most beautiful you had ever looked.”

“You are so sweet,” I said with a wide grin. “Thank you.”

“There is something we need to talk about,” Jason said pulling out his phone. “I woke up to a text from Jordan this morning.”

“What did it say?”

“It said, ‘I know who she is,’” he said, looking up at me.

I reached down and grabbed my phone off the dresser, pushing the button to open the home screen. I winced when I saw that I had one new text, and prayed quietly that it was Mona checking in and not Jordan. My stomach dropped when I saw his name and read the message.

“’I know who he is,’” I read out loud. “What do we do now?”

Jason opened his mouth to say something but stopped, hearing a loud knock on the guest entrance to the suite. He looked up at me and shook his head, taking in a deep breath and pulling himself from the bed. I followed closely behind him but stopped in the middle of the living room, nervous that if it were Jordan, it would be a fight and not a civil conversation. Jason opened the door and stood back as Jordan barrelled through the door and into the living room. His fists were clenched and his shoulders tight as he stared back and forth at the two of us. I didn’t know what to do, I was frozen like a kid caught sneaking out of their parent’s house.