We stood close in the elevator, our shoulders touching and our breath matching. I checked my hair in the mirror and wiped the cherry lipstick from his cheek, turning back and grasping the box in my arms as the doors to the elevator opened. I looked up to once again find Jordan staring at me, an irritated look on his face.

“Hey,” I said, walking past. I turned and winked at Jason before heading out to catch a cab.

As I climbed in, I realized something. I didn’t feel anything when I saw Jordan. There was no wrenching feeling in my chest or drop in my stomach. It was like seeing some random person from the office. At that moment, I understood there was a reason for that. My heart had never actually belonged to him in the first place, something I knew all along but never allowed myself to see. Finally, I felt free from his clutches, free to feel however I wanted to for Jason.

Chapter 13


I stirred my drink, thinking about how I hadn’t seen Tiffany since the day in the empty seventh floor. She was so hot, looking at me with wanting eyes as she rubbed her fingers over her pussy. I wanted to fuck her so much but watching her play with herself was the hottest things I had ever experienced in my entire life. I couldn’t help but stand there and stare, stroking my shaft and waiting for those juices to start flowing. Diving into something with Tiffany had become an adventure that I hadn’t quite expected. She was smart, beautiful, charming, and fucking sexy as hell. I had always wondered, in the back of my mind, what kind of girl she was in bed, and though I expected more than a timid mouse, I wasn’t expecting a handful. But I was not complaining, because everything she did drove me absolutely wild. We had been texting all week, and it was finally Friday. She would be coming to this bar with Mona. We had staged a happy “run-in” with each other. It would look casual, but we could be out in public together. After the video she’d sent me two nights ago, though, I wasn’t sure I would be able to contain myself. I might just have to pull her into the back room and bend her over a box in the stocking area. I looked down at my drink, smiling at the thought.

“You look happy,” Jordan’s voice caught me off guard.

“What are you doing here?” I was more than a little irritated he was here. It was like he was still hounding me about seeing Tiffany and me together again in the elevator. Little did he know, we had just come back from fucking the hell out of each other a few floors up.

“Don’t sound so excited to see me,” he said grumbling. “Listen, man, I have to ask, is there something going on between you and Tiffany? You guys looked awfully cozy in that elevator again.”

“Dude,” I sighed. “Will you please give it a rest? There is nothing going on. Tiffany is not my type, and I have other things on my mind than dating your ex-wife.”

“All right,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ll leave it alone.”

“Thank you,” I said with a sigh. “So, what’s up, dude. This was never really your scene. Why are you showing up at the bar so much lately?”

“Gotta take advantage of the single life,” he said, laughing. “You haven’t seen me here because until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t allowed to be here checking out chicks. Now, though, I gotta soak it all up. I’m starting to understand why you’ve stayed single for so long. There are so many choices. It's like an amazing buffet in Las Vegas.”

“Yeah.” I snorted. I watched him as he looked down, stirring his drink. The excitement left his face, and he looked like he was contemplating his words. Part of me felt incredibly bad about what was going on between me and Tiffany. I had been fine the entire time, no guilt, no bad feelings, but now with that look that screamed lonely, I couldn’t help but feel a little bad about what had been going on. I slapped Jordan’s shoulder and smiled, watching his eyes move up to the bar and then across the crowd.

As I slumped down, feeling the guilt creep in, I looked up at the door and watched as Tiffany walked through into the bar. Instantly, that guilt disappeared with the reminder of how absolutely amazing she was, and how badly my brother had treated her. Her blond hair was pulled back into a curly ponytail. She was wearing a low-cut sweater and a pair of jeans tucked into knee-high black boots. She took off her peacoat and draped it over her arm, looking around the bar until her eyes met mine. Immediately, her smile lit me up inside, and I watched her body move with grace, her luscious hips swinging side to side, and her breasts heaving as she made her way toward me. My cock started to twitch in my pants as I imagined pulling her pants down, spreading her legs, and fucking her hard against the bar, watching her face in the mirror in the back. She could grab onto the service railing as I plowed into her. I shook the idea from my head as she got closer and scooted past Jordan, barely looking at him. She took a seat next to me with Mona and they ordered a drink.

“Hey,” she said looking at me and then up at Jordan. “Hey, Jordan.”

“What’s up?” He tried to play it off like he wasn’t surprised to see her. Instead, he stuck his mini straw in his mouth and looked around at the women in the bar. She laughed to herself and turned to Mona, giggling and whispering as they chimed their glasses together. Under the stool, she moved her leg near mine and secretly ran her foot up my calf. I could feel the goosebumps running down my arms, and I rubbed my body, pretending I was cold. Jordan kept his vision fixed on the back of the bar, not wanting to show his interest in Tiffany. I thought it would bother me how he reacted, but I quickly realized it wasn’t going to be his reaction I cared about. Instead, it would be hers.

“That girl is fucking smoking,” Jordan whispered. “You guys have fun.”

We all watched as he walked over toward a busty redhead in the back corner. I watched Tiffany’s face, wanting to see how she would react to Jordan hitting on another woman, but her gaze stayed fixed on the television screen above us, and I didn’t see even the slightest hint of jealousy. My heart fluttered at the thought that her attention was so tuned to me that Jordan didn’t even affect her any longer. She turned her stool toward me and smiled, her hands quickly running over my thigh and across my crotch. My cheeks heated quickly, and I wanted to grab her and take her out of the bar.

“So, when we saw Jordan at the elevator when it opened,” she said, looking me in the eyes, “I realized something.”

“What’s that?” My heart was racing, terrified she was going to say she wanted him back.

“I realized I didn’t care anymore.” She smiled. “I didn’t feel anything when I saw him. I realized my heart never actually belonged to him. I had tricked myself into thinking it did, but I knew from the very beginning I would never fully be able to give myself to him. I don’t know why I lied to myself like that, but now I realize it, and it's freeing.”

“I’m glad,” I chuckled with relief. “I really want to kiss you right now.”

“Me, too,” she sighed, looking down.

“I really like you, a lot,” I said, staring at her until she reconnected with me.

“I really like you, too,” she said, blushing and biting her bottom lip.

We drank our drinks and turned to Mona, listening to her talk about the dating scene and her hilarious yet really sad experiences recently. I was relieved that, for at least the current moment, I didn’t have to deal with that world at all. I felt comfortable knowing that I had Tiffany by my side, even if I couldn’t show it to the world. I caught my brother glancing over several times, but he ended up leaving halfway into the evening, the redhead in tow. Tiffany didn’t even act like she noticed but continued to tell stories and laugh loudly at how amazing she thought Mona’s dating life was

. I scooted my stool a little closer to Tiffany, running my fingertips over her lower back. She turned and looked at me with blushed cheeks, her eyes telling me she was thinking about more than just a few drinks at the bar. Had she not been out with her best friend, I would have taken her back to my place and gotten her naked in my bed, but as it were, I just dealt with being out and tried to enjoy some public time with her.

I kept the alcohol flowing for the girls, knowing the drunker Mona was, the less likely she would notice as our PDA steadily increased. It was almost thrilling, trying to hold hands, be close, and still keep it unknown to anyone around us that we were seeing each other. From the way Tiffany acted, she hadn’t even told Mona the whole truth yet, and so there we were, sneaking kisses by the bathroom, secretly rubbing each other’s legs under the cover of the bar ledge, and sitting very close, feeling the electricity move between each other. By the time I got this girl in bed again, which wouldn’t be tonight, I was going to explode before she could even get it out of my pants.

When the end of the night came around, I paid our tab and helped direct Mona, who was now pretty lit, out of the bar and toward the cab waiting on the corner. I held the door open as Mona slid in, and Tiffany bent over to make sure she was strapped into her seatbelt. Before Tiffany climbed in, she stood back up, smiling at me thankfully. Before she could say a word, I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her in for a deep sensual kiss. She leaned into it, whimpering at the surprise of it. When we parted lips, she kept her eyes closed for a moment, and I couldn’t help but think she looked like an angel. When she opened them, she smiled, mouthing the word “goodnight” before climbing into the cab. I shut the door and tapped the roof of the cab, watching it drive off down the road. They weren’t that far from Tiffany’s, but I didn’t like the idea of them walking back. I’d talked Tiffany into taking the cab.