“I know, dad,” I replied. “But honestly, I wouldn’t go either if not for Kelly. She needs me by her side, and Alex is as emotionless as they come.” The lie felt a little too pushed.

“Really?” Hank scratched his chin. “Wouldn’t have guessed.”

“No, not generally, I mean right now,” I hurried to correct. “Listen, it’s a difficult time for them. Give them some space, and a

s soon as I’m sure Samuel’s awake, I’ll let you know.”

Hank thought about this for a few seconds, then nodded. “Okay, but keep me posted,” he said, pointing a finger at me.

“Promise,” I replied, hastily making my way out of the diner and jumping into my car.

Close one, Jenni.

In all honesty, I believe my father’s visit would have been generally welcomed, and when I had called Kelly, she told me that Samuel was already awake and making jokes about looking like the bicentennial man. Even Alex sounded a bit more relieved, although his meeting with Sheriff Baker had gone completely wrong.

Which was why I needed to leave work early.

I pulled out of the parking lot and turned right on North Main Street, driving in the opposite direction of the hospital. Alex’s recount of what had happened at the Sheriff’s office had pissed me off, and I was fuming at the thought of Heath getting away with this just because Garth knew which gears to oil. Although the smart thing was to stay the hell out of all this, I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I cared a lot about the Logan’s, and Garth’s audacity was getting to me. Someone had to let him know that not everyone was going to take his shit.

I, for one, was done with it all.

The road twisted and turned as I followed it to the outskirts of town, turning right just before it led me into the woodlands beyond and east towards Warren. The compound Garth was staying in stood out like a sore in the midst of the laid-back beauty of the landscape. Someone had apparently thought it would be a good idea to paint everything in white, and the complex looked like a collection of large chalk blocks surrounded by a wall.

The guard at the gate waved me in without giving me a second look, knowing exactly where I was going and who I was meeting. You didn’t get to fuck Garth Liston without everyone in his direct circle knowing, and I almost felt like a cheap hooker just thinking of that. I couldn’t believe I had let him do the things he had done to me, let alone be somewhat okay with him bragging about it. After my night with Alex, the whole history with Garth felt like a bad dream that left a nasty aftertaste in the back of my throat.

A lot of the houses in the compound were still unoccupied, construction workers walking back and forth as they put finishing touches to them. In a couple of years, driving through here would be like taking a cruise down a posh suburban campus, with front yard wine tastings and teenagers driving with their tops down and their girlfriends on their laps. Hope Enterprises was already starting on another compound further down the main road that eventually led to the universities, and there was talk going around that they had sealed a deal to build the university dorms as well.

All in all, this side of Kent was going to turn into a hub of drunk drivers and frat parties that would make the locals wish they could just detach themselves from the whole thing completely.

I pulled up in front of Garth’s house, the Mustang parked in the driveway where one of his cronies was busy cleaning it. He barely looked up as I got out of my car and made my way to the front door, ringing the bell incessantly.

“For fuck’s sake, shut up!” I heard someone call out, and that made me only ring the bell more.

The door flew open and I stared at the angry face of Heath Collins. He immediately smiled at me. “Jenni, how are you?”

“I’m here to see Garth,” I said, pushing past him.

“Woah, what’s the hurry?” Heath asked, closing the door behind me and following me into the house. “Don’t have time to talk to an old friend?”

“Where is he?” I asked, spinning on my heels and facing him.

Heath gestured with his thumb to the second floor. “Upstairs, taking a nap,” he said. “I could keep you company while you wait.”

“Why?” I asked, pursing my lips. “Can’t find any old men to beat up?”

Heath winced, but his smug smile never left his face. “You heard about that, huh?”

“I need to talk to Garth,” I said, pushing past him and climbing the stairs.

“Always good to see you!” Heath called.

“Fuck you!” I shot back.

I stormed across the second-floor landing and opened the door to Garth’s room, not even bothering to knock. He was lying on his back, clad only in his boxers, snoring up a storm. His cock hung out through the front of his boxers, and I grabbed the closest piece of clothing to me and threw it on top of him.

“Get up!” I yelled.

Garth grunted, his eyes fluttering open as he turned to look at me in confusion. “Jenni?” he croaked, coughing to clear his voice. “What the fuck are you doing here?”