After an hour, I quickly realized I was probably going to get nothing done today. I sat back, stretched, and watched the waitresses as they worked. I smiled at a few of the guests, got up to help when I felt the orders were a little too overwhelming, and manned the register while my dad socialized with some of his older friends. By the time afternoon came rolling in, I already felt like I needed at least a gallon of coffee or I’d pass out in the back office from the exhaustion.

“Hey, waitress, what’s good to eat here?” I jumped and turned just as Samuel Logan slid into his regular seat and Kelly jumped into the one next to him. She shot me a smile.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite regular and his incredibly gorgeous granddaughter,” I smiled, the exhaustion taking an immediate backseat as I quickly looked over their shoulders to see if they had come alone.

“Hi, Jenni,” Kelly greeted, immediately grabbing the menu.

“Thought I’d show the little rascal where her grandfather has the best breakfast in Kent,” Samuel said, ruffling Kelly’s hair and rewarded with a scowl that would have burned down buildings.

I laughed. “A little late for breakfast, don’t you think?”

“Dad took forever to wake up,” Kelly said, rolling her eyes.

I looked at the door again, then back at them. “Did he drop you off?”

“He’ll be here shortly,” Samuel winked at me, and I raised an amused eyebrow at him in response.

“He’s getting his drugs,” Kelly said. “Apparently, he can’t go a day without them.”

I frowned and looked at Samuel for an explanation.

“Pain killers,” Samuel said. “He got shot a few months back. Still dealing with it.”

“Oh my god!”

“Drug bust gone bad,” Samuel said. “But he’s fine now. Just a bad leg that constantly nags at him.”

“And of course, it’s affected his capacity for rational thinking,” Kelly muttered.

I laughed again, and Samuel ruffled her hair once more, quickly dodging as she tried to slap his hand away. “I say get this one some food before her mouth gets the better of her.”

I took their orders, relayed it to the kitchen, and returned a few minutes later just as Alex walked in. He wore an open flannel shirt over a white t-shit that gave me the perfect idea of just what was hidden underneath, and I began undressing him with my eyes as he approached us, only realizing I was doing it when he frowned at me over a confused smile. I quickly snapped out of it and smiled back.

“Good morning,” Alex said, taking the seat beside his daughter.

“Afternoon, dad, seriously,” Kelly replied.

“She still hasn’t eaten anything?” Alex asked, looking at Samuel.

Samuel only shrugged and chuckled.

“Food’s on its way,” I said. “You want to give me your order so they can fix it up and bring them all together?”

“God no, get Kelly’s food first,” Alex said. “Or we’ll be facing the wrath of the antichrist before we know it.”

Kelly looked at him, shook her head in disapproval, then looked back at me while rolling her eyes. The dynamic between the two of them was entertaining.

The bickering and snarky comments went back and forth even as they ate, and I found myself amazed at just how sarcastic Kelly was, and witty. I had read somewhere once that wit was the sign of great intelligence, and the way this girl was shooting remarks back and forth had me smiling the entire time.

By the end of their meal, Samuel had to practically drag her away from her father, making up some excuse about showing her around town. When Alex offered to join them, Samuel quickly refused.

“I’d rather the two of you spend some quality time away from each other,” Samuel laughed and winked at me.

We watched them leave before Alex turned back to me and shrugged. “Sorry about that,” he said. “We do get along on most days.”

“I think it’s cute,” I replied, gesturing to the coffee pot. He nodded and refilled his cup. “You’re doing a great job with her.”

“Thanks,” he said. “Sometimes I feel like I’m in over my head, but she’s quick to put me back in my place.”