“This is so awesome isn’t it?” she almost squeals as she sits down. “I really feel like things are going to go well from here.”

Her hand falls onto mine, almost as an automatic reaction and as it does I notice her father giving me a look. A happy look actually, like he approves of our union. He seemed happy to see us together before though, and I can’t help wondering if he’d still feel the same way if he knew the truth about how I left last time. It makes me want to sit down and explain to him why I did what I did. I want to make him see that it was all just a mistake and that I understand that now. I was an idiot, and I won’t make that mistake again, but of course I can’t do that here and now.

“You know, you two should really go out to celebrate tonight,” he shocks us both by saying. “Maybe go to dinner and have a few drinks.”

Lola snatches her hand away like she’s been electrocuted. “But, Dad, I can’t. I have to look after you.”

“Kid, I’m tired,” he tells her in a slightly weary, probably put on, tone. “I need my rest. You two need to have some fun. How often are we in the city, Lola? How often do you go out? I want to see you finally have some fun. You’ve always been looking after people. First your mom and now me…”

“But I don’t mind…”

“I know you don’t, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to enjoy yourself too.”

“I would like that,” I tell her in the hope that it’ll make it easier. “I know some great places to eat and drink. I could show you around a bit.” She looks at me out the corner of her eye and bites down on her bottom lip. A pink blush tinges her cheeks which makes me assume that she’s at least considering it. “What do you say?”

“She says yes,” her dad replies on her behalf. “Trust me, Lola, you say yes. You have to do this for me anyway. I’m asking it of you. You can’t refuse your old man, can you?”

She sighs loudly as if it pains her, but finally she nods. “Fine. I’ll go.”

And with that, my heart soars.

Chapter 23 – Lola

What have I agreed to? I think with a head shake as I pull my dress over my head. I’m supposed to be avoiding Brandon, not spending more time with him! I’m also really concerned that I might have given him the wrong end of the stick by being all touchy feely with him today. That was just an accident, I was all happy about seeing the doctor and grateful to him for helping that happen.

“You look nice,” Dad calls out from behind me. “That dress looks awesome on you.”

I spin around and give him a glare. “Dad, I really feel like this is your fault.”

“What? I encouraged you to go out for a night of fun.” He rolls his eyes and tries to act all innocent. Does he honestly think I don’t know what he’s doing? “You need it.”

“A night of fun? Just funny that it’s with Brandon. Are you trying to encourage something?” I might as well dive right in and find out the truth. “What do you think will happen tonight? You do remember what happened last year, don’t you?”

Dad blushes a little and looks away from me. “Okay, I’ll admit it, I might be trying to push you and Brandon together.” I cross my arms angrily across my body. “But that’s because I really think there might be something there between you. Of course, I haven’t forgotten what happened last year, I know how sad it made you, but I’m also one for second chances. It’s obvious he knows that he’s made a mistake and it seems to me that he wants to make it up to you.” I roll my eyes in a dramatic fashion, but that doesn’t stop him from continuing. “I think you should give him a chance.”

I blow out a deep breath of air and let his words wash over me. “I don’t know, Dad. It isn’t that simple, is it? He broke my heart when he left before and I don’t know if I can trust him not to do that again.”

Dad leans onto his knees with his elbows and he holds out his hands to me. I don’t have a choice but to go and hold them so I can really listen to what he has to say. I might not want to hear it, but my father has no intention of letting me get away with that.

“Love never runs smooth,” he tells me simply as if it’s completely obvious. “Anyone that tells you their love story was a smooth one is lying.”

“But what about you and Mom?” I whine a bit pitifully. “Didn’t you just see one another, fall in love, and make a long distance thing work?”

He shrugs. “Maybe that’s how I made it sound, but I was lying. I didn’t mean to lie, but now that Denise has gone is easy to see things through rose tinted glasses. We went back and forth for a bit, both of us were unsure about whether or not it was worth it. We even dated other people in between.”

I’m stunned. I can’t believe that. I thought Mom and Dad had the perfect marriage. I suppose they did, but they just had some road bumps to get them there. I haven’t dated anyone else in between the times that I’ve spent with Brandon, but I don’t know a

bout him. If I fall into the trap of believing what that guy in the drug store said then he’s been with lots of different skanks.

“Wow, Dad that’s… I didn’t know.”

“Look, we both made mistakes. That’s why I’m telling you that you shouldn’t turn your back on Brandon just because he made one mistake. You know that I’m here to protect you, you know that I don’t want you to get hurt and I’m telling you that I don’t think he’ll do it again.”

“How do you know?” I ask him breathlessly. “Seriously?”

“I know because I can see it in his eyes.” My dad’s tone is so matter of fact that it takes me back a bit. “I can tell.” He leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. “I just want you to be happy, that’s all. Now.” He takes his hands from mine and pats them on his legs. “I’m going to bed so you can enjoy your night out. Have fun.” He winks at me. “And I’ll see you at some point tomorrow.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I gush. “Dad, what are you saying?”