Page 80 of Unprepared Daddy

“Hi Mr. Amoruso,” Cosetta said. “You were looking for me?”

“I was,” I said. “How are you, honey?”

“I’m good,” she purred. “I’m not in trouble, am I?”

I laughed out loud. “Baby doll, why would you be in trouble?”

“I don’t know.” Cosetta giggled. I got the sense that if I actually spent any time around her, she’d be annoying as hell – the kind of girl who never stopped giggling or tossing her hair. But usually those girls were amazing in bed, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel for her sweet little mouth to suck me off until I was groaning.

“Well, I was gonna come out there and see you today,” I said. “Sadly, business got in the way. You workin’ tomorrow?”

“Uh-huh.” Cosetta giggled again.

“Well, I might just drop by,” I said. “And Cosetta?”

“Yes sir?”

“Don’t wear panties.”

“Sir,” Cosetta said. “You’re making me blush.”

I grinned. There was nothing like a girl fawning all over me to make me feel better.

“Good,” I said. “I’ll be there. You behave, okay?”

“I will, sir.”

I hung up without saying goodbye. When I glanced up, I noticed that Tony still wasn’t back. I checked my watch – now, it was quarter past six. With a frown, I started the car and drove towards the warehouse. Maybe Sil was so sore over this that he told Tony to take him home, I thought. What a coward. I’ll speak to him in the morning – he can’t treat me like this. No one can treat Alessio Amoruso like this and get away with it.

My stomach clenched and I shifted in the seat nervously. As I pulled up, I saw Tony’s car. Tony wasn’t behind the wheel, and I heard yelling and shouting.

I shifted my car into park and leapt out, grabbing my gun and clutching it in my sweaty fist. Angry voices were yelling back and forth – I recognized Sil and Tony.

“Silvio?” I yelled, jogging close to the docks. “Sil, where the hell are you?”

“Alessio!” Silvio yelled back. “Stay the fuck away!”

“I’m coming!” I screamed. I broke into a run, ignoring the stitch that sprang up in my side. The burger I’d just eaten was threatening to come back and twist my stomach to shreds, but I didn’t care. If my best friend was in trouble, I was gonna fucking make sure he got out of it fast.

“Sil!” I yelled as I ran closer. “Where the fuck are you?”

The shouting increased and I moaned softly as I came within sight. Silvio was on the ground, dirty and bleeding. His suit was ripped at the knees and elbows and there was a gunshot wound in his stomach. He was pale in the face and clutching at himself as blood spilled over his hands like some kind of macabre fountain.

Tony was lying on the ground, dead.

A man with thinning hair was pointing Silvio’s gun at him and screaming.

“Michael Bennett,” I said loudly, pulling my gun from my waistband and cocking it. “What the fuck are you doing to Silvio?”

Michael turned to me and his face was etched with horror. “You leave me the fuck alone!” Michael screamed. “You know what this means? My father is going to destroy you!” His voice rang out over the docks and I glared back, staring him down.

“That’s what you think,” I said calmly.

I pulled the trigger.

Michael’s body crumpled to the ground.

Chapter Five