Page 4 of Unprepared Daddy

‘Don’t let the uniform put you off, just give it a try. Think of the money. Be ready by six. Jenny xx’

I roll my eyes and ignore the clothes. There’s no way I can think about them with so much sleep in my eyes. I need a shower, a hot coffee, and some serious time to get my act together. If I’m even going to consider this then I have to do it with all my faculties intact.

“Hey!” Jenny cries out excitedly as soon as she sees me. “I didn’t want to wake you because you looked so peaceful sleeping. All snuggled up in your bed and snoring loudly. Do you feel better now?”

“I don’t know,” I groan back. Obviously, I’m not really talking about the long sleep part, although that’s left me a little worse for wear too. I think I’ve slept far too much. “I don’t think I can wear that tonight.”

Jenny cocks her head and gives me a curious look. She’s already half way to getting dressed for her shift at work and she looks incredible. Intimidatingly so. I know if she wasn’t my friend I would never be able to work up the courage to speak to her. “Serena, have I ever steered you wrong before?”

“Well, there was the night at karaoke when we ended up getting sick behind the bar...”

“No, seriously, you have to trust me.” Jenny comes over to me and she takes my hands in hers. I can tell that she’s dead serious with her words, but I’m not convinced she’s right still. “If I didn’t think you could do this I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s honestly more fun than work and it’s empowering too.”

“Empowering how?” I don’t get that, I don’t see how flashing my body for cash is empowering but maybe I’m the one in the wrong. Jenny certainly doesn’t act like it’s a violation of her human rights or anything.

She chooses to ignore my question, brushing past it as if it doesn’t even register in her mind. “Trust me, once you have the uniform on and you get over those first day nerves everything will be fine. I was nervous too in the beginning, but now I wouldn’t do anything else.”

Knowing Jenny she probably gets job offers every day! She’s one of the more blessed people in life who has things fall into her lap. Either that or she’s a go getter who doesn’t wait for things to happen to her. I try not to think too much about that.

“I’ll have to trust you on that one... I need to have a shower.”

“Okay, cool I’ll help you do your make up and hair when you get out. I’ll make you look a million dollars honestly. You’ll love it.”

I move into the bathroom and flick the tap on, then I let me head fall into my hands while I wait for it to heat up a bit. Was it really that bad at the train factory? Am I really making a smart move? I don’t know. I don’t feel like I know anything anymore. I just don’t see any universe in which I’m going to be able to wear those clothes and not hate every second of it.

If only I had any other option...

Chapter Three – Ben

“Back again, Ben?” the flirty bar maid asks me as she slides me a drink. I should know her name really, I’m here so often, but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. “This is the third time I’ve seen you in the past week. Don’t you ever rest?”

“Not me.” I give her a playful wink. “When I’m not here, I’m just partying somewhere else. I can’t rest, not when there’s a whole world of fun to be had.”

“How are you ever going to settle down?” she giggled. “You can’t be out partying every single night when you’re all wifed up.”

“Not for a long time,” I insist. “I’m going to take my usual table out on the veranda. I’ve got some business associates here.”

“Business meeting? You bring them here now. That’s impressive.”

“It’s more like an entertainment thing. Got to keep the clients happy, you know how it is. Can you send one of the girls over to the table to get the liquor flowing?”

“Will do. Any preference?”

I slug the entirety of my drink back and give her a shrug. All the girls here are awesome to look at, I’m sure my friends won’t mind which one serves us. I can already tell they’re the type who don’t care what’s going on as long as the drinks keep on coming.

“We have a new girl. Maybe I’ll send her over to you. Drop her in at the deep end.”

I move away from the bar and push my way through the endless crowd that’s gathered in this place. It’s a high end, but accessible joint which makes it very appealing to guys like me. It’s posh and a great place for us to flash the cash, but it’s also casual and calm. I hate the pretentious over the top places worst of all. They’re always filled with old people who have sticks lodged firmly up their asses. Not for me at all, I just want to have a good time.

Once the cool night air brushes past my cheeks I scan my eyes over the crowds that have gathered outside. There are lots of business men all conducting their so-called business on the company accounts, and they’re all surrounded by the beautiful women that work here to serve them drinks. The girls must be even colder than I am in their barely there clothing, but the wads of cash that are being given to them as tips are keeping them warm.

They flirt, but they flirt for tips which is why I don’t ever sleep with them.

“Kyle!” my tone is jovial as I return to my table. “You like it here?”

“I sure do.” His eyes are practically bugging out of his head. “How could you not? No wonder you come here all the time?”

I chuckle loudly and look over to Kyle’s assistant. He looks less pleased to be here, but I think that’s because he’s rather be at home with his wife. That’s the problem with working in the finance industry and having a family at the same time. There just isn’t time for both. All the smoozing and partying in unavoidable.