Page 45 of Unprepared Daddy

But just as our lips merely brush against one another, Rose breaks out into the loudest, most horrific scream that I’ve heard from her yet.

“I suppose we should get used to that,” Serena chuckles against my lips. “I guess it’s going to be a really long time before we have any time alone together.”

“I will always be here,” Mom says as she comes back into the room with our drinks. “If you need a break. I will love to take these two little mites of your hands.”

“That’s kind of you, Mom. Thank you.”

I reach into the basket and I grab Rose out, then I hold her to my chest. Soon, she settles against me and she calms right down. It seems that she just needs to be held. As I clutch her to me, I realise that I am going to like being a father so much more than I thought I would. This means everything to me, and it’s only going to get better from here...


“Oh my God,” I moan loudly as I wake up for the fifth time in what feels like two hours. “I am so damn tired. How is possible to function on so little sleep?”

“It’s definitely your turn though,” Serena grumbles sleepily back without even opening her eyes. She’s much too tired to even move. “I definitely got up the last time.”

I really don’t think she did, but I’m not going to argue that point. After all, she carried these babies around for nine months without any help from me, I owe her this much. I push my weary ass into a standing position and move over to the cribs. This time it’s Brandon weeping, but I can see Rose stirring too, so I scoop the pair of them up in one arm each in the way I quickly realised I can do, and I take them down the stairs. Serena has some bottles of her milk made up for night time feeds, so I can help up too.

“Right, my little babies,” I say softly as I lay them in the baskets that sit side by side. “Let me just get you some milk, then we’ll get started.”

They whimper and whine as I move into the kitchen, but since we have two we can’t hold them all the time. I grab some bottles quickly and then lean over my little darlings as I feed them.

“You know, I haven’t always been the best,” I confess, the sleep deprivation is making me much too honest. “I haven’t always been good to your Mom, or the two of you, but that’s something that I want to change. I want to be better for you. I don’t ever want to let you down, I don’t ever want to do to you what my dad did to me. I don’t want to leave you.” I flick my eyes between them both, committing their faces to memories all over again. “You both deserve the world, and I really hope I can be the one to give that to you. It’s only been a few weeks now, you’re what, nine weeks old? I’ve been doing my best during that time, and that’s something I want to continue.” I pause for a moment, thinking about Serena and how well she’s taken to being a mother. “Your Mom is the good one, she’s really great with you guys. She just has this natural instinct that means she knows exactly what to do without even trying... I envy her a lot. I wish I could be that good. She just doesn’t even worry. I do all the worrying, she just get things done. She’s fantastic. I’m lucky to have her. We all are, you know? I don’t know what any of us would do without her...”

Oh God, I must be rambling so much that I’m boring the babies. They’ve both gone back to sleep. I place the bottles on the floor and try to steel myself ready to stand. I need to get up, I need to get the babies back in my arms carefully so I don’t wake them again, and I need to get them back in their cribs.

That’s what I need to do, but I just haven’t got the energy, or the heart. They both look just fine where they are. I settle myself into the couch where I intend to wait for just a little bit longer. Just until I can work up the energy. My body has already moulded into the soft cushions, I can already feel the weariness coming for me, claiming me, begging me to rest.

It won’t be long. I just need a minute. I can feel my eyes sliding closed, so I’ll let them do it for just a moment. I just need a second, just a little rest...


“Hey, Ben, are you okay?” I feel my body shaking and my eyes rapidly snap open. “Are you alright? What are you doing down here? I woke up and you and the babies weren’t there... I freaked, I really did. You can’t do that to me, it scared me.”

“Oh God.” I push myself up into a sitting positon and try to work out what happened. “I’m so sorry I brought the babies down to feed them and then I must have fallen asleep...”

“It’s okay, I know that now,” Serena laughs warmly. “I just wanted to check that you’re okay, that’s all. You don’t look very comfortable sleeping there on the couch.”

“Are the babies alright?” I can’t immediately see them, which has me panicked. “Where are they? What’s happened? Have I missed something?”

“They’re up, changed, dressed... I’ve sorted them this morning. All good. Now they’re having a bit of floor time. Nothing to worry about.”

“Floor time?” I rub the sleep from my eyes as I try to work out what’s happening. “What’s that?”

“They lie and play on the floor, and eventually start rolling over, look...”

I glance over to where she’s pointing to see my babies playing and enjoying themselves. My heart flies with joy at the sight. They look so content there, thanks to Serena. She really knows what she’s doing, I really did mean that. Without her, I would be a mess.

Without her, I was a mess. We already proved that, I don’t need yet another reminder. Serena is my anchor. I wouldn’t be anything if she wasn’t here. I want to cling onto her and never let her go.

“Oh well thank you for sorting them, I’m sorry about worrying you.”

She sits next to me and pulls my face towards hers for a kiss. Her lips crash into mine in a deep and

passionate way, that’s unexpected for this early in the morning, but it feels nice. It’s only a small moment, but I love that it’s just for us. Despite all the madness and chaos that’s happening around us, we’re still managing to find a way to just be us. I really think that it’s going to work between us, I really do. I think we’re going to go the distance.

In fact, I want to make sure of it.

As Serena moves away from me to go into the kitchen to make us breakfast, my mind starts spinning and I begin planning. Maybe not now, because things are so damn crazy and so up in the air, but I am going to make this woman my wife. I want us all to be a family that is solidified in the most traditional way possible. It’s something I never thought I would want, but now the idea is everything to me. The thought of walking up the aisle with Serena is everything to me. She in a white dress, me in a suit, our babies there, my mother, maybe even her parents if they deem a wedding a reason to visit, unlike our babies. Ethan too, Serena’s brother. He will definitely be there. Jenny and Tia too. Everyone that has been there along the way with our love story, everyone who has supported and helped us, all of them should be there as we say I do.