Page 255 of Unprepared Daddy

His words hit a chord. I was trying awfully hard for someone I wasn’t really interested in. I waved my hand, dismissing his words. “He’s a rich guy. He’s probably going to take me to a fancy restaurant where the cooks can’t cook half as good as me. I might as well dress up for the occasion, right?”

He cocked a brow and shrugged. “It just seems like you’re setting the poor guy up.”

“Poor guy? Since when are you on his side?”

“I’m not on anyone’s side, love. I’m just pointing out the fact that you might be playing unfairly.”

I turned to face him, hands on my hips “I’m not playing a game. Just because I want to dress up nice doesn’t mean anything. Look, I haven’t been on a date in years and even if this is just a charade, I’m still going to have fun with it. In the meantime, maybe he’s telling the truth. Besides, between you and me, I kind of hope I end up going home with him.”


I smiled a little and glanced over my shoulder. “I’m an evolved, sexual woman and I can admit when I’m attracted to a man. I don’t want to get mixed up with him, but maybe if I just sleep with him and get it out of the way, I won’t be so distracted by him.”

“So, even though you told him you aren’t interested in sex, you actually are?”

“Look, I’m a prideful woman. I’ll admit that upfront. I don’t want him thinking he’s won, you know? I just want to go on this date, go back to his place and call it a night.”

Miguel didn’t look convinced, but he also didn’t look like he was going to argue. He held his hands up and shrugged. “Do whatever you want, just don’t get yourself in a mess you can’t get out of.”

The knock at my front door ended the conversation and I grabbed my purse. “Don’t worry about me. Make sure you lock up before you leave.” I’d given him a spare key in case I needed anything.

“Sure thing. Have fun.”

I walked to the door and threw it open, beaming brightly at Jami. He wore a fitted suit without a tie, the first few buttons undone. I had to resist the sigh that was pushing at my lips. He looked amazing. He really did.


Jami smiled and waved, his long, thick hair pulled back out of his face. “You look nice.”

“So do you


He smiled and offered his arm to me and I felt the heat rush back into my face. I put my hand in the crook of his elbow and he guided me down the steps of my apartment complex. He even opened the door of the expensive sports car.

“Aren’t you the gentleman.”

“Mama taught me right. That’s one of the many perks to dating a southern boy.”

“Mmmm. I see.” I settled in the car and waited for him to get inside as well. I glanced at him and smiled. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

I was still fairly certain he was going to take me to a fancy restaurant. Wasn’t that the status quo for dates? He’d buy me a nice meal, order a bottle of wine and then take me back to his place. It wasn’t an exciting prospect, but I was alright with it. I just wanted to get through the night so my life could go back to normal. I just wanted to stop thinking about him.

We drove through the loud streets and I took in the multitude of people filing along on the side walk. The mix of culture and influence in New York was part of the reason I was drawn to the city. It was something different, something wild and full of hope. It was the place I’d always dreamed of being. My phone was buzzing in my purse, but I wasn’t going to answer. I already knew who it was. It was my dad and I just didn’t have it in me to deal with it tonight.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?”

“Nah. I’ll take care of it later. I’m on a date right now. Isn’t that kind of rude?”

He smiled and turned his attention back towards the road. “I think you’ll really like where we’re going.”

“Well, I trust you know what you’re doing. I’m sure you’ve taken lots of girls out on dates, hmmm?”

He smirked a little. “Well, I’m not one to brag.”

At least he wasn’t trying to lie. We made small talk until the car rolled to a stop at the opening of a small alley where people had gathered. “What is this?”