Page 206 of Unprepared Daddy

“If you wore glasses, you would look like one horny motherfucking school teacher, that is how you look! And without glasses, you just look horny as fuck,” he says as he continues to walk towards his office.

I hear the sound of the heels, clip clop clip clop they make on the hard floor, each step closer to the private domain of his office.

“I hope it’s a little warmer in there, it’s a bit chilly in the hall, and my nipples are already hard.” I look at my arms and can see small goosebumps appear.

We enter into the office. Bookshelves don the walls, thousands of books, and the center showpiece is his large black oak desk.

“Welcome to my lair,” he says as he waves his arm across the area as if showing me everything with one gesture.

“It looks a lot cozier in here, that’s for sure. Nothing like your office at work.”

I’m waiting for him to say something, but he’s just watching me as his blue eyes turn dark. I’m feeling nervous not sure what to do next.

“So, is that where you sat when you watched me come on your work desk?” I ask as I point towards his chair.


“Did you come too?”

I want to know if I’m the only one that was satisfied earlier in his office. It’s as if he makes me come harder every single time. Just the thought of him, and the idea of touching him. I want to touch him so badly that it hurts.

“Hell yes, my cock was throbbing and I shot my load all over the computer screen and keyboard.” He has a devilish grin on his face.

“I’m new to things like that, but I sure felt horny while I knew that you were watching.”

I start to realize that we may have crossed a bridge, but I’m the one that seems to be doing all the talking. I decide that I’ve had enough, I want him to take me. He must know that by now. I’ve followed his instructions, I must have passed the test. That’s if all this is a test.

“All that was going through my mind was about right now. About it being real. You and I having sex,” I strut towards his desk hoping that this will give him the temptation that he needs to take me.

He wraps his arms around me and lifts me onto his desk without saying a word.

I watch as Christian removes his shirt, his ripped body looking like he has been photoshopped on the computer… it was that perfect.

“Damn! Your body’s perfect,” I hum as I run my fingers down his abs and tug at the cord on his jogging bottoms.

I bite my lip as he slips his jogging bottoms to the floor, and I can see his cock hanging freely for me. Christian grabs my ankles and places my feet on the edge of the desk, my heels sliding as he spreads my legs apart.

“I want to see your cunt.”

I’m taken aback by his abruptness, but as always I do exactly as he says, so I spread my legs wider and part my pussy lips with my fingers; I can feel my clit is exposed and in full view. I raise my head and can see Christian has grabbed his cock and he’s stroking it. He’s getting hard as he stares at my pussy. The head of his cock swelling and forcing back his foreskin, I want it in my mouth, and I want it in my pussy.

I watch as Christian climbs onto the desk and kneels over me; he pushes his erection down towards my mouth, I move my arms and can feel all the papers falling to the floor. I raise my head and open my mouth, and can feel Christian place his hand under my head as he slides his cock into my mouth.

I can feel his veins pumping as I wrap my lips tighter around his cock. I push against his stomach with my hands.

“I want your cock inside me.”

He puts his finger on my lip and says, “I’m the one that gives out the commands. Not you.”

Chapter 13


I lead Isobel towards the bedroom, her heels making a clip-clop sound on the stone floor. I hold her hand as we start to ascend the staircase, I pause on the small landing and turn to her. I find her body insatiable, and I just want more and more. I have already come twice so far, and I feel I can still go for more, my body aches yet the lure of her tight pussy is just too much for me to ignore.

We move to the second staircase, and I lower Isobel against the steps, she lies against the thick carpet and rests her body on one arm. I place one foot on a lower step and move my hips towards her face. Isobel takes my cock and wraps her dainty fingers around it; she squeezes it tight. My cock starts to become hard again, and the blood flow is restricted by Isobel’s grip. Then the head of my cock swells under pressure, the nerves on fire sending me more pleasure.

Isobel teases the slit in my cock with the tip of her tongue, a tiny bit of come is dribbling from the fucking we just had on my desk. She licks the come and swallows as she gazes into my eyes.