Page 202 of Unprepared Daddy

“Well we were just wondering, he’s a bit of a player, and from what we hear a bit of a dirty fucker,” Jean says grinning. “Yeah, you haven’t noticed, but we’ve seen the way he looks at you. He turns his head and glances in your direction on quite a few occasions,” Jean’s glancing at me with her dark eyes waiting for a reaction.

I’m trying to get it together. Right now, I wish that I hadn’t come to lunch, this conversation's too close for comfort. They’ve noticed the way that he looks at me! That’s a giveaway, the must know. Shoot, I hope that none of them heard me in the bathroom earlier. I wonder if that’s the reason for them asking about him.

“I’ll watch him and see if I notice him looking at me or if he says anything to insinuate anything.” I’m trying to act innocent. I can’t let them know that for the last few days he’s been making me come to the office with no panties, just so that I can give him my v-card.

“He’s a real ladies man, he beds anything he wants, and I mean anything,” Amanda says as she glances at the menu. I hate Amanda because I feel as if she’s mocking me. I thought that I was different and he was taking an interest in me because he’s attracted to me. As she moves her bangs away from her eyes and stares at me, she makes me feel as if I’m a fool to think that I’m anything but another one of his victims. I’ve done it again, I’ve fallen for another man who just wants me for my body.

“Hey, girl, what you thinking about? You're miles away,” Jean says

as she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

“Sorry,” I shake my head thinking that I wish I had my panties. At least if I could go to the bathroom and put it on, then I wouldn’t be feeling so guilty about lying through my teeth. “Nothing, I was just daydreaming, I just drifted off.”

“Are you thinking of the boss and his huge cock, eh, are you?” Amanda asks laughing as she picks up the menu and winks at me.

“No, not at all, it’s nothing,” I can’t let them think that I’m that type of girl. I’m innocent. I’m still a virgin; I bet none of them are?

“Well, we know he doesn’t mix business with his deep dark pleasures that’s for sure, he has never made advances to any of the girls at work,” Jean comments as she chews her gum.

She doesn’t know what a relief it is to hear that. It means that I’m special and he’s going against his rules to be with me.

“Yep, and there have been some real lookers, who are fine with a capital ‘F,’ just take me for example,” Amanda says as she runs her hand down her body, “I could teach him a thing or two if he ever came my way,” she adds laughing and I want to leave right now. I don’t want her anywhere near him.

What am I thinking?

I’m not dating my boss, and all I can think about is sleeping with him. I’m acting as if he’s mine, but by the sound of things he’s no ones. Especially not mine. He’s just a guy that likes going around and sleeping with women. Just like Leo.

“Seriously though, you would let us know if he broke his rule, and tried to seduce you? After all, we’re all friends,” Jeans says as she frowns, but I wonder if we’re friends or she’s just looking for gossip.

“Yes, of course, you will be the first to know. Promise, girl’s honor and all that,” I reply jokingly as I hold up my hand.

We continue to chat between ourselves, and the girls make it a point of looking at me when questioning if anything has happened. I may have denied it, yet I’m not sure if they believe me.

“You sure, he has not tried anything?” Amanda asks as she munches on her lettuce leaf.

“Same answer as before, I promise you, he has not laid a finger on me at all,” I sip on my fruity shake.

“I just find it hard to believe in a way, he calls you into his office and closes the door, what goes on in there, with the door closed?” Amanda asks. “Does he have you bent over his desk as he fucks you from the rear?”

God she knows!

Or she heard me in his office yesterday because I start to blush as I feel the warmth fills my cheeks and I sit there with my hands on my lap.

“Amanda, what do you take me for? Oh, my goodness, you know I am not like that,” I say defending myself, I can’t let them know what’s going on. Not until I have sex with Christian until that day I need to keep this quiet. No one can ever know, especially the girls in the office.

“I’m only messing with ya, just trying to catch you out, maybe you are keeping a dark secret, eh?” she adds as the girls burst into laughter.

“You’re such a bitch sometimes; you know that,” I reply in a fake, rough voice.

“Girls just wanna have fun, eh, girls just wanna have fun,” Jean sings badly.

“Hell Jean, don’t give up the day job, that was terrible!”

I sit there smiling and think; I’ll have to be careful, it’s obvious the girls are suspicious, and they believe that there’s something going on with Christian and I. Even though he never makes a pass at the girls in the office.

“Well I’m stuffed,” Jean comments as she wipes her mouth on a serviette.

“Me too, that was a hell of a lunch.”