Page 200 of Unprepared Daddy

He doesn’t say any more than that. He’s telling me that he’ll make me come all day. I should be frustrated and tell him that I’ve had enough of his games. But I don’t because there’s a part of me that doesn’t want him to stop.

Chapter 9


Yesterday was like a dream come true. At this rate, I’m going to need shares in the sex shop. I went out and bought another dildo. I’m sitting at my desk and wondering if she has done as I asked, so far, she has taken to everything, like a duck to water. It’s like there’s a hidden nymphomaniac lurking beneath the surface just waiting to explode and fulfil all her fantasies. I can’t hold on any longer. After coming in nearly every hour yesterday I didn’t think that she would go for it again. I can tell that I’m completely wrong as I see the smile on her face.

“Isobel, you there?”

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Can you come here? I want to ask you something.”

“Yes, what is it? Um, you want me to take notes?” she asks with a nervous tone.

“No, I want to know if you did as I instructed, and did you follow the instructions exactly as I left them?” I ask.

“Erm, I did, I followed the instructions to the letter.”

“So, what did you think of your gift?”

“I love it, it was very enjoyable and a real eye-opening experience,” she seems so excited and I need to know more. How did she feel? Watching her come yesterday had me jerking off just as many times as she was coming.

“Get the box. I want to check the contents.”

I watch as her wiggle leaves the office and as she bends over to reach into her bag, her shapely ass facing me. Now I imagine her in that position as I ram my cock into her tight pink pussy.

She returns to the office with her purse under her arm, she flicks it open and removes the box from inside and hands it to me.

“Close the door.”

“Christian do you want me in or out?”

“In, I want to check you have completed your task properly,”

She turns and closes the door and faces my desk, I lay the box on the table and remove the dildo. Then I glance at Isobel and can see her eyes sparkle as her mind goes back to her previous task. I hold the dildo to my nose, I can faintly smell her pussy lingering on the dildo.


“So, you managed to shove all this inside of you?”

“It went all the way in, quite a few times. I hope no one heard me.”

She doesn’t realize how much she’s turning me on right now. Any other woman would have given up, said that she couldn’t come again. Yester

day, every single time she came in here, I expected her to complain. She never did, it was as if she enjoyed it whenever I called her on the intercom. She knew what I wanted from her and I had to go and get her another toy. The idea of watching her again, would lead me into temptation. This way I could know what she did, without having to go to my bathroom and jerk off every time.

She’s ready to be taken, but something’s holding me back. Maybe it’s her age? Or the fact that she’s a virgin. Either way, I know that I’ll take her, I just need to bide a little more time.

I remove her panties and hold them to my nose; I can still feel a slight dampness as I inhale the smell of her come.

“It smells like nectar from the gods,” I rub her damp panties over my face.

“I am glad you approve of my..”

I inhale her panties while keeping my gaze fixed on her; she had to wipe them on herself after she came. Yesterday, her panties didn’t smell as sweet as this did today. No, this is a different scent. One that tells me that she’s ready for me to take her. Yesterday, I was trying to ma

“That’s all; you can get back to work now, and close the door on your way out.”