Page 198 of Unprepared Daddy

“So, a dull lunchtime you have had then?”

“No, not at all, I have had quite a good lunch time. Actually, it was fun daydreaming, especially when you factor in that I have no panties on; it puts an entirely different perspective on your thoughts.”

“You trying to give me a boner again?”

I shake my head as I put a finger in my mouth, he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

“Don’t forget to send me the photo.”

Then he hangs up, I’m about to get up and do it, when I see everyone coming back into the office. I’ll do it later when no one’s around and maybe I’ll do more than just send him a photo of my pussy. Maybe, I’ll send him a video, just like the one that I did on video chat with my ex-boyfriend, Leo.

Chapter 8


I sent him the photo hoping for a reply, I wanted to do a lot more than that like take a video, but then at the last minute I chickened out. Particularly since soon as I heard some of the girls come into the bathroom. I sat like a jilted bride waiting for him to respond all day and as the day came to an end, he still didn’t say anything.

I didn’t sleep well, especially not hearing from him. As soon as I arrive at the office, I’m in a foul mood. I look at his office door, and it’s closed again. I’m wondering if he’s out, but then I see a box on my desk. It has no stamp, and it’s red with a matching bow tie. There’s a card on top of it, and I feel like a little kid on Christmas day as I pick it up. I want to open it, but then others start walking into the office, so I quickly put it in my purse and head to the bathroom and quickly enter one of the cubicles.

As soon as I close the door, I grab my purse and open the card.


Put your gift in between your legs and near your sweet pussy. When you’ve finished put your panties in the box and go back to your desk.


I realize that this is one of his games. Instructions that he wants me to follow through and the whole idea of it gets me all excited. I can imagine his strong accent which is a mixture of British and American English. I feel as if he’s behind me, whispering for me to do it and send him a photo. I’m trying to think how many people are in the office now. I didn’t see that many, and it feels as if this is too good an opportunity to pass by. If I go to my desk, sit and wait, I may chicken out. Besides, there’s no time like the present. I want to know what’s inside the box. I shake it and think that it can only be one thing, a dildo.

As I make sure that there’s no one around in the bathroom, by checking for feet as I spy at the bottom of the doors. I reach out and it’s not what I expected. There’s no dildo just another set of panties. Then something drops on the floor, and I discover that it’s no ordinary panties as there’s a little pouch for it and some kind of mini dildo.

Holy crap!

I read his instructions again and then it dawns on me, he must want me to put on this one so that I can come at any time. After listening once more to make sure there’s no one in the cubicles, I take off my panties, and as nobody’s in another cubicle, I reached out and put the bullet against my sex. Then I tie the panties at each side and put the one’s that I put on this morning into the box. Then, I put them all in my purse and head to the sinks. I wash my hands feeling like the naughty girl and then as I leave the bathroom I bump into Jean. I have my purse firmly against my chest.

“Good morning, don’t tell me that you’re not coming out to lunch with us today again?”

I know that I can’t blow her off. I can already see the disappointment written on her face.

“No way. I’ll come to get you around one.”

She nods her head, “I just hope that he doesn’t keep you busy today. Seeing as he wasn’t in yesterday.”

He’s here!

I feel as if she’s answered all my prayers. I’m trying so hard to act natural, but it’s so hard when you have something against your pussy, and it’s all controlled by one man.

“Wow, you look happy.”

She has no idea, how I’m feeling, but I need to pretend better. I’ve got a funny feeling that she suspects something because I’m not a great actress.

“Spoke to my family this morning. You know how much I miss them. This is my first time leaving home.”

“Isobel, I know that this can’t be easy for you. I remember the first time I left home…God look at us talking.”

Thank goodness someone else wants to use the bathroom.

“Yeah, I’ll catch you later.”