Page 196 of Unprepared Daddy

One more look in the mirror, before I leave the office. I can’t believe that I’ve gone from shy girl to office tease in the last few days. Then again, Agnes said to have fun and that’s exactly what I intend on doing, starting today.


I arrive at the office and I’m excited at the thought of Christian looking at me with no panties. I ride in the elevator and reach our floor. As I exit the elevator, I can sense a lighter atmosphere and wonder what’s going on. I glance towards Christian’s office, and the door’s closed. I scratch my head, wondering why his door’s closed.

I reach my desk and check Christian’s schedule, and notice he’s not in the office today. Damn! Why did he say not to wear panties if he’s not around. Then it dawns on me, this is why he wanted me to take a photo. I’m really not good at this.

“Hey Isobel, what’s up?”

“Ah, nothing, I was just thinking, I forgot Christian was out all day,” I sigh thinking that I must have been talking to myself, otherwise she wouldn’t know that anything was

bothering me. A trait that I picked from my mom, one that I really need to stop doing.

“Isobel make the most of it, it’s not very often it happens. We can do with more days with him away.”

“Why do you say that?”

She laughs, “The man’s a slave driver. Have you ever seen him leave the office?”

I shake my head, damn I hate lying. I want to tell her that I saw him leaving last night. He was walking so damn fast that I thought he was going to take the stairs. I know that I was making him hot, I wanted him to take me, but he held back as usual.

“Exactly! That’s because he works too hard and wants everyone to work as hard as he does.”

I smile at her, thinking that I need to get to the bathroom and take the photo of myself with no panties. I feel really silly thinking about it all.

“Well, I will let you get back on with your day dreaming,” Jean replies as she flicks her hair to the side.


“You looked as if you were having a conversation with yourself before I came over.”

“Crazy right? I know I get it from my mom.”

She shakes her head, “No, it’s kind of cute. Anyway, I’ll catch you later right? You’re coming to lunch aren’t you?”

I nod my head thinking that Christian’s not here, so I won’t be doing anything with him.

“Great, see you later.” Jean walks back to her desk and walks over to the other girls. No doubt, they’re gossiping about something. It’s a sign Christian is not here, the tongues start to wag, and all sorts of gossip get mentioned, especially about Christian.

I walk into Christian’s office and place some documents on his desk; I can hear the phone ring from my desk, so I transfer it from his phone.


My heart skips a beat when I hear Christian’s voice on the other line.

“Yeah, it’s me,”

“What are you doing?” he asks in a rough voice.

“I’ve just put some reports on your desk for when you get back to the office,” I answer happy to hear his voice.

“Have you done as I ordered?”

“I have, and I can’t believe that you’re not here to see it.”

“As long as I know you have no panties on that is good enough for me. Besides remember I told you to take a photo.”

“Okay, then I’ll take the photo then after I’m putting on my panties.”