Page 184 of Unprepared Daddy

Reg had been apprehended trying to sneak out of Silesia after watching the broadcast of Adriana’s confession. He attempted to play it off, but no one was buying the idea that he just wanted a casino built inside the capital. He was taken to court very quickly, and we are still waiting on the final ruling from the judge. However, from the looks of his cocky and demeaning attitude when he took the stand, it looked like Reg will be staring down the back side of a set of bars for a very long time. Adriana didn’t really like the idea of retribution at first, but after hearing him degrade her on the stand, and watch as the whole country came to her defense, she came to a good place and was pretty happy to watch Reg be shoved into an orange jumpsuit and put to work in the local prison s


When the courts seized all his property, Adriana requested that I do her a favor. I granted Sveta, her best friend, the right to run the Caspian while we sorted out the whole mess. Turns out Sveta was quite the business woman, and before long, the place was more than booming. All her girls were properly taken care of and paid. It may still be a strip club, but Sveta was not taking any shit from her clients and always made sure that the dancers were treated like human beings.

As a surprise, I had Sveta flown up for the baby shower. She had handled herself with so much grace and class, no one even realized she was Adriana’s best friend from the strip club, not even my mother. I had a sneaking suspicion that Brat had a crush on her, but he knew convincing his family, though not first-generation royalty, would be harder than convincing the whole of Silesia that it was an honorable upbringing. By the end of the shower, I had promised Sveta that once the assets were fully seized to pay off his debts, I would help her become the full owner of the property. She had big plans to expand, not in Silesia of course, but definitely in other places across Europe.

Adriana and I had taken a small vacation to Prague to visit Sveta and grant the media a one-time ability to tour the Caspian. They had been begging for the ability since Adriana had come forward with her news, and finally, we decided to give in. Adriana requested not to be on camera, so we let Sveta take the reins. The place looked completely different from when we had first met. Sveta had gotten rid of all the tacky red velvet, and the place was fully decked out in gothic style décor. You might think it would tacky, but the way she incorporated the history of Prague into every art piece that donned the walls, it was almost like taking a tour through a museum.

It was gorgeous in every way possible, and Sveta even had talked about turning it from a strip club into more of a theatre. She wanted to give the girls the chance to really show their creative side, so the shows were no longer just girls bouncing up and down the stage. They were choreographed numbers, set to new age music, with amazing pageantry. She had even built a separate stage for herself, where she put together a new age art installation where she painted canvasses in the nude. The clients loved it, and every night was packed to capacity.

Back home, when we weren’t preparing for my crowning or the baby’s birth, we were relaxing in our wing of the castle, watching old movies, talking until the break of dawn, or planning our next vacation to the island. We decided that after she had been crowned Queen, we would take the baby, who we decided would be named Milos, Jr., if it were a he, or Reece, if the baby were a girl, and go to the house for our first real family vacation. Knowing how much Adriana loved spending time with her newly sober mother and the Queen, we had two other houses built on the island so that when we went on family trips, everyone could be there to enjoy the time.

Of course, we definitely were going to go back by ourselves again, maybe when it was time to start trying for baby number two. Our mothers had already started asking when we would be announcing the second addition to our family, and we hadn’t even had the first.

It didn’t seem to bother Adriana at all. She talked about expanding our family as large as I wanted. Though having a big family definitely was in my plans, I was a bit more interested in the creating part of the deal than anything else. Adriana laughed whenever I said that and slapped me in the arm whenever I said it in front of my mother. Before the crowning, my mother had given Adriana a very special pair of earrings that she wore when my father was crowned. They were definitely a good team, and I couldn’t imagine a better choice in a mate, than Adriana was for me.

I couldn’t tell if my mother was more excited for the birth of her first grandchild, or her opportunity to finally retire. I had walked into her sitting area several times to find her in deep meetings with the gardening service, planning out huge expansions for her landscaping. It made me laugh to see her in such good spirits, and it made me realize that becoming the man I needed to be not only took a great deal of stress off of me, but it took a great deal of stress off of everyone that was around me. I even found the service staff to be much kinder toward me.

I had made sure that everyone that had to deal with me during those few weeks of alcohol rage inside my room got a card of apology and an extra bonus for the holidays. Adriana was proud of me for accepting that I had been a complete ass, and for being humble enough to apologize to those that deserved it, which was pretty much everyone.

As far as I went, it was just two days after my official crowning as King, and I had already enacted some laws that would start leading Silesia into the future. We were embracing alternative energy, and we were making agreements to improve the quality of our schools, our roads, and working conditions in the factories. The Parliament seemed pleased to have me on the floor with them whenever I saw fit, which I could see was regularly, and my mother actually looked at me as if I had finally made her proud.

My crowning ceremony was both exciting and bitter sweet, as I said goodbye to my father and my King, something I had not taken the time to do after his passing. However, having Adriana there as support was more than I could have ever asked for.

I stood in the doorway of the balcony overlooking the capital of Silesia, watching as my beautiful wife waved and smiled at all of her adoring fans. She had gone from a sassy, gold spandex wearing, hard headed girl to a beautiful, intelligent, and still sarcastic Princess of the people. I couldn’t believe how someone I hadn’t given two thoughts to at the beginning had jumped so swiftly into my soul. As soon as I saw the look in her eyes on our wedding night, even though I refused to admit it, I knew this woman had captured something in me that would forever change me as a person. Her beauty radiated from her body and soul, and her smile was what kept me going every single day.

I couldn’t even start to understand what kind of change she brought into my life. It was beyond anything I ever expected or ever felt that I deserved. She lit up my life with love and laughter from the first moment, and those feelings had only continued to grow as we awaited the birth of our first child. Looking back at all we had gone through really brought a sense of understanding as to how quickly life can change and move.

While she stood there, glowing with the life that was growing in her belly, I was standing here glowing with the love that she had given me. Though our child is one of the best things to ever happen to me, I couldn’t imagine a life without Adriana in it. She brought a sense of excitement and light to everything she touched, and I couldn’t remember a Princess in history, including my mother, that was so loved by everyone who came into contact with her. Her kindness and generosity spoke volumes to the people, so much so, that even though she had not made any speeches since her broadcast, the news reported on every charity event she hosted, every hungry child she fed and hugged, and every caring smile that came across her face.

I looked up at the bright sunshine beaming down on our Kingdom on this very special day and couldn’t help but feel like everything had changed in such an incredible way. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around Adriana, feeling the life moving in her belly below my hands. The crowd cheered even louder as she turned her head and kissed my lips. I buried my face in her hair as she continued to wave and acknowledge the people that came to see her.

“I love you, Adriana,” I whispered. “And I always will.”

Dirty Boss


My sexy, young intern, Isobel, desperately wants to lose her virginity. She's far too young for me. I’m not going to let that stop me. I plan to instruct the girl how to please me, and if she’s obedient, if she follows my every instruction, I’ll reward her at the end of the week.


By claiming her innocence.

Her first task? To come to work wearing a skirt – a short one. No panties. I explain my strict demands and enjoy seeing her sweet blush.

With each task, I feel my self-control slipping. Isobel’s innocent. Untouched. And yet I find myself falling more and more under her spell. As the final day approaches, I’m consumed with savage need.

One thing’s certain.

I want more than her sweet innocence…

Chapter 1


Shoot is that the time?