Page 174 of Unprepared Daddy

He pushed his cock back into me and thrust hard against my body. My nails scratched down his shoulders as he pushed me further and further toward ecstasy. I started to grind my hips forward, and he pushed his dick hard and groaned at the feeling it sent through both of us. My arms dropped to the ground, and I arched my back, grabbing at the white dust and feeling it slip through my knuckles.

Milos’s body began to tense strongly as he moved faster and faster, pushing into me hard and then pulling back. My moans began to shorten into small bursts of wailing, and I grabbed his shoulders when I screamed with pleasure. The orgasm hit me hard, and I couldn’t control my head from whipping back and my mouth from groaning wildly. I could feel Milos speed up as he felt my juices explode all over his shaft. With several deep thrusts, he growled loudly, and his cock exploded his seed, and his body shivered from the pleasure.

Though his body had achieved its desires, his hips continued to move slowly, and I could feel my pulse race with each thrust. After a few moments, his body collapsed into the sand next to me, and he turned on his back, trying to catch his breath. I put my hand to my chest and laughed softly at how absolutely amazing that felt.

I leaned my head back into the sand and focused on the moon, now high in the night sky. My breathing slowed down, and my pulse lessened, but there was no rush to get up. Instead, Milos reached over and clasped my hand in his, and we lay there watching the bright flashes of shooting stars go over our heads. At that moment, I felt both full of love and very, very tiny in this gigantic universe.

Just a year ago, I was dancing my heart out for money in Prague. Now, I was the future Queen of Silesia, lying next to my husband on my own island in the middle of the Pacific. I reached up and ran my hand over my belly, in awe of how quickly life changed around me. Milos and I had become that perfect couple I never thought existed. He was attentive, loving, and completely ready to start this family. The way our bodies danced across the shore, intertwined with each other, was exactly how I saw our love for each other. We had been through so much in such a small amount of time, that it seemed impossible that anything could come between us at that point. Finally, after so many years, I could say that I absolutely loved my life and everyone in it. And initially misled or not, I had Milos to thank for that.

As the moon glowed in the night sky and we watched the world pass us by, I could feel the bond between us strengthen. That was the exact moment that I let go of all my fears and settled into this beautiful life. I was madly in love, and I would protect that forever.

Chapter 22: Milos

I lay in the bed with the breeze cascading over me, and I watched Adriana begin to stir. We were so exhausted by the time we got to bed last night, we’d been out cold within minutes. The fabric draped from the bedposts fluttered in the breeze, giving the morning a lazy, dreamlike quality.

I ran my hand up Adriana’s beautiful, smooth back and watched while a smile spread across her lips. I leaned down and kissed her shoulder, admiring how absolutely gorgeous she was.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I whispered.

She groaned and stretched her arms out. “Morning to you, sir.”

“I thought we might grab a quick snack and head out into the woods,” I said, rubbing her shoulders. “I was told there were mango trees and berry plants around here.”

“I love fruit,” she mumbled cutely.

“I know,” I said, laughing as I slipped out of the bed. “I’ll go start the coffee.”

She smiled. “You know just what to say to a girl.” She opened her eyes and watched me cross the room and grab my shorts. “Clothes are optional.”

I laughed.

As soon as the coffee was done and I had pulled the croissants from the oven, we chowed down, hungrier than I thought. It was another beautiful day in paradise. We got dressed and headed out into the woods to hunt for fruit. As we walked along, stepping over fallen branches and staring up into the tropical forest canopy, I couldn’t help but think about how perfect this woman was for me. She was smart, beautiful, kind, and loved everyone around her, except Zlata. Adriana wasn’t a fan, but neither was I. So we had that in common, too.

The sun pushed through the canopy, spreading rays of light across the forest floor. Everything just seemed like it was more than perfect. Adriana pointed to the left where she had found a mango tree. We pulled out our bags and loaded up on sweet, fresh mango, before venturing further into the forest. Along the way, we stopped and picked berries, and Adriana took pictures of the small frogs perched on leaves of the trees.

We must have walked around the entire island by the time we were ready to head back. She stood looking at me with her big eyes and smiled as she sipped from her water bottle. Suddenly, we heard a sound to the right of us, and I put my arm up in alarm, shielding Adriana and the baby. We both crouched down, unaware of what animals inhabited the island, and pushed through the patch of tall, leafy bushes next to us. As we emerged into the small clearing, Adriana gasped and covered her mouth. Swinging, playing, and eating from the low-lying branches of the trees were small monkeys.

“Look at them,” she squealed, very excited. “They are adorable.”

She attempted to walk forward, but I shook my head at her, not wanting her to get injured in any way. I grabbed her wrist and began to climb the large roots of one of the nearby trees. When we had reached its peak, we sat down, swinging our legs beneath us and watching the monkeys swing about around us. They were just as curious as we were, and I couldn’t help but be completely smitten by Adriana’s wide, excited eyes and the cute little chirping sound that escaped her lips.

One of the younger monkeys crept close to us, and Adriana grabbed a mango from her pouch. She reached the fruit toward the furry creature and watched as it slowly reached forward and took the fruit, before running back to the safety of its family.

Adriana kept us in the tree with the monkeys until late in the afternoon, when I could hear her stomach begin to rumble. I smiled as I stood, signaling it was time to make our exit. She gave me a pouty lip but took my hand and walked back toward the leafy bushes. When we had left the monkeys behind, she turned to me smiling.

“Wasn’t that amazing?” she exclaimed. “I never want to leave this place.”

“You weren’t saying that last night when that huge spider crawled across the wall,” I said, laughing. “I’m pretty sure your exact words were, ‘Well, it was a nice place, too bad I’m going to have to burn it down.’”

“If I can go play with monkeys every day, I’ll deal with the giant man-eating spiders,” she said firmly. “Maybe I could train the monkeys to eat the man-eating spiders. Kill two birds with one stone.”

I laughed loudly as we made our way back through the woods toward the beach. Once we were back out in the sun and sand, we lugged our find over to the blanket we had left out and dumped our bags in the middle. I ran inside real fast and grabbed a knife, came back, and started peeling the mangos. We talked about the monkeys, the spiders, and the dolphins we had seen the day before. Adriana explained her theory on dolphins being man’s true best friend, and I just sat and listened intently to every word she said. She was absolutely captivating.

I moved the pile of mango peels and scooted over next to Adriana, wanting to feel her body near me. She fed me a dark red berry, and I fed her a piece of mango. She took in a deep, full breath and shook her head as I offered her another piece. We had eaten so much fresh fruit, it was insane.

“Well,” I said, picking up some berries and squishing them between my fingers. “What will we do with all of this extra fruit?”

I reached my fingers up and ran the berries across her lips, following it with my tongue. I then smeared some on her neck and followed that up as well, with my mouth. She shivered as my skin touched hers, and immediately, those sparks began to ignite again.