Page 114 of Unprepared Daddy

“Alessio,” I began nervously, my voice shaking. “I never thought that I would find happiness, but you have changed my life. You’ve made me think about things in ways that I never imagined before, and I’m so proud to become your wife.” A tear dripped down my cheek. “You’re loving and bold and strong and sweet. I will love you forever.”

Alessio winked. My heart skipped a beat and a warm thrill came over me. After all this time, Alessio could still turn me on in just a few seconds. I hoped that no matter what happened, that would never change.

“Beth,” Alessio said heavily. “I never thought of myself as a marrying man. I never thought I would have a family, or fall in love. But meeting you changed everything. We had an intense, passionate, and instant connection that made me unable to stay away from you.” He grinned and I nodded as another tear dripped down my cheek. “I love you, Beth, and I always will. I promise to protect you with my life. I promise to keep your safe, and to give you anything your heart desires. I promise to be the perfect husband.”

The priest nodded. “Alessio Amoruso, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and hold, to cherish and to love, until death do you part?”

“I do,” Alessio said quietly.


nbsp; The priest turned to me. “Elisabeth Wilson, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and hold, to cherish and to love, until death do you part?”

“I do.” My heart leapt into my chest with the words.

“Then by the power invested in me by the state of New Jersey, I now pronounce you man and wife.” The priest turned to Alessio and winked. “You may now kiss the bride.”

As Alessio pulled me close and kissed me passionately, I knew the best part of my life was yet to come.

Your’s Forever


A Luxury Cruise. A Handsome Guitarist. Seems to be the perfect holiday!


A simple word that changed my life.

He’s standing in front of me.

My heart beats faster….my mouth runs dry with lust and desire.

I’m pretty sure I’m falling for HIM!

His hot muscular body sets a fire in the pit of my stomach…

A burning that races all the way down to my center.

I can feel the intense heat and…

If I don’t have him soon then I might just die.”

“I walk through the midnight valley, thinking only of you…

you’re the love of my life and losing you makes me blue…”

Chapter One - Tia

“I don’t know, Mom,” I comment with a sigh as I wander around the bare room of my old college dorm. The white walls, the empty bed, the bare desk… it’s all too much. “I haven’t really thought much about it.”

“What do you expect me to tell you?” I can tell that my mother is distracted, she’s hardly listening to me at all. Knowing what she’s like it’s likely she’s in a nail salon or a spa, getting pampered like she’s a princess or something. I love her dearly, but she truly is a rich wife diva. I could be a bit like that too if I wanted, but that just isn’t me at all. “You knew this day was coming. You knew you were going to qualify from college. You should have made plans.”

I huff loudly and fling myself onto the small camp bed that I’ve spent my last few years existing on. I hated it at first, it was nothing like the luxury I was used to, but I quickly got used to it and threw myself into college life, and to be honest I’m going to miss it loads. My friends; Diana, Helen, and Alexa have left already. They are too busy looking forward to the future to bother worrying about what they’re letting go of. That’s just me… what is wrong with me?

I’ve loved everything about being at college. Maybe that’s why I haven’t thought much about what’s going to come next because I knew I wouldn’t be ready to let it go.

“I know, I should have. You’re right about that but I didn’t. Now I’m sitting here wondering where I’m supposed to go. I don’t even know where to live now.”