Page 191 of Unprepared Daddy

I can see she is still upset, maybe she’s thinking that she shouldn’t have revealed herself to the country boy, or at least not on by video chat. He probably recorded the whole damn thing. A virgin by name and a virgin by nature she’s probably still young, sweet and very innocent.

I watch Isobel as she busily scribbles notes in her pad as I dictate my morning verbal needs, usually I would send her an email. Or even do it on the intercom, but today I want to watch her in action.

I keep an eye on her young fingers and imagine them wrapped around my erection. I give myself a mental slap and try to concentrate on what I’m doing. All the while she’s taking notes like a good girl. A perfect submissive. I can hear Isobel sniffle.

“Here,” I say as I offer my handkerchief.

“Thank you,” she replies keeping her head bowed.

“I see you’re still upset, it’s not anything I have done, is it?”

“No, not at all. It’s Leo, and how he belittled me and made me feel worthless. He says he was thinking of sleeping with Dede, this girl in town.” She hesitates before replying, “But I know that it’s not true. He’s already done the deed.”

“Fuck him, he doesn’t deserve you; you should be with someone who can improve your future and put a smile on that beautiful little face of yours,” I reply using my sexiest bedroom tone.

I sound like a bit of a gentleman, but I know, it’s just my mind being manipulative to get what I want. I find myself talking like a real pussy, but in reality, there’s only one pussy I have on my mind on, and it’s sitting opposite me blowing its nose into my handkerchief.

“Why did you do that strip for him just to keep him?”

I’m not interested in what she says; I just want her to talk about her stripping last night...

“Well, he said he wanted to sleep with this other girl…,” she starts to say.

“It’s okay, you can use the word fuck if you like,” I say cutting off her sentence.

“Em, alright, as I was saying, Leo said he was going to fuck this Sandra Fox, the bitch... if I didn’t let him fuck me,” she goes on, “I got this opportunity to work here, so he says I’ve been hanging on to my virginity for too long and should have fucked him a long time ago,” she adds.

“Is that it? No more juicy details?” I ask leaning on my desk feeling my dick rise up.

Isobel may think I am interested, but I can see down her cleavage and can just picture my head between her breasts.

“So, what is this Leo guy like, and why are you so upset over him?” I ask, “I picture him as a real country boy, straw hat and chewing on the straw or chewing tobacco, you know, that spit and howdy pardner sort of guy,” I add as I think of Isobel sitting there completely naked while taking notes.

“Nah, he’s nothing like that, he’s kinda cool; jeans, t-shirt and a motorcycle, a bit of a bad boy image, but soft at heart, all the girls love him,” she says, as her eyes well up with tears again.

“Ah, I get it, a Danny from 'Grease' type of image,” I reply with a giggle.

“Who?” Isobel asks.

“Don’t tell me you have never seen Grease, as part of growing up. It's a classic film. “Wella, wella, wella and tell me more, tell me more, was it love at first sight? Tell me more, tell me more, did she put up a fight?” You never heard those lyrics?”

“Nah, before my time, sorry,” she sighs and somehow she makes me feel old.

Fuck me, the generation of today, have no idea what they’re missing, classic films passing them by.

“So, does this Leo guy make you smile?” I ask as I walk around my desk and perch myself in an ideal position to look down her top as I talk to her.

“Well, he used to until he started mentioning losing my virginity to him and then everything started to become too much, especially when I came here and left home.”

“To me, he sounds a dick and doesn’t know a good thing when he sees it,” I add hoping she’ll take the bait.

“I saw everything last night you know, every curve and every crease, I had a real boner for you.”

Isobel blushes,“I’m not sure what to say to that, and if it’s a compliment,” she replies, her face glowing a rosy red color. She’s the perfection of innocence. Fuck, I want to take her right now!

“I never realized how sexy you were until last night, maybe you hide it well, a little too well,” I explain, “I see your upset, but you need to grow up, don’t let that dick use you like that.”

“Maybe you’re right, I need to move on, I need to smile more,” she replies as she wipes her eyes and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes.