Page 288 of My Best Friend's Dad

“See? It wasn’t your fault at all. Don’t worry about it,” Thomas said firmly. “I want you to concentrate on feeling better, you understand?”

All I could do was nod. The car slowed to a stop and Thomas climbed out before walking around and opening the door for me. Café DeLuxe was just as I’d pictured it from the name. An open-air bistro filled a large space that was easily four times the size of the apartment I shared with Angela. Outdoor heaters were placed strategically between the tables and people sat with coffees, papers, and the occasional laptop.

“This really is a hipster joint,” I remarked to Thomas as we approached.

Thomas snickered. “I thought you’d like it,” he said.

I glanced down at my boring sweater and jeans. “I don’t think I’m cool enough for this place,” I said.

Thomas took my hand and squeezed. “You’re with me,” he said. “You’re cool enough.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re so corny,” I said. I blushed.

Thomas raised an eyebrow. “You like it,” he said confidently.

“Yeah,” I said quietly. “I do.”

A very hip, tattooed, bearded man showed us to a table in the back and handed menus. It was as different from our dinner dates as night and day, but I had to admit that it did feel good to be out of the apartment. Maybe Angela and Thomas had been right – maybe all I needed was a little time, and then everything would get back to normal.

Thomas ordered two large cappuccinos for both of us, as well as an order of beignet and two large croissants stuffed with cream and strawberries. We sat in silence for a few moments and I looked all around, enviously watching the people working.

“It must be nice to work from home,” I said. I sighed. “I’ve never even thought about that.”

Thomas laughed. “Planning a career change?”

I shook my head. “No. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I don’t want to quit now. I’m just worried about how difficult it will be to find another position.”

“June, don’t write off the school yet,” Thomas said. “If they have any sense, they’ll bring you back.” He raised an eyebrow. “Sandy told me that if at all possible, they’ll call you and ask you to return. They don’t want to open themselves up to a lawsuit.”


“My lawyer, Sandy Goldstein,” Thomas said.

I laughed.


“Nothing,” I said quickly. I blushed. “It’s just…you’re such an adult,” I said. I wrinkled my nose. “Sometimes I don’t even have matching socks! And you’ve got a condo, and a child, and a lawyer…I just wonder what you’re doing with me.”

“June, I’m spending time with you because I like you,” Thomas said gently. “And the sooner you realize that, the better it’ll be.”

Just as I was about to respond, I saw a flash of bright red hair.


I glanced up. My heart sank when I saw Marlene lowering herself into a chair next to me, opposite from Thomas. She beamed at Thomas.

“Hello, Marlene,” Thomas said stiffly. “Feeling better?”

“No,” Marlene snipped. She turned to me. “What’s going on?”

“This is June, you’ve met before,” Thomas said slowly. “June is my girlfriend.”

Marlene’s green eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious,” she said softly.

“I am,” Thomas said. “Now we were in the middle of a very serious discussion. Marlene, please leave – if I need to reach you, I’ll go through your lawyer.”

I narrowed my eyes. What’s going on between them, I wondered. This is so strange. Did something happen?