“I found some vegetables at the little stand nearby and wanted to get them into the kitchen. I’d like to think that he’s at least attempting to eat healthy with the house empty.” Anne hugged me before she pulled back and looked closely at me. “You look like college is treating you well.”

“It’s busy. I am always going,” I ran a hand through my messy hair that was pulled into a bun for our bath and then messed up during sex. I didn’t think that anyone would be here, and I checked the robe to make sure it was tied well with slow movements. “Studying and classes are my life now.”

“I do hope that you’ve met some guys. It’s quite something to be on your own in a new setting. You should enjoy it.” I winced inside but kept the smile on my face.

“Casually, sure. I don’t need anything serious at this stage of my life.” She smiled and nodded as I went to get some coffee.

“I had a ball in college. I felt so free after living with my parents and sisters and I went a little wild. Meeting Mike calmed me down a lot and I was ready for that.” They had two grown children that lived in the area and she spent a lot of time with them.

I wondered if I could ever tell the story of Boyce and I to anybody down the line. Would it always be our little secret?

“I love it. The campus is amazing, and I love my classes. I just like to come back for some peace here and I also miss the water…a lot.” I hadn’t been to the water once since coming back but I smiled at her, nonetheless.

“I can imagine that after living here for so many years.?

?? Anne took the bag that was on the counter and started getting the vegetables into the fridge as I sipped my coffee. I heard the front door open and glanced over to see Boyce coming in from a run, smiling as he walked towards me.

“Look who came by to bring you some veggies,” I offered as he paused and looked into the kitchen to see Anne.

“Hello there. This is a nice surprise,” Boyce changed his expression and walked over to hug her. “What did you bring?”

She showed him her purchases and I wandered over to sit at the bistro table to drink my coffee. The view was stunning from here and I looked out to where the water was as I listened to them talk together. I was relieved that Anne didn’t seem to understand what I was doing here. I felt like she might understand but then again, she looked at me like a daughter. I got lost in my thoughts until I heard her voice and glanced over. “I am going to go now. Mike wanted to go to the movies today while he was home. it was lovely to see you again, Vivian.” Anne hugged me again before walking out the front door and I let my shoulders drop.

“I didn’t know she was here. I came downstairs dressed like this to look for you and she scared me so much. I acted as normal as I could.” I started to talk as he walked over to me, stroking my hair back.

“She was acting completely normal. I’m sure everything is fine, Viv.” I could see the wrinkle in Boyce’s forehead as he spoke and stared into his eyes.

We walked down to the water once I calmed down and while we acted normal, I could tell that things were off. I packed my bag in the early afternoon and told him that I needed to get back to study for some tests. Boyce looked at me with surprise from the couch where we’d been watching a movie and stood up. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No. Of course not. I just forgot that I had several tests to study for.” I forced a smile on my face.

Boyce stared deeper into my eyes as he cupped my face, making me tremble.

“I don’t believe you,” he told me as he leaned forward to press his lips to mine. “Something has you ready to bolt and sadly, I can think of a few incidents that happened. I know that you need to get back, but I’ll be calling you later.”

“Okay,” I replied as I felt him let me go. He offered to help with my bag, but I assured him that I had it and headed towards the garage. I started the engine and backed my car out onto the driveway, telling myself that I was going to take some space from Boyce and the turmoil that he caused me. I was going to live life on my own for a change and see what else it had to offer.



I looked out of the window as she left the house. Vivian could deny it all that she wanted, but she was scared. Unfortunately, I knew that both the restaurant and Anne showing up here could be the reason or maybe it was both. I couldn’t change the fact that I’d slept with several women in my single years and I wondered why I brought them home. I knew in the beginning that it was to erase the memory of Nora from my mind but that didn’t work. I’d always love my wife, and nobody made me feel much of anything until now.

I looked around the empty house and sighed as I walked back to the couch. I was hoping for one more time with Vivian before she returned to school. I was addicted to her and I stared blankly at the TV.

I worked out in my home gym for an hour that evening, hoping to get her out of my system. I planned to shower and get some sleep and throw myself into work this week but once I was watching TV in my bed, I was wide awake. I reached for my phone and dialed Vivian’s number, waiting for her to answer. When I got her voice mail, I left her a message to call me and dropped the phone on my bed. She was avoiding me.

I slept fitfully without a return phone call and woke up early to shower again for work. I was the first one in the office and I made coffee and warmed up my computer as I looked around my large office. I’d made it mine when I started the company and it reflected every part of my life. I was proud of this accomplishment in my life, but I knew that at some point I would want more. Maybe that time was coming sooner than expected.

“You’re here early,” Max told me from the doorway. He headed one of the most successful teams in the company and was moving quickly to the top. He worked as hard as I always did.

“Figured I would start the week right,” I joked as he frowned and looked at me closely.

“Are you okay? You look like there’s something on your mind.” Max told me as I looked out of the window to the city.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need some more coffee,” I replied, reaching for my cup. “How does your week look?”

“I am handling the new bank in New York. It’s going to be beautiful.” Max boasted as I thought back to getting that account. It was going to do a lot for the company and at the time, I was excited. Now it just seemed dull and I took a slow breath as I leaned back.