Page 374 of My Best Friend's Dad

Holding my breath, I moved one hand along the waistband of his underwear. My tongue was sticking out of my mouth. I stuck my hand down and found myself holding onto this scorching piece of pipe.

“I can’t believe that I’m doing this. You are such a bad influence. I have a good mind to spank you. Something tells me that you would enjoy that too much.” I had a hold of him and the slippery surface at the top of the head was leaving behind a profound reminder of our time together. It was sticking to me and I licked my lips with that need to give him the benefit of my oral expertise.

“I am a bad influence and don’t you forget it. The power is in your hands literally and figuratively. What you do with it is up to you. I do love the way that you touch me and it always drives me wild to the point of not been able to sit still. I recall the way that you gave me a hand job in the bleachers underneath the jacket that I was using to conceal what we were doing. It didn’t take much to get you to be more adventurous. I saw that same adventurous spirit when you opened up the door wearing that outfit.” I was stroking the length of him, feeling how solid he was and what I could do with it.

“There isn’t a man alive that has been able to make me do something like this. I would not look that smug. It’s very unattractive to see you think that you have that kind of hold over me.” He did have the ability to make my motor run. The motorcycle was a good way to get me ready to throw caution to the wind. The vibration underneath me ignited that passion and he knew exactly what he was doing.

“I’m a patient man, Amanda. My cock, on the other hand, is a little bit impatient. It sometimes has ideas of its own.” He proved that by flexing that piece of hardware. The vein in the back was throbbing against my palm.

It wasn’t hard to recognize that his excitement was boiling over. A few more strokes and I would be leaving him with something more to remember me by than just a kiss. I was ready to see his climactic end. I think that I would’ve gone through it had it not been for the flash of those headlights that brought me back to reality.

I was caught in those lights like a deer in the headlights. I stared at those lights and then I looked back at what I was doing and I knew that I had gone completely overboard. I took my hand away with the look of his love muscle ready to explode. The color was a purple hue of excitement that was hard to deny.

He grabbed my wrist and wouldn’t let go. I had forgotten that he could be quite forceful when he didn’t get what he wanted. It wasn’t like he had done anything to make me feel like I was threatened in any way

“There’s no way that you can possibly leave me like this. That’s cruel and I thought that you were better than that. I taught you how to be the woman that I wanted. There was no guesswork.” I thought back on that time and he was right. I had no mind of my own and I let him guide me by the nose.

“You make that sound like it’s a good thing. I forgot what kind of man you are. I still feel that I can easily fall into the past. Your body is not exactly easy to walk away from. I’m just not sure if I?

?m that girl anymore. I want something better. What we had was one-sided and I don’t see that changing. I don’t see you changing and that’s the problem.” I’d found out what Gemini was trying to impart on me. Jones had the chiseled good looks and that smile that could send me into hysterical fits of insane laughter. He also was a man that had to have it his way or no way at all.

“I’m not done. I will not give up without a fight. The last thing that my father told me was to never let a moment go by that you didn’t cherish the one that you loved. He was the reason why I had to set my sights on you. He made me remember the girl that had only eyes for me. That type of devotion is something that I have been missing.” It was all starting to make sense. His father was a big influence in his life and losing him quite unexpectedly had sent him into a tailspin.

“I’m sorry for your loss. I think that I understand the motivation for you coming here now. I can’t be your lifeline. I can barely take care of myself let alone somebody else. I don’t even own a cat or plant because I know that they would die under my care. I can’t mend what is broken inside you.” I wanted to in the worst way possible, but that was something that he was going to have to do himself.

“I’ve always wanted to make my father proud. The only two things in my life that made sense were him and you. Everything else was window dressing including any woman that was unfortunate enough to find themselves in my bed. I need to give you a reason to believe that I have changed.” He left me standing there, as he zipped up and walked back to his motorcycle with helmet in hand.

He still had the flowing dark locks that gave him the appearance of some rebel without a cause. He revved the motor and I automatically could feel my legs quake with the memory of how it felt to have that beast underneath me.

Chapter five

“I have to give you credit for being able to pull yourself away from that. I don’t know if I could have walked away in your shoes. I’m not a woman, but I have had a couple of girlfriends that could be that bad influence.” I found August in the office and I told him about my impromptu meeting with Jones.

“I shouldn’t drop this in your lap. I could’ve easily told Gemini all of this, but I think that she would have told me that I should have taken one for the team. She has always stressed that the only way that I’m going to find closure is by getting underneath him or on top of him or having him come up from behind.” I thought for sure that he would run from the room, but August had shown this strength of character that I wasn’t expecting.

“I don’t like that you put your hand on another man, but I wasn’t there. You tell me how you felt. You told me the details, but you never did go into specifics about what it is that you felt when you were touching him like that. That will tell you everything that you need to know. It will also tell me if I even stand a chance at taking you out of his hands.” He sat there with his eyes glazed and still feeling the effects of the bottle of wine that he had consumed.

“At the time, I thought that my feelings had gotten the best of me. The trouble with Jones is that he thinks that any woman is powerless to resist him. I was like that, but I don’t fall for the pretty packaging anymore. There has to be more than physical attraction. It would be nice to have one last time with him to say goodbye, but I don’t think that I need it.” I wasn’t sure what would have happened if those lights hadn’t caught me in the act. I didn’t tell him that part. He would read too much into it.

“It sounds like you have made a decision. Do I take it that I should make the arrangements for two instead of one to go to China? They were very impressed with our preliminary drawings. They are setting us up in a private suite for the duration of our stay. They want us to be comfortable. They told us if we needed anything that we only had to ask. This project is going to be an undertaking. It was only supposed to be a couple of months, but they have expressed interest in a more long-term commitment. It could be that we will never come back here again. Are you sure that you are ready for this? We never did discuss how leaving everything behind was going to make you feel.” I wasn’t sure how to process this. Two months sounded like a vacation. The rest of my life sounded like I was running away from something.

“I am glad that you were willing to listen without going off the handle. I know that Jones wouldn’t have been able to do the same thing. He would have found it necessary to do something about this attraction that I have for you. He knows about you, but I don’t think that he feels threatened. I think that he’s taking you lightly. I’m not taking you lightly and the way that my heart jumpstarts every time that I see you is a clear indication that I’m where I’m supposed to be.” Seeing him sitting there made it easy to envision draping my legs over the arms of that chair and giving him a very dirty lap dance.

“I just want to remind you that I’m not your girlfriend. I’m willing to hear what you have to say, but it still hurts me to think of you with him. I’m just going on the record. It doesn’t come as any big surprise to you that I’m a bit jealous of the connection that you have with him” He was being honest and that was what I had asked of him. That didn’t mean that I had to like what he had to say.

“I’m not going to lie and say that having you both fight for me hasn’t been a dream come true. It does stroke my ego to think that I have two guys that like me that much that they are willing to do practically anything. I would say that you are a front runner. I don’t see how he could ever hold a candle to you.” The only thing that could make any difference was some kind of grand gesture that was going to catch me by surprise. I didn’t have any worry about that with Jones. He was not the type to go outside of his comfort zone. He could never do anything to embarrass himself or the image that he had built over the years in the NFL.

“Oh goody… I’m a frontrunner…that makes me feel all good inside. I think I’ll hold off on making those arrangements until you can convince me that I’m the only one that’s going to turn your head. You can look all you want and I’ve been guilty of that myself. I just need to know that you will be coming home to me and not shacking up with Jones in his love nest.” He looked damn good in that suit, but I had a feeling that he would look even better out of it.

“I would go ahead and make the arrangements. Jones doesn’t know how to step out on a limb. He’s stuck in his ways and there’s no way that he will ever want to tarnish his reputation for being a ladies’ man. That kind of arrogance is not going to win him the kind of woman that is going to be with him for more than his money. He only came here in a knee-jerk reaction to his father’s death. In my opinion, that’s no way to rekindle an old romance that fizzled a long time ago.” I held his gaze. August looked at me and I could almost see what he was thinking.

“I want to believe that, but I’m not entirely convinced. I won’t be until we are far away from here where I can have you all to myself. I don’t know much about the Chinese culture, but you do. I look forward to putting myself into your capable hands. I was a little apprehensive about this, but I think that I’m feeling more excited than anything else. It’s time to shake things up and living in the past doesn’t do anybody any good.” He was talking about himself, but I had a feeling that his comments had a double-edged sword.

“I do think that we should refrain from being together. However, if you were to permit me, I think that you and Jones should be on a level playing field. Besides, I knew what I was getting when I put my hand down his pants. I don’t know that about you. I would really like to find out. You have no idea how much I want to find out.” He thought that I was putting him on. He found out differently when I stood up and went around to his side of the desk.

“I really wish that you stop. I’m not sure that I can be trusted once you get your hands on me.” It was a risk that I was willing to take and one that was destined to happen sooner than later.

“If I were in your position, I would keep my mouth shut in case you say something to ruin the moment.” I draped my legs over the top of him and I sat down with my pan