Page 254 of My Best Friend's Dad

“It’s so nice that you’re taking your daughter out to dinner,” Katharine cooed to Thomas. “I can’t tell you how much I love seeing that.”

My cheeks were burning red and tears sprang to me eyes. Thankfully, Thomas laughed politely and shook his head.

“June is my date for the evening,” he said. “She isn’t my daughter.”

Katharine’s smile vanished. She glared at me, almost as if she were angry that Thomas wasn’t single.

“Oh,” she said shortly. “I’ll be right back with your wine.”

After she left, Thomas laughed. When he saw that I wasn’t smiling, he reached across the table and put his hand on my shoulder.

“June, relax,” Thomas said. He chuckled. “That was kind of funny, wasn’t it?”

“I guess,” I said sourly. “She’s jealous,” I added. I swallowed a lump in my throat. “It’s like she can’t believe you’re with me.”

“Well, I can hardly believe it myself,” Thomas said. He winked at me and I felt my frown melt off my face. “You?

?re the most beautiful woman in the room. I’m sure she’s just insecure, and she wanted to make you feel bad.”

“Stiff her on the tip,” I said dryly, winking at Thomas.

Thomas burst out laughing. “I should, shouldn’t I?” He snickered. “This menu is incredible,” he added smoothly, switching gears in less than a second. “What looks good to you?”

I glanced down. “I don’t know,” I confessed. “It’s all in French.”

“The lamb is fantastic, as is the hangar steak,” Thomas explained. “Do you like seafood?”

“Sometimes,” I said. I wrinkled my nose. “Not when it’s too fishy,” I added. “I only like it when it’s with a cream-based sauce.”

Thomas laughed. “You’re in luck,” he said. “That just about describes everything on the menu.”

We fell silent as Thomas perused his leather-bound menu. I glanced down at mine. The foreign words and accents intimidated me. The only thing I recognized was the word “entrée.”

“What’s chicken cordon bleu,” I asked, forming my lips around the strange words.

Thomas chuckled. “It’s a chicken dish with ham, cheese, and a creamy sauce,” he said. “It’s good, but very rich. Would you like me to order that for you?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Just get whatever you think is best.” I closed my menu. “I’m hungry, but this all sounds really good to me.”

Thomas nodded. “If that’s what you’d like, then that’s what I’ll do,” he said.

Katharine returned with the wine. She barely acknowledged me as she poured Thomas a taste. I watched, fascinated, as he swirled the glass around in his hand, releasing fragrant aromas into the air. As he sipped, he closed his eyes and relaxed his sensual, leonine features. I blushed hotly – it was somehow sexual, watching Thomas drink.

I wondered if that was the face he made when he came.

“Yes, this is perfect,” Thomas said after a long pause. “June, I think you’ll love this.”

Katharine turned to me with a sickly sweet smile on her face. “Ma’am, may I see some ID please?”

“Sure.” I pulled my wallet out of my clutch and handed over my driver’s license. Katharine stared at it longer than necessary, squinting hard at the date.

“Come on,” Thomas said. “She’s twenty-two.”

Katharine flashed him a big, fake smile. My stomach curdled as I heard her speak.

“Yes, sir, I’m sure – it’s just our policy to card anyone who looks underage.”

She handed my license back to me and flounced away.