Page 241 of My Best Friend's Dad

Hannah and I breezed inside. To my shock, Marlene was already standing in the lobby. Her flame-red hair was piled high on top of her head and her narrow face looked pinched when she saw me. She was wearing bright red lipstick.

“You’re late,” Marlene said. “I’ve been waiting here for over five minutes!”

“I’m sure that was very taxing on you,” I said dryly. “Where are we going?”

Marlene sighed heavily before turning on her heel and leading the way through a large, mostly unfurnished office. She turned a sharp left and pointed to a conference room.

“This is reserved for us,” Marlene said.

“Oh, great.” Hannah pushed past her. “Could you bring me a coffee?”

Marlene turned to me and raised her eyebrows. “Thomas, you have to be kidding me,” she said.

“Don’t worry about her,” I said. “We’re here to talk about Brett, Marlene.”

Marlene and I followed Hannah inside and I shut the door.

“Brett hasn’t been doing well at school,” I said. “He’s gotten in trouble a few times over the past week, for teasing and tormenting this little girl.” I stared right at my ex-wife. “Do you know anything about this?”

Marlene sighed. “If you’re asking whether the school has called, yes, I’m vaguely aware of something like that.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I narrowed my eyes. “You knew about this?!”

“Well, Thomas, I’m not sure what you want me to do,” Marlene said coolly. “He’s just going through a phase right now, it’ll pass.”

“He could get thrown out of that school!” I could feel my face turning red with anger but there was nothing I could do to stop myself now. “That’s the best goddamn public school in the city! I had to work so goddamned hard to get him accepted!”

Marlene shrugged.

“I’ve suggested a private school might be better for him,” Hannah simpered. “I went to private school, and I just think it’s such a better idea.”

I rolled my eyes. “Private school is off the table,” I said sharply.

“I don’t know, Thomas, maybe she’s got a point.” Marlene was picking her cuticles, she didn’t even deign to look at me as she spoke. “Maybe we should reconsider where we placed him. You know, a change could do the boy good.”

“It’s not happening,” I said firmly.

Marlene’s eyes flashed with anger. “You’re being a cheapskate,” she said. “You don’t even want to spend money on our son’s education!”

“It isn’t about that,” I said hotly. “It’s about his attitude! I don’t want to reward him for this shitty behavior. Like, oh, son – you’ve been acting out but it’s okay because Daddy is going to put you in an expensive school full of other little rich shits!”

Marlene and Hannah were both staring at me.

“Sorry,” I muttered. “Dealing with all of this is really fucking stressing me out at the moment.”

The rest of the meeting didn’t go much better. Hannah and Marlene turned on each other, and then I was suddenly the mediator. By the time we were done, I was exhausted. I felt a huge amount of resentment towards both of the women in my life, and I knew it was irrational, but I didn’t care.

“In the future, you’re not coming to these meetings unless you can behave,” I told Hannah sharply as we left the building.

Hannah batted her lashes at me. “Oh, Thomas,” she said sweetly. “I just want what’s best for you and Brett.”

I stared at her. My anger was rolling over me in strong, palpable waves.

“I trust that you’ll let me make those decisions,” I said sharply. “Because I’m sure as fuck not going to let you start parenting my son.”

Hannah’s cheeks flushed and eventually, she dropped her gaze.

“Fine,” Hannah muttered. “God, I was only trying to help.”