What kind of comfort was this? I tossed the question around my mind as I lay in the dark quietly. I could look back and admit that I’d been drawn to Boyce somewhere after starting middle school. I never pursued anything and dated boys my own age, but I remembered how worried Boyce was back then. Was he jealous?

The boys I dated through school were boys in every sense of the word. I always found Boyce to be sexy with his easy confidence and desire to succeed. He provided his family a good life when Nora was still alive and even after that when I moved into the house. I never wanted for anything, which was largely in part to my own parent’s planning, but I knew how much Boyce did for me. I knew how lucky I was that I got to come here rather than living in foster care or with a distant relative that barely knew me.

I thought back to the nights when I’d listen to him with other women. I was embarrassed at first but then realized how hot it was. I wanted sex to be like that for me and I chased that dream with a handful of guys through high school. I wasn’t a slut by any means and I didn’t sleep with guys that I didn’t care about, but I was curious. It never felt like I thought that it would. It never made me want to scream the way that Boyce’s women did, but now I understood why.

I smiled as I drifted off to sleep and groaned when my alarm went off. I didn’t want the erotic dream to end as I reached for my phone to hit the snooze button, needing some more time with Boyce. I got out of bed with enough time to shower and pull on some leggings with a sweatshirt before I shuffled out of the apartment. I walked to the campus and grabbed a coffee before class, slipping into the back row.

I told myself that it was good that I was dating off-campus. I could focus on my classes that way and achieve my goals. I slipped up at the party but that wouldn’t happen again. I was willing to allow Boyce to own my body and I opened my notebook and glanced up at the board in the front of the class, jotting down some notes.

I saw Miranda as I went to grab some lunch and she darted over to me with a huge smile. “Hey, there. How are you?”

“I’m good. How are you doing?” I asked her as I dropped the empty coffee cup into the trash at the entrance to the cafeteria.

“Great. So, I have Billy in my class just before this and he’s asking about you. He wants to see you again!” Miranda looked at me expectantly and I pressed my lips together as I tried to figure out what to say.

“He is?” I asked softly as she nodded and told me about another party the upcoming weekend. This was a birthday party and she gushed about how infamous the frat birthday parties were. “You have to come. He’s looking forward to another night with you.”

There was nothing special about the night that we already shared. In fact, there was nothing at all that stood out about it at all. “I am kind of seeing someone back home. It’s not serious which is why I didn’t make a big deal about it, but I want to focus on school when I am here and on him when I am there.” I met her frown and shrugged. “I don’t want to see Billy again.”

“You’re seeing someone. Who?” Miranda asked me as I walked forward to order my sandwich.

“Just a guy. It’s casual.” I smiled at her before ordering and she gave me a shrewd look. Miranda ordered her chicken sandwich and we moved along to grab drinks and some of the cookies the school served. She didn’t say anything until we were sitting at a table and it was then that she looked closely at me.

“You are having the best sex of your life, aren’t you? I can see it in your eyes, Vivian. Who is he?” She demanded as she leaned forward and stared into my eyes.

“It is a guy that I started seeing before I came here. Since I am not that far away, we decided to keep it going, but he isn’t stepping in the way of school for me. We just go back and forth,” I tried to be vague and she sipped her soda and unwrapped her sandwich.

“I don’t see casual in your face, Vivian. I don’t know you well, but I know what a girl looks like when she is feeling something for a guy.” I watched her shake her head as I picked up half of my sandwich. I couldn’t tell her who I was sleeping with. I wouldn’t tell her how old he was or how I knew him. I did wonder what look was on my face that gave my feelings away, vowing to work on that.

Bella could never know that I was sleeping with her father.

I was surprised later in the week when I arrived to find a box on my front porch. I carried it inside, using two hands since it was big, getting my backpack once it was inside. I stared at it, seeing no company name on it anywhere as I tried to remember if I ordered something. I grabbed the scissors from my desk and sliced through the tape carefully before I lifted the lid. I peered inside to see a lot of brown packaging and pulled it out slowly as I tried to see what was inside. “Oh, shit,” I murmured as I pulled out a box and looked at the picture on it as my skin heated up. I reached for my phone and dialed a number, waiting for the voice on the other line. “What in the ever-loving hell did you do?” I asked Boyce after he answered with a chuckle.

“I thought you might need a little something to keep you company on our nights apart.” I dropped the first box and reached in for another one, finding an even larger dildo.

“A little something? There is a lot of stuff in here,” I protested as I kept lifting boxes out. “I don’t even know how to use some of this stuff, Boyce.”

“I will have no problem showing you in person. I know what makes you tick and I ordered appropriately for your needs,” he assured me as I rested my head in my hands. “Just play around until we see each other again. Have some fun, Vivian.”

“I have never even walked into a store for this stuff before. Is there nothing that you haven’t done?” I asked softly, realizing that he had a lot more experience under his belt. I wondered if he liked to use his belt and blushed.

“It is all different with you, Vivian.” I heard the sincerity in his voice, but I let insecurity flood me for a moment. I knew that I was willing to give him any part of my body that he craved, but was it enough for him? Would Boyce get bored with me and move onto another woman? “Vivian? Are you there?”

“Yeah,” I replied, bringing myself back to the present.

“There is a green vibrator in the box. I want you to take that to your bedroom for me.” I blinked, realizing that he was going to listen to me with these toys. I sorted through the boxes, finding something that looked like it would penetrate me as well as tease my clit. It was the only thing that was green, and I locked my door before walking to my bed. “Are you there?”

“Yes,” I said as I dropped down to the mattress. I sucked in my breath and waited for instructions as I dropped back to my pillows, still messy from this morning.

“Take off your clothes, please. All of them,” Boyce told me as desire flooded my thighs. I told him to hold on and dropped the phone to undress, feeling desperate for a release suddenly. The room was hot, and I ran a hand through my hair.

“Boyce,” I moaned as I spread my legs wide. He told me to open the box and I did, turning the rubber device around in my hands. Boyce murmured dirty things to me as I followed his directions and turned it on, jumping as the vibration started against my finger. He told me to slide it around my clit with the setting set to low, and I cried out as it touched me. Soon I was thrusting it inside of me, each movement causing the nub to touch my clit and send me into cries of pleasure. Boyce talked me through it, soon moaning my name as I heard him jerking himself off. I turned the speed up and screamed his name as I came, pressing the vibrator against me as I jerked forward.

I dropped my hand to the side and breathed in deeply. I had neighbors that just heard a lot more of me than I ever intended, and I blushed at the thought. “I can’t wait for you to be with me again. There are some special surprises in that box for us,” Boyce told me as I smiled weakly.

